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Tuesday, March 16, 2021

lockdown day 365


Woke up and went to go get dressed. Came out and got Gabriel's bag ready for school. We drove him over and dropped him off, it was a good drop off. Came back home, had a coffee and an almond danish. We did the training for the supervisors and sent out the information. I answered a few questions that were asked and went to go help chop up things for lunch.

(Morning: water, coffee, Almond Danish)


I got a text from Danny asking if we could drop off the jumper at his job tomorrow, I loaded it in the car to get a jump start on that. I went to get gas, cash and Gabriel. Came home and ate some soup and now checking back in to work. Hopefully the rest of the day goes smooth. Spoiler alert: it did not. We got called in to a meeting to end the day about training. We settled some issues and now hopefully we get the things we need before we get screwed over again.

(Afternoon: Chicken Gnocchi soup, water)


Went to wash dishes and had some dinner. It's 3:16 so I had a Broken Skull IPA and some arroz a la valenciana. Went to the room and took a quick nap, after I went to the living room and hung out. Changed Gabriel,  I went to shower and after cleaned the bed and put the boys to bed. Watched some Law and Order SVU and Young Rocm before heading to bed.

(Nighttime: beer,  arroz a la valenciana,  water, toast)

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