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Friday, April 30, 2021

lockdown day 410


Woke up and got dressed. Packed up Gabriel his lunch and bag. Got him dressed and took him to school. The drive on the way back was smooth, got home and made coffee, checked in and attended a meeting for my next assignment. Answered some questions and reviewed some of the materials that they created for the EW's and Supes. I have a unit meeting later today and a follow up training assignment meeting. 

(Morning: Coffee, chocolate, water)


Went to pick up Gabriel and came back home. Had lunch and attended my unit meeting. It ran a bit long today. On my break I helped Javi do some soft toss hitting and finished off work. Now going to log off. We headed to costco to get gas and some items. After we passed by picking up some sushi. The place took a really long time. 

(Afternoon: burrito,  water)


We got home, I went to use the bathroom and when I came out Gabriel was acting crazy again. My wife had an attitude about it so instead of me having dinner I just went with the boys to watch tv in the room. It really does such when people are mad at other people and take it out on you. Not my fault she doesn't set hard boundaries with this crazy kid. Anyway, here relaxing. Had dinner and drinks and now playing Madden.  Going to bed after.

(Nighttime: sushi, Jack and coke, water)

Thursday, April 29, 2021

lockdown day 409


Woke up and wanted to take the day off. But I changed and got Gabriel's lunch and bag ready. Got him dressed and took him to preschool. Came back home made coffee and logged in to work. I saw that I got invited to a meeting tomorrow about a project I have to do. I have been answering questions this morning and right now I just set up the hitting net with the pitching attachments. It's a nice day out so far.

(Morning: Coffee, water, chocolate)


We went out to pick up Gabriel and to get food. We stopped by picking up our lunch at To-Go's. Came home and had lunch, now working and waiting for questions. Off at 4:30 today. Gabriel has a tee ball game today. On a break I took the boys outside to practice a bit. Javi did pitching and hitting. He is getting better at catching the ball. Gabriel did some catching, throwing and hitting. It's a process and they are doing much better. Finished up work and got Gabriel ready, we headed out to his game. It was a fun game, he had a blast. He got 2 hits and made a great play.

(Afternoon: Coke, Sandwich, water, iced coffee)


We passed by getting Burritos and came home. Had dinner, I showered and cut my hair. After I changed Gabriel and had Javi change as well. Relaxing now and playing Madden. About to go to bed.

(Nighttime: burrito,  beer, water, chips)

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

lockdown day 408


Woke up and went to get dressed. Made Javi his lunch and got his bags ready. After breakfast I got him dressed and we took him to preschool. Came back home and made coffee and attended the weekly forum. Listened and did my presentation and now I am ere waiting for more questions to answer. I went quickly with Javi to Target and got some items and some Starbucks. 

(Morning; Coffee, water, Caramel Frappuccino)


I went to pick up Gabriel and came home. Gave the boys some lunch and now I am back in to work listening to a town hall on the future of our work. Attended the town hall and it looks good that we will still be able to telecommute to some extent. So, now I have 1 more hour to go before heading out to take Javi to the batting cages. Logged off of work and headed out to Union City for the cages. Javi was ready today,  he did awesome. After we drove home to pick everyone up for Gabriel's practice. 

(Afternoon: bisteak encebollado, gallo pinto, water)


We got to the park and Gabriel did his thing. They played in the kids area after and we just got home. Going to shower and decompress. Had dinner and watched some of the Giants game and now going to bed.

(Nighttime: water, gallo pinto, egg, meat, tortilla and cheese)

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Lockdown day 407


Woke up and got dressed, got Gabriel's lunch ready just to find out he was not going to school today. He had a bad night and a stuffy nose. Made coffee and checked in to work. Reviewing items and checking in with people. Very sleepy, but still here. Javi has a game today at 5:30. Gabriel is running around the house and I had to change him and get him out in the backyard to hit some baseballs so he could be out of my wife's and Javi's hair for a bit. 

(Morning: Coffee, water)


Had some lunch and checked back in to work. Waiting for time to have Javi get ready to go to the game. Javi finished up his class things, I asked him to go outside and practice for a bit but he is just lazy with it all. He doesn't see that I am telling him to practice for his own good. Having some coffee and practicing a document I will present tomorrow. Checked out from work and headed out to the park. 

