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Tuesday, March 30, 2021

lockdown day 379

Woke up and went to get dressed. Packed up Gabriel's lunch bag and when he woke up I gave him some breakfast and got him ready for preschool. We dropped him off and came back home to start work. I made coffee and checked in. Had a meeting at 9 that lasted until 10:30, meeting a little later again. 
I spoke to Comcast about the camera getting stuck and they helped me through some troubleshooting. Before getting Gabriel I went to Target to grab some items for lunch.
(Morning: coffee, water, chocolate)

Left Target and went to get Gabriel. Returned home and turned on the grill and made burgers. Stretched my neck and took a nap. Gabriel has been behaving really and I had to put him on time out. About to go back in to work and attend another meeting. 
This meeting was trash, management is so lost. Anyway, we start next week. After work I went to get gad and took everyone out for ice cream.
(Afternoon: burgers, coke, water, 2 scoop sundae)

Nighttime :
Got the ice cream, went to Cardenas to get some items. Came home and had dinner, now chilling outside with the boys. Went inside, showered and put the boys to bed. Watched tv and now bed time.
(Nighttime: carnitas tacos, beer, water)

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