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Thursday, November 17, 2022

Training day (11/16/22)


Woke up an went to get ready for work. It was super cold this morning. The type of cold that makes you question if you want to go in to work or not. Anyway, I got dressed and packed my things. Drove over to the BART station and caught the train. I had to wait around 7 minutes out in the cold because I missed my train. I got on and the ride was smooth. I got to Civic Center and got off, walked to work just in time to see a person coming off their high from doing drugs on the street. You got to love Sn Francisco. I got to work, signed in and went to the Expo room. I set up for training and waited. My unit mate was going to be in here with me, but the connection was pretty bad so she went to another room. The morning training was good, they scheduled us for all day, but we knew it would be about 4 hours. Sent them to lunch and we will check in with them at 1.

(Morning: Water, Coffee, Madelines)


Had lunch and talked to my wife and to my Mom. Setting up for the PM portion of the training. I called Amilcar to ask him about something regarding this group but he didn't know the answer. Later toady I have to check the touchscreen connection at home for the Xfinity security. We also have to help Gabriel write out and record his Turkey Disguise story. I attended the All-Staff meeting and it was basically a BS session. One thing I have seen is that when people get promoted they forget where they came from. You can't BS a Bullsh*tter. I wish they would actually listen and see that what they are doing now, is not going to be helpful in the long run. Pretty soon I will be going to start packing up and heading over to the BART station. Left work and got on the train to head home.

(Afternoon: Sandwich, Doritos, water, ZOA, cookies) 


When I got home I checked out the progress of the backyard and started helping Gabriel with his project. We were able to write out his story and recorded it as well. I had dinner and showered. Watched TV, sent the boys to bed and watched more TV. Now going to bed.

(Nighttime: water, beer, left over olive garden)

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