(Afternoon: Bean soup, white rice, water)


Well, another loss for the Giants,  but they scored. It was 15-2, Javi played 1 defensive inning and had an AB, a strikeout. After the game I passed by picking up some burgers and came home to have dinner. Showered and now relaxing watching some tv. Tomorrow they are having a batting cage day for the kids and canceling practice on Thursday. So we get to watch Gabriel's game! Now off to bed. 

(Nighttime: burger, fries, water, Margarita)

Monday, April 26, 2021

lockdown day 406


Woke up and I thought it was the weekend. But it's Monday, so I went to get dressed and got Gabriel's backpack and lunch bag ready. Gave him breakfast, got him dressed and took him to preschool. After the drop off we came back home and I made coffee and checked in to work. Now just reviewing some items and waiting for time to go get Gabriel. Going to put gas in the Camry first.

(Morning: Coffee, water)


I went to go get gas and headed out to get Gabriel. Came back home, Javi was done with school and ate lunch. Gabriel did not want to eat. I waited for my wife to get back from the her office and we had lunch. Now working and waiting for questions and time to be off so Javi and I can go to practice.

(Afternoon: Chicken tacos, water, root beer, rice)


Practice was good. It was short, we had a meeting after. Tomorrow the kids play the A's. We came home and I showered,  had some food and now watching RAW. Going to bed.

(Nighttime: Rice, lemon chicken, chips, water. Beer)

Sunday, April 25, 2021

lockdown day 405

Woke up and started watching WWE 24 on the Miz. Had some French toast and coffee. Put together the coat rack and now waiting to shower. 
(Morning: French toast, coffee, water)

We drove down the Bridgepointe Target and got a few items. After we headed to my sister's to get the boys. After having lunch and hanging out and relaxing we went to Serramonte to check out if Dick's had some shoes for the boys. They did not so we drove towards our house but made a detour to Sonic's for some milkshakes. While we were there Javi's coach called me and we talked about an incident that happened over the weekend. It was a good talk. Now we are home relaxing. 
(Afternoon: chicken tostada, water, hit fudge shake)

Got home and chilled. Helped Javi shower,  bathed Gabriel and we ran out to get some food. Came home and had dinner. Now relaxing. I went into the garage to look for some batting gloves, I did not find them but I was able to get everything ready for Javi's and Gabriel's baseball bags. After I watched the WWE most wanted treasures show and now going to bed.
(Nighttime: water, Margarita, chow mein, sweet and sour pork)

Opening Day

Today was Javi's and Gabriel's Opening day. Javi played the morning game with his team the Giants vs the Marlins. He started on the bench but came in after he took an AB. He was one of the few kids that put the ball in play. It was a very cute moment for him. All week he had been nervous and preparing for his turn to hit. During practice he was not doing too well with live pitching,  but today in his one AB he made solid contact and would have gotten a hit if he only ran. When he made contact he stood there, maybe he was startled by the crowd cheering, mixed up what they do in practice or just got lost in the moment. By the time he ran he was thrown out by a few steps. He was smiling so much and his smile was big and bright. Eventhough the result was an out, I was super proud of him. He played LF for 2 innings and the game was over. They had lost 14-0. 
When we had our team meeting after the game some of the coaches focused on the negatives, I just reminded the kids that this was out 1st game, we will practice what we need to practice and that they played hard and well and that I was proud of them.
After Javi's game we ran over to watch Gabriel's Red Sox take on the Yankees in teeball. The game was already started, but I saw him hit and run the bases. I saw video later of how all the kids converged on the ball and they looked awesome. I hope to see more games.
I am super happy that both of them had a great day at the ballpark. All I want is them to have fun and learn to play. Javi's next Game is Tuesday against the A's. 

Saturday, April 24, 2021

lockdown day 404

Woke up and went to change. Made Javi some pancakes for breakfast. A little later my wife and Gabriel woke up and came out. Today is opening day for my boys. I went early to meet the team at the park and get ready for first pitch. There was a delay due to the umpire not being there. The game went pretty badly for the Giants. Javi didn't start but came in to play LF and got 1 AB. He made contact but in the moment forgot to run and he was out at first. They lost 14-0. Next game is Tuesday. Gabriel's teeball game was fun, he was running all over the place. After we came home, changed them and my sister took them over to her place for a sleep over. 
(Morning: coffee, water)

We ate at Black Angus and now we are home. I did some laundry and fell asleep for a bit. My wife came out and  she wanted to go to a mall, so we drove over and did some shopping.
(Afternoon: root beer, new York steak sandwich,  dessert, water, wedge salad, artichoke dip)

