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Wednesday, March 31, 2021

lockdown day 380


Woke up and went to change. Got Gabriel's backpack ready and gave him half his donut for breakfast. Got him dressed and Javi and I took him to preschool. After the drop off I decided to treat myself to some McDonald's breakfast. Now home, ready for work. I shouldn't of eaten that lol. Anyway, listening to the forum meeting. Javi's school registration came in and we have to fill it out. May do that tomorrow as we have the day off. Did some training and got my certification of completion and got ready to leave.

(Morning: OJ, Coffee, Hash brown, McGriddle, Sausage biscuit)


Picked up Gabriel with Javi and we drove to my sister's. Got here and now resting. At 3 I have to leave to go to a doctor's appointment. Chilled here and went to the doctors office and got a new climate controlled tube for my cpap machine. She also gave me a new mask to try out. Hopefully this works now. Came back and had a late lunch. Going to be leaving soon.

(Afternoon: iced coffe, water, spaghetti and chicken, water)


The drive home was good, no traffic and it was nice weather. We got home and I unpacked the car. Talked to my mom while I cleaned up the kitchen and dining area. Went to shower and connect my CPAP. Been hanging out watching NXT and now a little bit of Law and Order SVU before bed.

(Nighttime: Margarita, snickers, water)

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

lockdown day 379

Woke up and went to get dressed. Packed up Gabriel's lunch bag and when he woke up I gave him some breakfast and got him ready for preschool. We dropped him off and came back home to start work. I made coffee and checked in. Had a meeting at 9 that lasted until 10:30, meeting a little later again. 
I spoke to Comcast about the camera getting stuck and they helped me through some troubleshooting. Before getting Gabriel I went to Target to grab some items for lunch.
(Morning: coffee, water, chocolate)

Left Target and went to get Gabriel. Returned home and turned on the grill and made burgers. Stretched my neck and took a nap. Gabriel has been behaving really and I had to put him on time out. About to go back in to work and attend another meeting. 
This meeting was trash, management is so lost. Anyway, we start next week. After work I went to get gad and took everyone out for ice cream.
(Afternoon: burgers, coke, water, 2 scoop sundae)

Nighttime :
Got the ice cream, went to Cardenas to get some items. Came home and had dinner, now chilling outside with the boys. Went inside, showered and put the boys to bed. Watched tv and now bed time.
(Nighttime: carnitas tacos, beer, water)

Monday, March 29, 2021

lockdown day 378


Woke up and went to get dressed. Set up breakfast for Gabriel and made him his nuggets for lunch. When he woke up I gave him his pediasure and got his back pack ready. We drove over to the preschool for drop off and it was quick. Got back home and made coffee, checked in to work and had some nice check in conversations. Attended 2 meetings and got ready to get Gabriel.

(Morning: Coffee, water, chocolate)


Picked up Gabriel and had lunch. About to get in to another meeting. After the meeting I took a quick break. We booked out Disney World trip and now all we need is the flights. After work I went over to Chili's to get dinner. 

(Afternoon: Water, Spaghetti and meatballs, cheese its)


Got back home, ate and chilled. Showered and washed some clothes. Watching RAW and folding clothes. About to go bed when I am done.

(Nighttime: Margaritas, burger, loaded mashed potatoes, césar salad, water, monster mix)

Sunday, March 28, 2021

lockdown day 377

Woke up and made breakfast fornthe boys. Got ready and had Javi get readynfor day 2 of try outs. He doesn't want to go, but I am making him go. We get here and finally they start the registration. I have to return later to pay the fee as I forgot the checkbook. This league is so disorganized. She came by and I went to pay. Javi did great today and they had the kids pitch. After we went to Target and came home to make lunch.
(Morning: bacon. Egg and cheese sandwich)

Got the grill ready and made burgers and hot dogs. We put the pool out for the boys. Arnel, Priscilla and Allix passed by to drop off the canopy and after I got everyone ice cream from the ice cream truck. Watched a show on Beth Phoenix and now making chicharon.
(Afternoon: burgers, water, ice cream)

