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Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Another day


Woke up and went to get dressed. I was tired this morning and not looking forward to going to the office. It was really cold and there was ice on my windshield. I had to wait a bit so it could defrost before driving over to BART. That slight delay gave me a wonderful extra 10 minutes out in the cold since I missed the train. Anyway, I got on and I made it to my stop. Walked over to work and signed in. Set up and waited for questions to answer. Talked with a few people before I went over to 1440 to drop off the thank you cards and cookies for my friend and her parents. While I was there I met up with Amilcar and went to have a quick coffee before returning to my desk. I got back here and talked with a few people before I went on my lunch.

(Morning: water, coffee)


Had lunch and watched the USA vs Iran World Cup game. They won 1-0. The last few minutes were very tense. Helped out my unit mates with some things they needed to do, uploaded a document to a website for another team and now just waiting to go home. Got a call from my wife that both the beanies for the boys are no where to be found. Looks like they might have been stolen at school. She is going tomorrow to ask in the office if by chance there is a lost and found. It's very sad that these kids stoop to that level to steal and even worse if the parents don't catch it and return the item. Packed up and headed to BART. Got to Bay Fair and picked up the car, took it for a wash and got home.

(Afternoon: Left over burrito, water, ZOA, Peanut Butter Cups)


Came in and checked out the work in the back. Not happy with the placement of the timer for the sprinklers. When we were talking about it I kept asking how the timer would be powered and the guy and my wife kept saying it would be plugged in. I kept asking where since the outlet is no where near where they were talking about. So today it's so out of place. After I came in and helped the boys sing the Christmas songs they have to memorize for school and ate some pizza. Tried to set up my mother in laws TV. But it was too big, we ordered a base for it. Javi showered,  I showered and watched TV. Now off to bed. One more day in the office this week.

(Nighttime: water,  beer, pizza)

Monday, November 28, 2022

Back in the office


Woke up and went to get ready for work. Made my coffee and packed my lunch bag and headed out to the BART station. It's cold again, but at least no rain just yet. The train ride was smooth, I kind of zoned out for a bit and arrived at my stop. Walked over to the building and set up. I was able to print out some items and review some emails. I was able to place an order for 2 toys that we are donating to kids via a program at the boys school. On a quick break I went over to Walgreen's to get some Thank you cards and cookies to give to my friend at work and to her parents for the Niners tickets. 

(Morning: water, coffee)


Watched a bit of the Portugal vs Uruguay game and called my Mom for a bit. Had lunch and now back at my desk. I'm so done with work. Still here just waiting for questions, watching some Netflix. Pretty soon going to start packing up and get ready to go home. Packed up and was ready to go and someone pulled me and asked for help. Helped them real quick to navigate a website and explained a concept, now heading out the door to go catch BART. Got to the station and my train was 3 minutes away. Got on and now going to pick up my car. 

(Afternoon: Water, peanut butter sandwiches, ZOA, Peanut butter cups)


Got home and moved some things around and we were off to Home Depot to get some plants and pavers. Came home to drop those heavy items off and went to pick up food with Javi. Came home to have dinner and cleaned up more leaves outside and took out the bins. I took a shower and bathed Gabriel. Packed up the secret Santa gift he has to take. Now watching tv before bed.

(Nighttime: chips, burrito, fruit punch, water, whiskey)

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Niners game

Morning :
Woke up and went went to shower and get ready for the Niners game. Had coffee and a donut and when everyone was ready we were off to Levi's stadium. The drive was pretty quick, the parking was another story. We found it after some time and walked over to the stadium. Got there and went in to look at a few things. We found our seats and were ready for some football.
(Morning: water, coffee, donut)

We had some food and the game started. It was a slow offensive game. The defense was awesome and the 49ers were victorious over the Saints 13-0. After the game we walked to the truck and came home. Some traffic but not too much. Picked up food and now home. 
(Afternoon: hot dog, fries, water)

Had dinner and washed the boys jerseys. We finished up the show Wednesday on Netflix and I took a shower. Relaxed a bit and now off to bed. Early start tomorrow. Going into the office.
(Nighttime: burger chicken sandwich,  beer, water, pumpkin pie, sushi)

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Party time

Woke up and went to the living room around 6, my wife was snoring and I couldn't sleep sp I came out try snoring get some sleep on the couch. I was able to sleep for a bit. The person doing the work in the backyard came by so we could talk about what we wanted. We have to go buy some plants and pavers on Monday. He will start on Tuesday. I showered and we cleaned out the gutters.
(Morning: water)