We shared a Strawberry Banana smoothie and on the way back we stopped to try a new Sushi spot near our house. It was good, after we came home and I called the boys again and finished up laundry. Now watching tv before bed.
(Nighttime: sushi, teriyaki chicken,  beer, water, smoothie)

Friday, April 23, 2021

lockdown day 403

Woke up as usual, went to get dressed. Made Gabriel some nuggets for lunch, got his things ready. Gave him breakfast and I headed out solo to drop him off. Came back home and made coffee and checked in to work. Moved the car real quick on a break and answered some questions. 
(Morning: coffee, water)

Went to Target, my wife went to get an oil change. I took Javi real quick to change his hat and jersey. From #13 to #5, it was too big for him. Drove over to get Gabriel and came home to eat some Sopa De Res. Checked back in to work and attended my unit meeting and answered more questions. I was assigned a presentation for Wednesday. During my break I ran over quickly to Starbucks and set up the hitting net for the boys to practice. 
(Afternoon: sopa de res,  iced caramel Macchiato, water)

After work we watched the finale of Falcon and the Winter Soldier. Made some Chicharrón and watched Mortal Kombat. Changed Gabriel and I went to shower.  Now relaxing and soon going to bed. Big day tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: beer, water, Chicharrón, tortilla)

Thursday, April 22, 2021

lockdown day 402

Woke up and got dressed. Got Gabriel's bag ready and dressed him. We took him to preschool and came back home. Made coffee, logged in to work and started reading a ACDWL on income for Medi-cal. Answered a few questions and chilled.
(Morning: coffee, water)

Went to get Gabriel and came home to have lunch. Had a raspado de Leche and checked back in to work. Answered some more questions and checked in with a few people. Now getting ready to go to practice with Javi.
(Afternoon: carne molida, white rice, raspado de leche)

Got to practice and did the pop fly drills. My wife took Gabriel to his practice. Now I am at a meeting here waiting for Javi's uniform and schedule. He got #13, after I came home, showered, had a beer and sliders. My wife bathed Gabriel and I helped Javi shower. Now resting up. Going to bed soon. 
(Nighttime: beer, water, sliders, fries)

lockdown day 401


Woke up and went to change. Got Gabriel's backpack and lunch bag ready. When he woke up I gave him breakfast and got him ready to go. We took him to preschool and dropped him off. Came home and made coffee and checked in to work. I didn't want to work today, but I have some meetings I need to be a part of so I have to be there. Attended the forum meeting and after took a break to get the snack bag ready to go since we are going to my sister's place today.

(Morning: Coffee, fig newtons, peanuts, Water)


Before we went to pick up Gabriel we went over to the neighbors house so Javi could thank him for the Giants items he brought over. After we got Gabriel and drove to my sister's. I got here in time to set up for the webinar and I have another meeting at 2.

(Afternoon: Water, Iced Coffee, Red Bull, peanuts, chicken finger)


After work we chilled for a bit. I got a break from driving as I had to attend a zoom meeting for score keeping. We got home and ordered pizza and picked it up. Had dinner, took out the trash and now going to shower. After we chilled and caught up on out shows. Now bed time. 

(Nighttime: gallo pinto,  egg, cheese, raspados de Leche, pizza, bread sticks, chicken wings)

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

lockdown day 400


Woke up and went to change. After got some nuggets warmed up for Gabriel to take for lunch. Changed him and we took off to drop him off at preschool. Came back home and made some coffee and went to work. Reviewing some items that I have to check for training. Had a few questions asked and I answered them and logged them in.

(Morning: Coffee, water, chocolate)


Went to Target and to get Gabriel. He had an accident at school so we have to get him some new clothes for his backpack. Came back home and had lunch. Now back in to work. On a break took the boys to the backyard to practice some hitting, catching and pitching. Now finishing off the day. I Have 2 meetings tomorrow. After work I watched a bit of the Stone Cold documentary and gave up the TV so my wife and kids could watch a movie. I went to shower after.

(Afternoon: Shrimp fettucine Alfredo, root beer, water)


After the shower and shave I made some soup. Gave some to Gabriel and after I bathed him. Changed him into his pj's and had Javi change as well. They were put to bed and we watched some tv, I caught up on the Goldbergs, Young Rock and watched the last part of the Stone Cold documentary. Now watching NXT while I fold clothes. All done, off to bed. 