Chicharrón was delicious. Going to make them again maybe next weekend for Easter. Today has been a great day, so much time relaxing and resting. It's been fun for sure. About to shower, maybe we go out again and light up the fire pit and roast marshmallows, don't know yet.
I lit the fire and we made marshmallows. After I cleaned up and we watched AFV. Put the boys to bed and watched the walking dead. Now goimg to bed.
(Nighttime: Margaritas, Chicharrón, tortilla, water, marshmallows)

Saturday, March 27, 2021

lockdown day 376

Got up and just changed. Going to shower a little later. Today is the day, Javi's tryouts. Nervous and excited for him. Getting things ready for him so he can go out there and do his best. We got ready and we drove over. We are waiting now. Javi did a great job today. He needs to work on hitting, but he did awesome. Could not be prouder of him. After we stopped by a coffee shop and tried some new drinks and came home. I got busy doing laundry and cleaning the bathrooms before showering and getting ready.
(Morning: coffee, more coffee)

We started the drive to Kingston's baby shower. It was fun, I enjoy enjoy catching up with extended family. After we had a early dinner with my Mom and Sister at the Outback and drove home.
(Afternoon: bahni ma sandwich, shrimp and steak pasta)

Got home and put clothes to dry, cleaned up a bit and started up the fire pit. We chilled outside for some time, had a beer, now we are inside and I am having some Margaritas. Watched tv and finished up laundry. Played a few games of Madden and now going to bed.
(Nighttime: beer, Margaritas, water)

Friday, March 26, 2021

lockdown day 375


Woke up and went to go get dressed. After I got Gabriel's lunch bag ready and dressed him. I took him to preschool and on the way we saw a bird slam into a moving car and died. I dropped Gabriel off and came home. I made some coffee and checked in to work. Answered a few questions and reviewed some documents. Moved the cars for street cleaning and now waiting for time to go get Gabriel. On a quick break I went to sweep outside, Charles called me from Mexico and was checking in and telling me what he has been doing. Going to see what I have for lunch

(Morning: Coffee, water, chocolate)


My wife went to get lunch and Gabriel. When she got back home we ate pupusas. Inrested a bit and attended some meetings. Ran out the clock and at 5 I took Javi out for one last practice before the tryouts tomorrow. He did really good, I hope he does his best and really has fun tomorrow. 

(Afternoon : pupusas, coke, water)


We got back home, I cleaned the dinning room table and vaccuumed under it. We cleaned out the dryer vent and we headed out to get some ice cream. After we came home and I showered and did laundry. Watched some shows and now going to chill until bed time.

(Nighttime: ice cream, popcorn, trail mix, beer, water)

lockdown day 374

Woke up and went to get changed. Made Gabriel some nuggets for lunch. Had him eat breakfast and after I got him dressed. Now taking him to preschool. Got home and made coffee and checked in to work. Had some conversations this morning with a few different people. Had a quick meeting with a unit mate regarding the documents of the upcoming training. We reviewed what was there and talked about what we thought we should do. Now waiting to go get Gabriel.
(Morning: Water, Coffee, Danish)

Went to get Gabriel and came back home. Had lunch and chilled outside for a bit. About to check back in to work soon. Washed the truck Gabriel and my wife cleaned out the inside of the truck. Collected some more sticks and now running out the clock. After work we went to the park and practiced hitting. Javi did really good today. Might bring him out again tomorrow. After I dropped off Gabriel and my wife at home and I went to Costco with Javi.
(Afternoon: Carne molida, white rice, root beer, water)

It was a good Costco trip. I like spending time doing things with Javi like this. We walked around and he helped me pick out some items. I got him a vanilla ice cream and we talked about his school and his new one coming up. We also talked about his try out. I told him again, as long as he tries his best and has fun, that is all I care about. We got home and put things away, had dinner and I showered. Put the boys to bed and washed some clothes. Watched some tv and now off to bed.
(Nighttime: pizza, beer, water)

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

lockdown day 373


Woke up this morning and went to change. It's a bit cold this morning, but not too bad. Got dressed and cleaned up a bit, I gave Gabriel half a donut for breakfast. Got him ready for school and we went to drop him off. After the drop off we came home and I made coffee and had a danish. Logged in to work and attended the forum meeting. I did some research on on placing people on hold and made a quick document and sent it in for review. Going to start getting ready to go get Gabriel and go down to my sisters.