Cleaned up and got ready to go to Pump it Up for Javi's friend birthday party. After we picked up some donuts and gassed up the truck so we had enough gas to drive to the game tomorrow. Got home and started watching Wednesday and Survivor Series War Games. 
(Afternoon: water, coke, pizza, chips, cupcake)

Helped Gabriel take a bath and got him ready for bed. Gave them food and ate as well. Talked to Arbel for a bit. Went to change and now watching a movie. About to go to bed, looking forward to going to the game tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: Thanksgiving leftovers, beer, water, ice cream)

Friday, November 25, 2022

Black Friday

Woke up, my wife took off with her mom to go shopping, but they returned since the lines to get to the parking lot were long. Went to take a shower and we got ready to go to Target to take Javi shopping. He did not find what he was looking for. After we went to get lunch.
(Morning: water)

We went to McDonald's and had lunch. Came home and I played Madden. While playing I got the text from my friend regarding th a Niners tickets. I downloaded them and we are ready for Sunday. I also bought a parking pass. We moved the couch and I paused the game so we could go to the bank and to get our Christmas tree. Came home and we cleaned up and set up the tree. Lit jt up and realized that we were missing some things, so we went to get them at Target and came home.
(Afternoon: McChicken, McDouble, mcnuggets, iced tea, fries, iced Caramel Brule latte, water)

Decorated the tree, made hot chocolate and we watched a Guardian of the Galaxy special, changed the boys and sent them to bed. Now watching Wednesday on Netflix before going to bed.
(Nighttime: water, mini donuts, hot chocolate)

Thursday, November 24, 2022


Woke up and got the things ready for my wife to get the ham ready. Woke her up and helped her prepare it. Packed up the truck and took a shower and waited for everyone to be ready to go.
(Morning: coffee. Water)

Drove down to my Sister's and set up. Had an early Thanksgiving dinner and hung out a bit. After we cleaned up and came home. While eating my friend at work texted me to see if I wanted 4 tickets to Sundays 49ers game, so we are going to the game. We also got tickets to go to the Christmas eve game as well.
(Afternoon: Thanksgiving dinner, beer, 7-up, water, apple pie)

Here at home watching football. Relaxing. Gave the boys food and now sending them to bed. Watched some TV and now off to sleep.
(Nighttime: beer, protein pack. Water)

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Day before Thanksgiving

Woke up and went back to sleep. No work today, just a nice day off. Went to shower and got dressed and waited for lunch.
(Morning: water, coffee)

Had chicken Gnocchi soup before heading over to the movie theater to watch Strange World. The movie was eh, I fell asleep twice and it really wasn't a good movie in my opinion. After we went over to eat at Dave's Hot Chicken. After my sister took the boys and my wife and I went to Hillsdale mall for some shopping. 
(Afternoon: Chicken Gnocchi soup, popcorn, coke, water, chocolate milkshake, chicken sliders, fries)

There wasn't to look at over in Hillsdale mall, so we drove to Serramonte. We bought jackets for the boys and went to go pick them up at my sister's. We came home and chilled, had a snack. Gave the boys meds and put them to bed. Watched some TV and now off to bed. Early start tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: beer, water, pizza)

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Day off

Woke up and called out. Not feeling work today. Went back to sleep and woke up around 10. Got dressed and chilled a bit before having lunch.
(Morning: water, coffee)

Had the left over taco meat and we went to Costco and Target to grab some things. Came back home and rested a bit before my wife got off of work.
(Afternoon: Tacos, chips, water, Caramel Brule latte,  come)

We went to Cardenas for the last items. Picked up pizza and came home. Had dinner. Cleaned up and showered. Wat hung a show now. Going to bed soon.
(Nighttime: beer, pizza, water)

Monday, November 21, 2022



Woke up and got dressed. It was cold this morning. The boys are off this week for Thanksgiving. I was given permission to work from home so I can be here for the plumber. Later today the Niners play on MNF vs the Cardinals in Mexico. Watched a bit of the USA vs Wales World Cup game while I did some laundry. They ended up 1-1. Now just waiting for the plumber and for lunch.

(Morning: Water, coffee, oreos)


We had lunch and the plumber came. He checked under the house and he said that there were no signs of leaks or water under there. What is probably happening is that the hot water is causing the noise that we hear. After I cleaned up the garage a bit and checked in to work. Running out the clock now and waiting for kickoff. The game started off slow, but the Niners took over in the 2nd quarter. I ran out to pick up some wingstop.