(Nighttime: water, soup)

Monday, April 19, 2021

lockdown day 399


Woke up and went to get dressed. Got Gabriel's lunch bag and back pack ready. Gave him a donut for breakfast and got him dressed. We took him to preschool for drop off. I have to put gas in the truck a little later before getting Gabriel. Came home and made coffee, gave Javi breakfast and checked in to work. Got ready and headed out to put gas in the truck before getting Gabriel.

(Morning: Coffee, water, donut)


Picked him up and came home. Had lunch and now just checking some emails and documents for training. Put up the hitting net up for Gabriel so he could hit off the tee for a bit. Javi used it after. Later today is Javi's practice. Got the recycling ready and took it out, have to take the trash out later today.

Headed out to Javi's practice and the coach was not there again, so we had the Super coach who wants to head coach today. They asked me to help out a bit, which I really didn't want to today, but since I didn't want the kids getting yelled at, I stepped in. Had to diffuse and tell him to back off a bit. Anyway, practice was good and we came home. 

(Afternoon: Root beer, water, chicken tacos, rice and beans)

Nighttime: Got home, sent Javi to shower, I walked over to Wendy's but their lobby is closed, drive thru only, so I crossed the street and got some jack in the box for dinner and came home. About to shower and watch tv. Arnel called me with Allix, Kingston is still a bit under the weather. After the call I came to the room to rest up ans finish RAW. Off to bed after.

(Nighttime: beer, water, sourdough jack, 6 tacos)

Sunday, April 18, 2021

lockdown day 398

Woke up and went to watch tv. Put some clothes to wash, folded others and showered. Recorded a training video and we went to the park for Gabriel's practice. 
(Morning: water) 

The practice was good, it took a bit for Gabriel to get into it, but he liked it. We need to toss him grounders in the backyard and practice throwing. We got home and ordered Texas Roadhouse. We went to pick it up and came home to eat. My Mom and Sister hung out a bit before leaving to go home. I folded clothes and took a quick nap. I have a headache now.
(Afternoon: bread, pulled pork sandwich, water, cheese fries)

Had a beer and watched a documentary on Netflix. After I watched a WWE treasures show. Tomorrow I'll try to watch the Stone Cold Steve Austin documentary. About to go to bed. 
(Nighttime: beer, chocolate, water)

Saturday, April 17, 2021

lockdown day 397

Woke up and made breakfast for the boys. Watched some tv and went to shower. We headed out to the Dollar Tree. Before leaving the neighbor told us his wife had a bag of Giants give aways for the boys. When we got back the bag was there and it had a lot of things in it and they were really cool.
(Morning: bacon, egg and cheese sandwich, coffee, water)

Afternoon :
We took off to Antioch for the drive by birthday party for Micaela. We stopped first at McDonald's and drove over. Made it and hung out for some time at Oscar and Monica's house. When we played the games they had, we had a clean sweep. Javi, Gabriel, my wife and I each won. We stayed and talked with our Aunt and Uncle. Played with the kids and headed home.
(Afternoon: McDouble, McChicken, sprite, coke, water. Jameson and coke, Mr. Pickles sandwich, chips, ice cream cake, donut)

Drove home, tried a new way to see how it would be. It was pretty quick. About to play Mario Party 8 with the boys before the go to bed. I won and Javi was very upset. I has to have a talk with him about winning and losing amd how not to react when faced with losing. Anyway, did something I shouldn't have, I ate donuts late. Now going to bed.
(Nighttime: water, beer, donuts)

Friday, April 16, 2021

lockdown day 396

Woke up and went to get dressed. Set up breakfast for Gabriel. Got him dressed and now getting ready to take him to preschool. Took him over and came back home, made coffee and checked in to work. Talked to a few people and answered some questions. Now waiting to go get Gabriel. 
(Morning: coffee, water)

Stopped by target real quick getting some items and now picking up Gabriel. Came home and went to my unit meeting, after I went quickly to drop off the shoes they sent by mistake to the UPS store. Got home and ran out thr clock. The hitting net came in so I put it up and the boys hit for a bit.
(Afternoon: arroz a la valenciana, water, chocolate)

Had some popcorn and watched Falcon and The Winter Soldier. After I showered and changed Gabriel. Put the boys to bed and now going to bed.
(Nighttime: jack and coke, ritz crackers, cookies, water)

