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Friday, March 26, 2021

lockdown day 375


Woke up and went to go get dressed. After I got Gabriel's lunch bag ready and dressed him. I took him to preschool and on the way we saw a bird slam into a moving car and died. I dropped Gabriel off and came home. I made some coffee and checked in to work. Answered a few questions and reviewed some documents. Moved the cars for street cleaning and now waiting for time to go get Gabriel. On a quick break I went to sweep outside, Charles called me from Mexico and was checking in and telling me what he has been doing. Going to see what I have for lunch

(Morning: Coffee, water, chocolate)


My wife went to get lunch and Gabriel. When she got back home we ate pupusas. Inrested a bit and attended some meetings. Ran out the clock and at 5 I took Javi out for one last practice before the tryouts tomorrow. He did really good, I hope he does his best and really has fun tomorrow. 

(Afternoon : pupusas, coke, water)


We got back home, I cleaned the dinning room table and vaccuumed under it. We cleaned out the dryer vent and we headed out to get some ice cream. After we came home and I showered and did laundry. Watched some shows and now going to chill until bed time.

(Nighttime: ice cream, popcorn, trail mix, beer, water)

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