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Monday, November 28, 2022

Back in the office


Woke up and went to get ready for work. Made my coffee and packed my lunch bag and headed out to the BART station. It's cold again, but at least no rain just yet. The train ride was smooth, I kind of zoned out for a bit and arrived at my stop. Walked over to the building and set up. I was able to print out some items and review some emails. I was able to place an order for 2 toys that we are donating to kids via a program at the boys school. On a quick break I went over to Walgreen's to get some Thank you cards and cookies to give to my friend at work and to her parents for the Niners tickets. 

(Morning: water, coffee)


Watched a bit of the Portugal vs Uruguay game and called my Mom for a bit. Had lunch and now back at my desk. I'm so done with work. Still here just waiting for questions, watching some Netflix. Pretty soon going to start packing up and get ready to go home. Packed up and was ready to go and someone pulled me and asked for help. Helped them real quick to navigate a website and explained a concept, now heading out the door to go catch BART. Got to the station and my train was 3 minutes away. Got on and now going to pick up my car. 

(Afternoon: Water, peanut butter sandwiches, ZOA, Peanut butter cups)


Got home and moved some things around and we were off to Home Depot to get some plants and pavers. Came home to drop those heavy items off and went to pick up food with Javi. Came home to have dinner and cleaned up more leaves outside and took out the bins. I took a shower and bathed Gabriel. Packed up the secret Santa gift he has to take. Now watching tv before bed.

(Nighttime: chips, burrito, fruit punch, water, whiskey)

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