Thursday, April 15, 2021

lockdown day 395


Woke up and went to get dressed. After I got Gabriel's lunch bag and back pack ready to go. Got him dressed and went over to drop him off. The bruise he had from the hit he had last night was better, but still looks pretty bad. Came back home and made coffee and checked in. Got some very sad news this morning, one of my good friends Mother passed away from complications of COVID. There are still many people that don't believe that this is a real thing and that people can pass away from complications, but it is real and it has caused so many to lose so many loved ones. Right now I am just waiting for questions. So this morning a year after they had some big cuts due to COVID, WWE decided to cut some more people. It is really frustrating as those they let go are actually really good, they keep people who are not good. If anyone should be let go, it should be the 'creative' team, they couldn't find anything for these talents. I know that they will go on to do big things. WWE is making a big mistake.

(Morning: Water, Coffee, cookies)


I went to pick up Gabriel at preschool and we took a different way home. There is construction going on so I took the freeway instead of the streets, saved me some time. Had left over Panda Express and now going to check back in, off early as it is a practice day for Javi. Trying to keep Gabriel busy while my wife makes some phone calls. Finished up work and headed down to the park to take Javi to practice. 

The practice was good, they did some hitting and fielding on a park near by. I noticed some kids playing in the distance and went to ask what team they were and it turns out they ate Gabriel's team, they had practice and did not call us. So I am going over for a team meeting in a few. Letting Javi play at the park for a bit. Before going the there.

(Afternoon: Panda express, crush, water, monster)


Talked to the team mom and the coach. They were apologetic and that's cool in all, but they were still blaming others for their mistake. I honestly feel like an outsider with them. We'll see how communication goes with them and if we receive anything. If they don't send me the things they said they would, I think we may just pull Gabriel from the tee ball team and start new next year. We don't want to be anywhere we are not welcomed. After I picked up Popeye's chicken and talked to a neighbor and now going to shower. Watched some Law and Order SVU and I got a call from Arnel. It was great talking to him and being able to be there to support him during this time. Now going tk bed.

(Nighttime: chicken, cole slaw, beer, water)

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

lockdown day 394


Woke up and went to get dressed. Got Gabriel's lunch and back pack ready. Got him dressed and we took off to go drop him off at preschool. Came back home and I checked into work. Chatted with a few people and attended the forum meeting. After it was pretty chill, answered a few questions and took a break. I went to get some Starbucks.

(Morning: Coffee, water, Caramel Frapp, cookies)


We got everything ready to go. Packed up the car and headed over to pick up Gabriel at school. Got him and drove down to my sister's place. We are here now and I am working, waiting for questions and running out the clock. After worknwe chilled and went to pick up dinner at Panda Express. 

(Afternoon: Water, Iced Coffee, doritos, Chicharrón)


I gave Santi his birthday gift and we had dinner. After we drove home and I had to shower Gabriel as he spilled pediasure all over himself. He bumped his chin at my sister's and it's pretty bad. I showered and now I am laying on the floor resting up and stretching my back. Done for the day. Good night 

(Nighttime: Panda express,  water)

lockdown day 393

Woke up and got dressed. Made Gabriel some nuggets for lunch. Did some accounting and tool off to drop him off at school. Came back home and made coffee, checked in to work and was ready for the first training. It went ok, there was some issues revolving around some pent up frustration that they have. We reported it and went on our way. Now going to go get Gabriel.
(Morning: coffee, water)

Picked up Gabriel and came home. We were stuck in traffic. When we got here everyone had eaten lunch with out us and were made when I asked why the didn't wait for us. The excuses were laughable. But whatever, ate and about to go in to work again. Training at 2. Finished up the training and we went out with a bang! Last one for us until next time. I was able to go out for a bit and play catch with Javi and worked on his swing a bit. After work we went to Costco. 
(Afternoon: water, chicken, rice)

We got to Costco and did our shopping. Came back home, I put the items away. Made myself some Chicharrón for dinner and after I washed up all the items I used and cut Javi's hair. Now I will shower and watch NXT. Went to bed after. 
(Nighttime: beer, tortilla,  Chicharrón,water)

Monday, April 12, 2021

lockdown day 392


Woke up and got dressed, packed up Gabriel's lunch and back pack. Got him ready and took him to preschool. The drop off was good and we returned home. I made coffee and checked in. Training today at 9 and 2. Did the training and it was good, took about an hour. After on a break I was able to do some yard work and did some research.