(Morning: Coffee, water, cream cheese strawberry danish, chocolate)


Drove over to get Gabriel and passed by getting some food at Burger King. The drive was good, got to my sister's in time to get on my webinar. Listened to that and now I have a headache. Waiting for feedback on the document that I sent over. Running out the clock now.

(Afternoon: 2 Chicken Sandwiches, gummy bears, water, iced coffee, coke)


Drove home and put things away. Had dinner and washed dishes. Changed Gabriel and went to shower. Cleaned the bed and did some stretching after I put the boys to sleep. Now laying down and resting, watching a little TV before bed.

(Nighttime: beer, water, baho, chicken, white rice, chips)

lockdown day 372

Woke up and went to change. After I came out and started making lunch for Gabriel. Got him ready and we went to drop him off at preschool. The drop off was good, we returned home and I checked in to work. We had a training in the morning and after I answered some questions from the EW'S. 
(Morning: coffee, water, reeses sticks)

Went to Target real quick to get some items. Picked up Gabriel and came home to have lunch. Washed dishes after and now resting up before I log in and go to a meeting. Attended the meeting and gave my input. Tomorrow I will try to clean up some items for the training. After work we went to the park and to Lucky's
(Afternoon: chicken, rice, chips, water)

Got home and picked up some sticks outside that we will use for the fire pit, hopefully Friday or Saturday night will be just right for a nice little fire. Cut Javi's hair. He wanted a Mohawk so I gave him one, it's a snake Mohawk. Made dinner for everyone and now I am going to shower. Finished up and started laundry. Washed dishes and put the boys to bed. Going to bed as well.
(Nighttime: Margaritas, sandwich, chicken strips, water)

Monday, March 22, 2021

lovkdown day 371

Woke up and got dressed. Wasn't feeling too good so I called out. I was tired and needed a break from work. Got Gabriel ready and we took him to preschool,  the drop off was good. After I passed by dropping off my wife and Javi at the house while I went to fill up the truck. Got back home, had coffee and laid out watching Law and Order SVU. 
Javi was in class and I got ready to go pick up Gabriel. 
(Morning: coffee, water, Reese's peanut butter cup)

Got Gabriel and drove to Papa Panchos to pick up lunch. Came back and had a burrito. Rested a bit and around 4 we went to the park to have Javi do some batting practice and field work. After the park we came home and I took out the trash.
(Afternoon: burrito,  water, horchata)

Bathed Gabriel,  after we watched AFV and I sent Javi to shower while I cut my hair and shaved. After I took a shower and got the boys ready for bed. I ate the left overs from earlier which right now seem like a super bad idea.  Watching RAW.
(Nighttime: left over burrito, root beer, water)

Sunday, March 21, 2021

lockdown day 370

Woke up when Javi called me to ask if he could have a Gummi, I old them they could have it. Made breakfast and had coffee. Mowed the lawn and did some other yard work. Showered and we took off to go get the boys.
(Morning: coffee, eggs, bratwurst, toast)

We got to my sister's and hung out a bit. They had lunch. After some time we went to the park for a bit and headed home. We stopped by 7-11 real quick before getting on the freeway. The drive was good, Gabriel fell asleep on the way. We got home and he napped while I watched Fastlane. 
(Afternoon: slurpee, chocolate peanut butter cake, water, steak and cheese taquitos) 

Continued watching Fastlane and ate my nacatamale and some left over shrimp pasta alfredo. Finished watching the event, saw a documentary and now watching the Walking Dead before going to bed.
(Nighttime: nacatamale,  water, shrimp fettuccine alfredo,  m&m's)

lockdown day 369

Woke up and had some coffee. Bathed Gabriel and helped Javi shower. I got ready and we headed out to Walmart to get the boys their baseball equipment. After that we drove to red robins for lunch.
(Morning: coffee, reeses peanut butter cup,  water)

We had lunch at Red Robin's and after went to the rat casino. When we were done we went to Serramonte to get Javi his cleats. When we were done we drove to my sister's.  We are waiting for them to get back so we can go back home. The boys are staying over. 
We hung out for a bit and then drove back home to have dinner.
(Afternoon: burger, fries, onion rings, water, root beer float)

We stopped by a Cajun seafood place and it was good. We had the lobster,  muscles and shrimp bag. It was delicious.  After we went to Target and came home to put things away and watch a movie. I took a shower as I smelled of garlic butter. Watched a bit of TV and off to bed. 
(Nighttime: Cajun seafood, beer, water)

Friday, March 19, 2021

lockdown day 368


Woke up and went to get dressed. It was cold, not cold as other days, but cold. Gave Gabriel a Pediasure and got him dressed. We took him over to preschool, the drop off was quick, there were a lot of parents there for the drop off this morning. Came back home and made coffee, checked in to work and now waiting for questions from people. Later today I have my unit meeting. Was able to get some questions answered for some people do did some laundry. 

