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Tuesday, March 2, 2021

lockdown day 351


Woke up and went to get dressed. Put some dino nuggets to cook for Gabriel for lunch. He woke up, gave me a hug and I got him his half donut for breakfast. He ate and I changed him. I went to warm up the truck. A dog had pooped in our front yard, the owners did not clean up. Very inconsiderate. I removed it and placed it in the trash and we headed out to drop him off at preschool. When we got back home I made me a coffee and did the first training of the day. I was good, now waiting for the 2nd one to start. The second training went well, finished up and got my assignments for next week. All AM training. 

(Morning: Coffee, Water)


Went to get Gabriel and had lunch. Chilled for a bit before checking back into work. Running out the clock the rest of the day. My Disney items came in today, checked them and got them ready for the wash later. After work I put clothes away and we took a walk. Hit up the dollar tree for a gift bag and Target for some meds for javi. Now home.

(Afternoon: carne molida,  white rice, cheese, coke, water)


Bathed Gabriel,  inshiwered after. Had some peanut butter sandwiches, hot chocolate,  ice cream and slice of corn bread for dinner. Washed dishes and now helping Javi shower. Watched some tv and folded clothes,  going to bed soon. 

(Nighttime: peanut butter sandwiches, ice cream, hot chocolate, water, corn bread)

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