(Afternoon: Water, Coke, cheese, tortilla, white rice, torta de carne)


Got the food and came home. Listened to a bit of the game in the car. I helped our neighbor move a broken lawn mower to the street and had dinner. After I had Javi shower. Finished watching the game and celebrated the Niners victory with 2 beers. Now going to bed.

(Nighttime: water, beer, coke, fries, veggie sticks, chicken wings)

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Here we go.. one last time

Woke up and got dressed. Had Javi wat some cereal and gave Gabriel a Madeline. Loaded the Camry and the truck with the baseball equipment and I took off with Javi to the ballpark. We warmed up and played our last game. Javi caught 2 innings and played 2nd base the rest of the way. They lost again, but this team played hard. Proud of this group. After we had lunch with the kids that stayed and waited for Gabriel's game to start.
(Morning: water, coffee, pizza, Gatorade)

Gabriel had a good game and after we took some pictures. Came home and watched some football with my nephew. I had a late lunch early dinner before he left. I took a shower and talked to my mom while watching SNF.
(Afternoon: Tacos,  beer, chips)

Changed Gabriel and I went to shower. Finished the game and sent the boys to bed. We watched the series finale of The Walking Dead and now off to sleep. Hopefully I get some rest tonight. 
(Nighttime: water. Oreos)

Saturday, November 19, 2022

Weekend vibes

Woke up and tool a shower. We went to the bank to take out some money to pay for the concrete work. Returned home and moved the cars. Hit up Target and grabbed lunch.
(Morning: water, coffee)

Came back and had lunch. Took a nap. Checked on the work a few times when they were done we paid them. So far it looks really good. They are starting on the landscaping in a week.
(Afternoon: chicharron with yucca frita, pupusas, coke, water)

We went to check out some sheds and plants at home depot. Had some teaspoon drinks and came home. Watched Disenchanted, had dinner and now watching another movie. About to go to bed. One last fall ball game for the boys tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: water, beer, pupusa, oreos)

Friday, November 18, 2022

Finally Friday


Woke up and went to go get ready. Gabriel is not going in to school since he has a cough. Got Javi ready to go and took him to school. Picked up some donuts and came home. I had my coffee and donuts before I logged in to work. Checked in and updated my time sheet. On a quick break I went over to the bank to grab some money out, but it hadn't processed yet. Came back home and now just waiting for questions until the unit meeting.

(Morning: Water, coffee, donuts)


Attended my unit meeting and went real quick to go get Javi. Came back home and my wife returned from shopping with lunch. Ate real quick and logged back in to work. Now waiting for questions and running out the clock. We have tickets to go to the movies to watch The Menu.

(Afternoon: Double cheeseburger, fries, Gatorade, water, popcorn, coke)


We watched the movie and it was ok. We came home and changed the boys. Finished watching a documentary on Mickey Mouse. Now hanging out. Going to bed now. 

(Nighttime: beer, water)

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Finally home


Woke up and got ready for work. Had the boys put their things away. Had them eat breakfast and my wife got their clothes ready so they can change. They changed and we took them to school. After we went to Starbucks to grab some coffee and to get a red cup for red cup day. We got home and I finished my coffee and logged in to work. I recorded a video that was assigned to me. Now I am waiting for questions.

(Morning: Coffee, Water)


Put the food in the oven to warm up, trying to time it so when my wife gets home we eat. We had lunch and I had a conversation with my supervisor and with Karla about things that are going on. Pretty soon on my next break I will go get the boys. I went out solo to get the boys, picked them up and drove back home. Checked back in to work and now running out the clock. Finished up work and we went outside to check on what the folks did outside. They should be done by Saturday with the concrete. 

(Afternoon: Ravioli, Garlic bread, coke, water)


Helped Gabriel with his homework. Started watching TNF. I have Derrick Henry going tonight. We went real quick to look for a good burger,  but the lines were long so I ate leftovers from earlier. Javi showered,  Gabriel bathed and I showered after. Finished up watching the game, sent them to bed. Now watching a show before bed. 

(Nighttime: ravioli, garlic bread, water, beer, ice cream)

Training day (11/16/22)


Woke up an went to get ready for work. It was super cold this morning. The type of cold that makes you question if you want to go in to work or not. Anyway, I got dressed and packed my things. Drove over to the BART station and caught the train. I had to wait around 7 minutes out in the cold because I missed my train. I got on and the ride was smooth. I got to Civic Center and got off, walked to work just in time to see a person coming off their high from doing drugs on the street. You got to love Sn Francisco. I got to work, signed in and went to the Expo room. I set up for training and waited. My unit mate was going to be in here with me, but the connection was pretty bad so she went to another room. The morning training was good, they scheduled us for all day, but we knew it would be about 4 hours. Sent them to lunch and we will check in with them at 1.