(Morning: Coffee, Water, Peanut butter cup)


Went to pick up Gabriel and came back home, had lunch. Played in the backyard and cleaned up a bit. Attended the meeting and it was ok, after I reviewed some documents for training and did a quick power point.  Logged off and washed dishes and went to go get food for everyone.

(Afternoon: shrimp fettuccine Alfredo, water, coke)


Got home and everyone had dinner. I had popcorn shrimp and toasted bread. We watched The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, put the boys to bed and now watching more of the Justice League : the Zack Snyder cut.(Nighttime: water, wine, popcorn shrimp, toast, chocolate)

Thursday, March 18, 2021

lockdown day 367


Woke up and got dressed. Gave Gabriel his donut and when he was done I changed him and we took him to school. Put some items to wash and made my coffee. Checked in to work and now waiting for questions. I cleaned up the table and continued working. Javi was in class and did well. About to go get ready to pick up Gabriel.

(Morning: Coffee, Water, Cheese it's)


Drove over to pick up Gabriel and came home. Had sliders, my wife made a mess, a mess that could have been avoided if she would have listened to me, but as it goes in life, no one listens to me. Now I have to wait a bit to clean it up. Finished up some work and helped out one of my peers with some information. Finished up work and ordered dinner. Watched The Dark Side of the Ring while we waited.

(Afternoon: Sliders, water, monster)


The food got here, I served me and the boys. My wife was going to eat later. After dinner Javi helped sweep up the living room and dining room area, I washed the dishes,  cleaned the counters and the stove that was full of grease from earlier. Talked to my mom a bit and now going to shower. After started watching the Justicd League the Snyder Cut. Stopped it close to the halfway point. Now going to bed.

(Nighttime: beer, water, fried rice, beef chow fung, orange chicken,)

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Lockdown day 366


Woke up and went to change. After I got ready I put on a sweater and warmed up some food for Gabriel's lunch. Got him dressed and ready for us to take him to preschool. It's cold outside, the drive was good and quick. We came home and I made coffee, gave Javi some breakfast and I checked in to work and talked to a few people. About to get in to the weekly forum meeting. Today is St. Patrick's day! Since we are leaving to go visit my Mom and Sister today I am making lunch early.

(Morning: Coffee x2, water)


Had a turkey sandwich and some chicken strips. Off to get Gabriel, drop off the jumper and go to my sister's place. Picked him up and drove down to the city. I had to change course as Danny was no longer at work so I took the jumper to his Mom's house. Dropped it off and drove to Daly City and now here working and going to run out the clock. Finishing up work and waiting for the Cornes beef and cabbage to be ready. It's almost 5, need time to hurry up so I get log off of work.

(Afternoon: Iced Coffee, Turkey sandwich, Chicken strips)


Got off of work and we had dinner. Some corned beef, cabbage, potatoes and carrots. It was delicious. After chilled for a bit and headed home. The drive was good, Gabriel fell asleep in the car and when we got home I had Javi shower, I cleaned up a bit and I am about to go shower as well. Cleaned the bed and watched some tv. My wife bathed Gabriel and I watched NXT. Put the boys to bed and now off to sleep.

(Nighttime: corned beef, cabbage, potatoes,  carrots, water)

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

lockdown day 365


Woke up and went to go get dressed. Came out and got Gabriel's bag ready for school. We drove him over and dropped him off, it was a good drop off. Came back home, had a coffee and an almond danish. We did the training for the supervisors and sent out the information. I answered a few questions that were asked and went to go help chop up things for lunch.