(Morning: Coffee, cookies, water)


Chopped up some items for lunch before I went to go pick up Gabriel. I met the new director to the preschool and came home. Had lunch and chilled, did the 2nd training and it was good as well. Now waiting for time to get off so I can take Javi to baseball practice.

(Afternoon: Carne Molida, white rice, coke, water, ice cream sandwich, root beer)


After work we went over to the field and attended practice. I helped out today so Javi could see that I was there for him. Today's practice was good for him, he is making friends on the team and doing much better. We will practice some pitching and catching coming up soon and of course some hitting. 

After practice we came home and I showered and took out the trash. Had some beer and dinner and now hanging out. Watched a little bit of RAW, put the boys to bed and watched a show before finishing up a pretty bad episode of RAW. Anyway, off to bed.

(Nighttime: beer, chips, cheese sticks)

Sunday, April 11, 2021

lockdown day 391

Woke up, sore as hell. Went to warm up the nacatamales and had coffee. Not sure what will go on today except for WrestleMania night 2.
(Morning: coffee, nacatamale, pastry, water)

We drove out to the beach and the boys played. I am still super sore so I just laid out on the sand. We drove back home after about an hour and a half. Got some burgers at 5 guys and came home. I finished watching the Giants game and started watching WrestleMania. 
(Afternoon: burger, fries, ice cream, coke, water)

Of course since I am watching my show I get interrupted to go build a piece of furniture. Had to listen to the last 4 matched. After I got Gabriel's tee ball bag ready and changed. Now I am watching the matches I missed.
(Nighttime : water,  cookies)

Saturday, April 10, 2021

locdown day 390

Woke up and watched Beauty and thr Beast. Made breakfast, got ready and headed out to the park to volunteer for Javi's team. It was hard work, I was tired for sure. After went to Walmart and to West Coast to get the last items for the boys baseball teams. Came home and washed the camry and went to shower.
(Morning: coffee, egg, cheese and bacon sandwich,  water, Dr. Pepper)

Chilled a bit and ordered food for pick up. Went to hang out outside before leaving to get the pupusas. Went out to get the food and came home. Everyone was running a bit late,, when Amilcar and Olga came in the ate, soon after my Mom and sister's came by and ate as well. I made some Chicharrón and had a few beers. Wrestlemania pre-show is about to begin. We talked quite a bit and the show started.
(Afternoon: water, steak fries, beer)

WrestleMania was in the background while we talked some more and ate. When we were finished the Magic Bands came in. After my Mom and Sister left, we chilled outside and turned on the fire pit and roasted marshmallows. When they went home we chilled and soon after went to bed. So sore from this morning. 
(Nighttime: water, fruit)

Friday, April 9, 2021

lockdown day 389

Woke up and got dressed. Noticed that some one put back the stove protector wrong and they were burnt, so I fixed them. Got Gabriel lunch ready, gave him a pediasure and got him dressed and went on the way to drop him off with Javi. Came back home and made coffee and checked in to work. We did the training and it went well, now waiting for questions. 
(Morning: coffee, water)

Made myself lunch and soon going back in to do the last training of the week. My wife and kids came back home before the 2nd training. I asked them to keep it down a bit so I can do my thing. The training went well,  very good group. After I hung out a bit on my break with the boys in the back yard. After work I prepared the pork shoulder for tomorrow. Have to see what we eat. I had an early dinner and went to the park.
(Afternoon: cheese sticks, popcorn shrimp, water, doritos, pasta)

Got the information needed for Gabriel's team. Also ordered my hat for the the team. They are the Red Sox. Came home, chilled, we went to Target and came home. Changed and had some snacks and beer. Nice buzz going, hoping my nephew is born today with no issues. Watched the Falcon and the Winter Soldier and soon going to bed. Field clean up and WrestleMania tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: cerveza, popcorn, doritios, m&m's)

Thursday, April 8, 2021

lockdown day 388


Woke up and went to get dressed. Came out and made Gabriel some chicken nuggets for lunch. Got him ready for school and we went to drop him off. The drop off was quick and easy. Came back home to make some coffee and get ready for training. The training went well and we were done before the hour. After the training I was waiting for questions. Waiting for time to go get Gabriel.

(Morning: Coffee, water)


Went to put gas and to pick up Gabriel. We got back home and had some Sopa De Res, it was delicious. Now waiting for time to log back in. One more training to go today. We finished the 2nd training, had a quick meeting after for decompression and I helped an EW along the way. Ran out the clock and now getting ready to take Javi to practice. 

