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Friday, March 12, 2021

lockdown day 360


Woke up and got dressed. Gave Gabriel a Pediasure and got him dressed. We drove to drop him off at preschool and it was a good drop off. Came back home and made coffee and we did the training. It was good and after I cleaned up a bit before answering more questions. 

(Morning: Water, Coffee, boost)


Ran out to get chicken strips at Target. Driving to pick up Gabriel and go back in to work. Had some chicken strips and water, folded some clothes and checked back in to work. Took a quick break to play catch with Javi and now running out the clock. Have to go to Costco after work to get gas and some items. Got a late assigned training for tomorrow morning.

(Afternoon: chicken strips, water, peanut butter cup)


Headed out to Costco and did some shopping. Got my beer and coffee for the next 2 months. Got some danishes, ground beef, clam chowder and some other items. We picked up some food and came home, put things away and had dinner. I bathed Gabriel, helped Javi shower, now I am going to shower. Showered and chilled, played Madden and watched tv. Now off to bed

(Nighttime: pizza, Jack and coke, water)

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