(Morning: water, coffee, Almond Danish)


I got a text from Danny asking if we could drop off the jumper at his job tomorrow, I loaded it in the car to get a jump start on that. I went to get gas, cash and Gabriel. Came home and ate some soup and now checking back in to work. Hopefully the rest of the day goes smooth. Spoiler alert: it did not. We got called in to a meeting to end the day about training. We settled some issues and now hopefully we get the things we need before we get screwed over again.

(Afternoon: Chicken Gnocchi soup, water)


Went to wash dishes and had some dinner. It's 3:16 so I had a Broken Skull IPA and some arroz a la valenciana. Went to the room and took a quick nap, after I went to the living room and hung out. Changed Gabriel,  I went to shower and after cleaned the bed and put the boys to bed. Watched some Law and Order SVU and Young Rocm before heading to bed.

(Nighttime: beer,  arroz a la valenciana,  water, toast)

lockdown day 364


Woke up this morning and went to get dressed. Made Gabriel some nuggets for lunch. Had to wake the boys up since they overslept. Got them ready and took Gabriel to school. When we got back I made coffee and checked in to work. Javi checked in to school, my wife took her friend to the airport and went to the office. I finished my training and now making sure Javi finishes his school work. Going to pick up Gabriel around 12:10.

(Morning: Coffee, Water, Almond/Cheese Danish)


We picked him up.and came back home. Made them corn dogs and they watched the Croods movie again. I worked again and had some food. My wife came home and began to work. Finished out the day and went to Target to grab some items.

(Afternoon: white rice, carne molida,  water, corn nuts)


Got back home. Took out out the trash. Washed dishes and made dinner. Bratwurst and a beer. Played catch with Javi and after I took a shower. Waiting to put the boys to bed. Put them to bed and watched RAW. Went to bed after.

(Nighttime: beer, Bratwurst, water)

Sunday, March 14, 2021

lockdown day 363

Woke up to make breakfast for the boys. I may have drank a bit too much last night. Anyway, my hip is hurting like crazy. Had breakfast,  washed dishes, had the boys change and I showered and got ready for the day.
(Morning: coffee, water, bacon, egg and cheese sandwich)

My Mom and sister came over and we went to have lunch at the Texas Road House. Had a good lunch and now we are home. Took a nap while watching the Grammy's. Bathed Gabriel and helped Javi shower. We are about to watch the Croods: a new age.
(Afternoon: pulled pork sandwich, loaded mashed potatoes, water)

The movie was good. I had left over ribs and also did laundry. Put the boys to bed and I watched the walking dead and folded clothes. About to go to sleep.
(Nighttime: water, ribs, milkshake)

Saturday, March 13, 2021

lockdown day 362

Woke up and rolled out of bed. Had breakfast and watched a movie on Netflix called Yea Day. Changed Gabriel and I went to shower.
(Morning: coffee, cheese Danish, almond danish, water)

Afternoon :
My wife and her friend went out to Cardenas to grab some food to make. The brought me back some Carnitas and I had that. After we went out to the park to have the boys play, ride bikes and practice baseball with Javi. After we came home, I washed the dishes and talked to my mom.
(Afternoon: carnitas tacos, water, coke, ice cream)

My wife and friend came home, they had food. I have drinks and we played Uno and poker, eventually 21. Had a blast.
(Nighttime: jack and coke)

Friday, March 12, 2021

lockdown day 361


Woke up, got dressed, got Gabriel's lunch ready. Dressed him after he has his pediasure and we took him to preschool. It was a good drop off. After we came home, I made coffee and got ready to do a training, the last one this week. On my break I moved the cars and went real quick to Starbucks. Cleaned up a bit and chilled, got ready to go get Gabriel.

(Morning: Coffee, Caramel Machiatto, water)


Picked up Gabriel and came back home. I have a meeting soon. My wife came home with her friend. We had lunch and now I am in my unit meeting. Hopefully the rest of the work day will be quick. They went out to the park and came back. I was still working. Now I am off and went to talk to my mom for a bit. 

(Afternoon: Clam Chowder, Toast, Fillet-o-Fish, water)


Had dinner and went to change the boys before showering. About to watch the last episode of a show with Javi. Finished that and put the boys to bed, we watched a movie and now off to sleep.