They told us field #2, then moved us to a park near by, then back to field #4. Javinwenr to practice and I went place the order for the sweatshirts. My wife stopped by with Gabriel and they dropped off Javi's hat. They went to the park and went home. I stayed the rest of the time. 

(Afternoon: Sopa de Res, water, cookies)


Got home, showered, washed dishes, made me some dinner and helped Javi shower. Folded clothes and now resting up a bit from a long day. About to go to bed.

(Nighttime: egg, gallo pinto, water, cookies)

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

lockdown day 387


Woke up and gave Gabriel a pediasure. I went to get dressed and after I got Gabriel ready for school. We went to drop him off and came home. I made coffee and checked in to work. Attended the forum meeting and now waiting for questions. I have a training later today at 2 PM. I warmed up some food for Javi to have lunch and sent some food for Gabriel. I am not going down this week to see my Mom due to the training.

(Morning: Coffee, Water, Cookies)


Logged back in after lunch. Still have not eaten an actual lunch. Had some snacks and water. Waiting on my shoes to be delivered as well as another package that is coming for my Mother in Law. I started watching the Giants Vs Padres game and now going to start the training. It went well, some good discussion and not real questions. Debating what I am going to do after work, I want to go for a walk, but not sure how far. But it also depends on when the deliveries will get here.

(Afternoon: Water, Cheese its)


After work I decided to take a walk around the neighborhood, which turned into a almost 1.5 mile walk. Ended up at Target and got milk, went to pick up food and came home. When I got here I was very tired, I haven't done a walk like that in a long time. But I have to prepare for Disney World. I had dinner and watched night 1 of NXT Takeover. My wife and kids got back home. They had dinner, I bathed Gabriel and I showered after. Put them to sleep and watched some tv. About to go to sleep as well.

(Nighttime: BBQ mix plate, water)

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

lockdown day 386


Woke up and got dressed. Gathered Gabriel's things for school and got him ready to go. I did not participate in the drop off today as I had an early meeting. I attended the meeting and presented a modified version of the ppt to the supervisors that we are presenting to the EW's. Now relaxing and waiting for questions. Just had a quick question asked about the training and it was pretty easy. It was about scheduling. 

(Morning: Coffee, water, ritz crackers)


Drove quickly to Target to get a few things, after I picked up Gabriel and now we are going to have lunch before I log back on to work. I was able to mow the grass in the back and made me an Iced Coffee. I still have a bit of a headache, need this Tylenol to work. Pretty soon I will be logging off and watching a bit of the WWE HOF ceremony before we leave to Gabriel's tee ball meeting. Made some popcorn and now just waiting to go.

(Afternoon: Water, Bisteak encebollado, Chocolate, iced coffee, popcorn)


We went to the park to attend the meeting for Gabriel. It got rescheduled for Friday. After we drove over and picked up McDonald's before coming home. Gabriel fell asleep in the car and I brought him in to sleep on the couch. We had dinner and now finishing up the WWE Hall Of Fame. After the show I watched Young Rock and did some resistance band training. Now off to sleep.

(Nighttime: big Mac, cheese burger, chicken sandwich, chicken nuggets, soda, water)

Monday, April 5, 2021

lockdown day 385


Woke up and went to get dressed. My wife decided to call out and kept Gabriel home as he wasn't feeling well. Javi is off another day due to spring break. Later today is his first baseball practice. Logged into my new work schedule for Monday's and reviewed the ppt that we are doing for the training today. At 9 we started our first training and it went really well. After the training we met as a team to go over what we experienced. It was good for everyone. I have a new assignment tomorrow, I have to do the ppt for the supervisors at 1235. So I will be doing that. Now going to get some lunch.

(Morning: Coffee, water, m&m's, cookies)


Had some bean soup and the left over burrito. Took out the recycling and the grass bin. Checked back into work and we did the 2nd training of the day. There were some technical issues but we made it through. Tomorrow I do a solo version for the supervisors. After work I took Javi to practice, the practice was 5-7.

(Afternoon: Bean soup, burrito, water)


When we were at the practice I asked what was the status of Gabriel's tee ball and was told that we meet tomorrow at 6.he will be on the Red Soxs. After we came home, I had cheese sticks and half a slice of pizza. Went to shower and helped Javi shower. Put the boys to bed and now watching RAW and listening to the Giants game. About to go to bed soon.