(Nighttime: beer, Philly roll, danish, water)

lockdown day 360


Woke up and got dressed. Gave Gabriel a Pediasure and got him dressed. We drove to drop him off at preschool and it was a good drop off. Came back home and made coffee and we did the training. It was good and after I cleaned up a bit before answering more questions. 

(Morning: Water, Coffee, boost)


Ran out to get chicken strips at Target. Driving to pick up Gabriel and go back in to work. Had some chicken strips and water, folded some clothes and checked back in to work. Took a quick break to play catch with Javi and now running out the clock. Have to go to Costco after work to get gas and some items. Got a late assigned training for tomorrow morning.

(Afternoon: chicken strips, water, peanut butter cup)


Headed out to Costco and did some shopping. Got my beer and coffee for the next 2 months. Got some danishes, ground beef, clam chowder and some other items. We picked up some food and came home, put things away and had dinner. I bathed Gabriel, helped Javi shower, now I am going to shower. Showered and chilled, played Madden and watched tv. Now off to bed

(Nighttime: pizza, Jack and coke, water)

Thursday, March 11, 2021

lockdown day 359

Woke up and went to change. It's cold out today. Changed Gabriel and got him ready for school. The drop off was good, there is still construction around our area so we left a few minutes earlier. Got back home and made coffee, checked in and conducted the first training. After I jumped into the forum meeting. Answered a few questions and now waiting for time to go get Gabriel and finish the day off at my sister's. 
(Morning: coffee, water, pop tart)

Picked up Gabriel and drove down to my sister's. It was raining hard on the bridge but we made it safe. Logged into work and now reviewing some items. Been over here listening to the kids play and run around while I am working. So tired, so sleepy, need some coffee or something.
No coffee for me, just water. Finished up work and my wife came by. We hung out a bit more and we drove home. 
(Afternoon: baho, chorizo con huevo, iced coffee, water)

The drive was good, light rain at times but manageable. We ordered some Popeye's chicken for dinner and passed by picking it up before coming home. Got home and I connected my laptop for tomorrow and now going to eat, chill.and shower before resting up. Changed Gabriel, I showered, put.the boys to bed, watched NXT amd played Madden. Now off to bed.
(Nighttime: water, chicken, biscuits, cole slaw)

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

lockdown day 358


Woke up and got dressed. Came out and made nuggets for Gabriel's lunch. Gave him breakfast and dressed him. We took him to preschool. The drop off was good, came back home to have coffee and check in to work. Been answering questions and doing research. No training today. It's my Father In Laws and Goddaughter Allix birthday today.

(Morning: Coffee, water, empanadas, pop tart, cup cakes)


Went to Target real quick before getting Gabriel. Came home and had lunch. Took a quick trip to the post office and started working again. On a quick break I played catch with Javi. Now running out the clock until I get off of work.

(Afternoon: snapple, chicken tacos, water, cookies)


We went out to pick up some Mexican food. Came back home had dinner, I fell asleep for a bit. Changed Gabriel and I went to shower. Let the boys hang out for a bit before sending them to bed. We finished up the True Crime show on HBOMAX and now off to bed. My shoulder is hurting me a lot. Hopefully the pain goes away. Training tomorrow. 

(Nighttime: super nachos, water, horchata)

Monday, March 8, 2021

lockdown day 357

Woke up and went to change. Gave Gabriel some cereal and changed him. We went to drop him off at preschool, there was traffic due to construction. I got home and moved my lap top to the Boys room and did my trainings. Now waiting to get Gabriel. 
(Morning: coffee, water)

Put the meatloaf in the oven and went to get Gabriel. Came back home and had lunch. Sent Arnel and Priscilla a gift for Kingston. Now going to check back in to work. Took a quick break and played catch with Javi, had him off a tee. Maybe tomorrow we go to a park so he can hit. After work I went to lay down a bit. 
(Afternoon: meatloaf, rice, water, Mango ice cream)

Played Mario 3D World with the boys. They ate, I took out the trash and I ate dinner, which I fully admit I shouldn't have eaten. Bathed Gabriel and changed him. Now going to shower. Watched some tv and now going to bed.
(Nighttime: water, beer, popcorn shrimp,  empanada, fries, trail mix)

lockdown day 356

Woke up, finally was able to sleep well with the CPAP. Made the boys eggs and bacon and now resting. Debating if I mow the lawn. Chilled for a bit and decided it was time to mow the lawn. We did some clean up around the front yard, check the gutters in the back yard. The material that covers the extention on the roof was going in the drain and caused a back up, cleared it out.

(Morning: coffee bacon, cheese and egg sandwich,  water)
Took a break and played Mario Part with the boys. Javi won the game with Hammer Bro. We had left overs for lunch and now going to shower. Took a quick nap before we went out to the park. We had a good time there, the boys played with other kids and ran around. When they were done we headed to Target to get a few things. We finally bought the clock for the living room and some under shirts and socks for Gabriel. 
(Afternoon: chow mein, fried rice, crush, water)

We returned home and I put up the clock. We had dinner and I did one last load of laundry. I prepared the meatloaf for tomorrow. Changed the boys, sent them to bed and I watched some tv before playing Madden. We watched The Walking Dead and I played one more game of Madden and folded clothes. Now off to bed.
(Nighttime: wingstop, fries, veggie sticks,  coke, Jack and coke, water, pie)

Sunday, March 7, 2021

lovkdown day 355

Woke up, my stomach is not doing well this morning. Probably all the cheese last night. Anyway, made the boys pancakes. About to shower soon. On a side note I'm reading about the surprise big name AEW will be bringing in tomorrow. Looks like the wrestling world thinks CM Punk, Brock Lesnar, Kurt Angle or Christian. If it's Punk or Brock that would be huge. I don't think Angle should wrestle again but he can still go, I hope it's  not Christian. I would like to see him back and go against Big E for the IC strap. But one thing for sure. Even if the person they are brining on doesn't live up to the hype, AEW fans will never admit it. Blind loyalty helpes no one. Anyway, we move on...
Got ready and we headed out to sign up the boys for baseball and tee ball. After we got Starbucks and drove to Arnel's. 

(Morning:Coffee, caramel frappuccino)

Got to Arnel's amd we had a good time. Caught up with a few people and had fun. After we went to Nation's to pick up a pie and food for Javi and my wife. Drove to my sister's and now hanging out for a bit before going home.
(Afternoon: pork chow mein, fried rice, cake, chocolate creme pie, water, coke)

Drove home and put the chairs away that I left drying. Started doing laundry and we watched Coming 2 America. Put the boys to bed and played a game of Madden. Brought out bacon to defrost it for breakfast tomorrow. Going to get some sleep.
(Nighttime: beer, water)

Saturday, March 6, 2021

lockdown day 354


Woke up and went to get dressed for work. Got Gabriel's lunch bag ready and changed him. He had cereal and we went off to drop him off at preschool. Came back home, had some coffee and checked in to work. Talked to a few people, answered a few emails and organized some cardboard boxes I needed to break down. Had a pop tart and some water. Now waiting for questions. Pretty chill morning, my wife went out to get some items for the soup she is making later. Debating if I go to BevMo to pick up some items. 

(Morning: Water, Coffee, pop tarts)


Picked up Gabriel and came home. Waiting for my unit meeting to start before having lunch. The meeting went well, now I am going to eat some cheese soup. Had that and ran out to pick up the order at BevMo, going to check back in to work in a few minutes. After work we went to check out a park that opened up near by. After we came home.

(Afternoon: Cheese soup, toast, ritz crackers, water)

Nighttime :

Got home, made me a Margarita, ordered some pizza and had dinner. About to shower and watch WandaVision. I also bathed Gabriel. Finished up WandaVision and sent the boys to bed. Played Madden and it started pouring outside. About to go to bed.

(Nighttime: Margaritas, water, pizza, crazy bread)

Thursday, March 4, 2021

lockdown day 353


Woke up and went to change. Gave Gabriel a Pediasure and got him ready for school. Warmed up the truck and loaded the boys up and we went to drop him off. The drop off was quick and smooth. Came back home to have a coffee and start training. The training was good, now waiting for the second training. The second training went well. It was around 26 minutes. No questions. After I helped Javi with a gardening project and now going to get Gabriel.

(Morning: Coffee, Pop Tarts, Water)


Drove over to get Gabriel and came home. Had some Chicken and Fries before Javi was crying like a lunatic over not getting to eat chicken after having a hot dog and a corn dog. Now I am working and running out the clock. After 5 we ordered food from Chili's to go pick up.