(Nighttime: cheese stcks pizza cookie, water)

lockdown day 384

Woke up and had breakfast. Went to check in for the training meeting and Karla forgot we were meeting. We will meet at 4 now. Got the grill ready and now waiting to shower. I gave the boys their Easter baskets and they loved them. Showered and hid the eggs around the backyard and the front of the house. Did a few run throughs of the training and got ready to turn on the grill.
(Morning: coffee, water, chorizo con huevo)

Started up the air fryer and loaded up the Chicharrón to start cooking. Turned on the grill and waited for the charcoal to be ready to grill the meet. Finished up grilling and we had lunch. Now we are out and they are buying some raspados.
After we headed out to the park and came home so I could do the training practice. My Mom, sister and Danny came over for a bit and chilled. When they left I cleaned the grill and put things away.
(Afternoon: water, root beer, carne asada, avocado, tortilla,  Chicharrón, raspado)

We watched the last part of Godzilla vs Kong. Gave the boys dinner and watched AFV. Now finishing up the Walking Dead. Going to bed soon. Tired
(Nighttime: brownie, water)

Saturday, April 3, 2021

lockdown day 383

Woke up around 9. Went to put clothes to wash and folded the boys clothes. Watched the first 2 episodes of The Mighty Ducks show. Cleaned up and washed dishes, showered and now hanging out with the boys while my wife goes to pick up her Mom at the airport. 
(Morning: coffee, water, brownie)

I folded a lot of laundry and put away my clothes. They came home, I helped bring the suitcases in. We went out to pick up lunch and came home to eat. After I chilled outside and then took a nap. Tool off to target to grab some items and came home to marinate the pork shoulder and now I am having a beer and watching the Giants game.
(Afternoon: beer, water, horchata, burrito)

Had some pizza and played Uno. Changed Gabriel to his PJ'S and we watched almost all of Godzilla vs Kong. Now going to bed.
(Nighttime: beer, Jack and coke, pizza, bread stick, water)

Friday, April 2, 2021

lockdown day 382


Woke up and got ready for work. Packed Gabriel's lunch box and back pack and we were on our way to drop him off. I sent him with his little Easter basket so he could get his eggs at school. We came back home and I made coffee and checked in to work. I asked if we could have a meeting to go over the training documents. This has been another messy training. Management is a bit off base with things so I wanted to make sure that we all knew what we had to do.

(Morning: Coffee, water, cheese its)

Afternoon: Picked up Gabriel and came home to eat lunch. Reviewed the documents again and now I am waiting to join my last meeting of the day regarding this training. Schedule is set and we are ready to go. Did that and after work we went to Walmart.

(Afternoon: Crush, water, Shrimp Fettucine Alfredo)


Did some shopping at Walmart and came home. We found the wood boxes and I got 2 off them. Got home and put things away. The boys ate, I waited for my wife to make some cheddar cheese biscuits like they have at Red Lobster. Showered and watched more of the Giants game, did some laundry. Watched some tv and now off to bed.

(Nighttime: beer, water, cheddar cheese biscuits, brownie)

Thursday, April 1, 2021

lockdown day 381

Woke up and got dressed. Got the boys their donuts and milk. They have a dentist appointment and we have the day off to take them. After everyone was ready we headed over to South San Francisco for the appointment. My wife took Javi and he did very good, has 2 cavities and we will need to.take him back for his fillings in May. Gabriel was awesome, he did the x rays and let the dentist and hygienist do their thing. His teeth are good, just need to focus on some concern areas. After we headed to 1235 Mission so I could get some things that I had on my desk..
We got there and they switched out the desk that was broken into and put my things in boxes. I took what I needed and we drove back towards the house to get some lunch.
(Morning: coffee, cookies)

We ate at Famous Dave's and came home to mow the lawn and work on some things in the back yard. I put up the canopy and now the boys are in the pool. Chilled and waited for time to go find out what team Javi will be on. To our delight and surprise it was the Giants! Practice starts on Monday. 
(Afternoon: root beer, BBQ, water, gatorade)

Got home and watched the start of the Giants vs Mariners game. My wife bathed Gabriel and I helped Javi shower before showering myself. Made some chicken tacos and I started watching the game again. They did not win. Anyway going to bed.
(Nighttime: beer, water, chicken taco, cookies)