(Afternoon: Chicken strips, fries, water, root beer)


After we got the food we came home and had dinner. I washed dishes and took out the trash. Chiled and showered. Now going to watch some TV. The boys went to bed and I watched Coming to America 2. It was me, some funny parts but mostly meh. Anyway going to bed soon. 

(Nighttime: burger, loaded mashed potatoes,  césar salad,  2 Margaritas, pink lemonade, water)

lcokdown day 352


Woke up and got dressed. Came out and got Gabriel's bag ready for school. Dressed him and me and Javi took him to preschool. The drop off was quick and I got home to give Javi breakfast and had some coffee while I waited for the forum meeting. The meeting went off without a hitch. Had a pop tart and got ready to go get Gabriel. Had a quick bite to eat before heading out.

(Morning: Coffee, Water, Pop Tart)


Had Shrimp Fettucine Alfredo and headed out to get Gabriel and drove to my sister's house to work and hang out. Got here and set up my work station and these kids have been a pain in the rear. Checked in with some people and helped out a few. Running out the clock. Tired. Finished work and hung out a bit. Picked up some items from my wife's friend and drove home.

(Afternoon: Shrimp Fettucine Alfredo, Iced Coffee, water, corn nuts, Monster)


The drive was good, we stopped at Target and came home. Unloaded the car and hooked up my laptop to get it ready for tomorrow. Showered and changed Gabriel. Had left overs and now watching tv. Going to bed now.

(Nighttime: shrimp fettuccine Alfredo,  water)

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

lockdown day 351


Woke up and went to get dressed. Put some dino nuggets to cook for Gabriel for lunch. He woke up, gave me a hug and I got him his half donut for breakfast. He ate and I changed him. I went to warm up the truck. A dog had pooped in our front yard, the owners did not clean up. Very inconsiderate. I removed it and placed it in the trash and we headed out to drop him off at preschool. When we got back home I made me a coffee and did the first training of the day. I was good, now waiting for the 2nd one to start. The second training went well, finished up and got my assignments for next week. All AM training. 

(Morning: Coffee, Water)


Went to get Gabriel and had lunch. Chilled for a bit before checking back into work. Running out the clock the rest of the day. My Disney items came in today, checked them and got them ready for the wash later. After work I put clothes away and we took a walk. Hit up the dollar tree for a gift bag and Target for some meds for javi. Now home.

(Afternoon: carne molida,  white rice, cheese, coke, water)


Bathed Gabriel,  inshiwered after. Had some peanut butter sandwiches, hot chocolate,  ice cream and slice of corn bread for dinner. Washed dishes and now helping Javi shower. Watched some tv and folded clothes,  going to bed soon. 

(Nighttime: peanut butter sandwiches, ice cream, hot chocolate, water, corn bread)

Monday, March 1, 2021

lockdown day 350


Woke up and went to get dressed. Checked my audio connections for work and set up Javi in the kitchen for the day. Gabriel came in to the office and was looking for his Mario Bros watch. I gave him half a donut for breakfast and changed him. We took him to preschool and the drop off was good. Came back home and made coffee, checked in to work and started the training. It went by really fast, like 32 minutes or so. We may have to adjust the time, waiting to see how the next one goes. The next training was good, same run time. After I hung out until getting Gabriel. 
(Morning: Coffee, Poptarts, Water)


Picked him up and came home to finish the work day. Had Javi's parent/teacher conference and he did well. Some observations that we have to help with. After that I was done for the day. Had some chicken gnocchi soup,  left over pizza, caramel frappuccino and water. Also went to target to grab some items for the house. Got home and took a nap, played madden and went to clean the garage and take out the trash.

(Afternoon: chicken gnocchi soup,  caramel frappuccino, water, pizza)


Heatsd up some leftovers for dinner,  washed a lot of dishes. Helped Javi with homework and went to shower. Changed Gabriel and did some accounting,  had Javi change and watched some of RAW. Took a break from the to watch Brooklyn Nine-Nine and when my wife went to bed, I finished watching RAW. About to go to bed, training continues tomorrow. 

(Nighttime: carne asada, tortilla, beer, water)