(Morning: Water, Coffee, Madelines)


Had lunch and talked to my wife and to my Mom. Setting up for the PM portion of the training. I called Amilcar to ask him about something regarding this group but he didn't know the answer. Later toady I have to check the touchscreen connection at home for the Xfinity security. We also have to help Gabriel write out and record his Turkey Disguise story. I attended the All-Staff meeting and it was basically a BS session. One thing I have seen is that when people get promoted they forget where they came from. You can't BS a Bullsh*tter. I wish they would actually listen and see that what they are doing now, is not going to be helpful in the long run. Pretty soon I will be going to start packing up and heading over to the BART station. Left work and got on the train to head home.

(Afternoon: Sandwich, Doritos, water, ZOA, cookies) 


When I got home I checked out the progress of the backyard and started helping Gabriel with his project. We were able to write out his story and recorded it as well. I had dinner and showered. Watched TV, sent the boys to bed and watched more TV. Now going to bed.

(Nighttime: water, beer, left over olive garden)

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Not feeling good


Woke up, not feeling too good, but good enough to go to work. I went to get ready and grabbed my things and started to drive off to the Bay Fair BART station. Now here at work, set up to go and waiting for a meeting to start. The meeting started and it was a bit frustrating. The connection was not good and there was no input from anyone, it felt like I was doing this all alone. After we got some things straightened out I was able to start assigning the documents and the demos. Before lunch I had a quick clarification meeting with my supervisor regarding the training. 

(Morning: Water, coffee, Madeline)


Had lunch and talked to my Mom. Had another meeting about the training, got new documents added to it and organized it. Created some cases so we could use them for a demo during the training. We are meeting one more time before the day is done. Finished up the meeting and we should be ready to go. Packed up my things and headed out to the BART station. The ride home felt quick,  but it was the same usual time frame.

(afternoon: Hawaiian bread, ham, coffee, ZOA, cookies)


Got home and out away the bins. Had dinner and got things ready for tomorrow. Hung out with the boys and I took a shower. Sent the boys to bed and watched TV. Now off to bed.

(Nighttime: water, left over burrito, taco, skinny popcorn)

In office again (11/14/22)


Woke up and it was cold. I went to get ready and questioned why I was going in to the office when all I was doing today was meeting on line with people. Anyway, got ready and grabbed my lunch, made coffee and headed out to the BART station. Got there and I had to run to catch the train so I wouldn't have to wait out in the cold for another 10 minutes. Hopped on and got to the city. Welcomed by drug users blocking the exit stairs and to dog or human poop on the floor on the way to the office. I got there and set up, started taking questions and now waiting for our meeting at 10 am regarding the training for Wednesday. The meeting went well, we went over the documents and talked about pacing. I think we have the majority of what we are going to do. We are meeting tomorrow to go over it one more time.

(Morning: Water, coffee)


Had lunch and talked to my Mom for a bit. My supervisor called us into a meeting while I was on lunch so I had to pause that and join. They want to add more materials to the training and demos. I'm over this training and the way they treat us. Anyway, now running out the clock. Packed up and headed over to the Civic Center BART station, caught the train and went home. The ride was nice, got to my car and drove home.

(afternoon: Ham, bread, candy, water, ZOA, cookies, cracker Jack)


I took out the trash, compost and recycling bins. Swept up some leaves and tossed them out. Cleaned up a few things. We went out to grab dinner at Papa Panchos and came home to eat. We had dinner and we helped Gabriel with his Turkey project. Had Javi shower, my wife bathed Gabriel. I took a shower and finished watching the MNF game. Watched my wife play a video game and went to bed.

(Nighttime: water, coke, burrito)

Sunday, November 13, 2022


Woke up and changed. Gave the boys breakfast and had them get ready for their 9 am games. I loaded both cars with baseball equipment and I took off with Javi and later my wife will take Gabriel. We got to the park and started warm ups and first pitch. The kids were still sleeping. They didn't wake up until the 3rd inning. After the game we came home.
(Morning: coffee, water)

Got here and my Mom and sister came by to check out the deck. They left while I was watching the early games. My wife made ham and we ate lunch. After a bit of rest we went to Costco and came back home to watch the Niners vs Charger SNF. 
(Afternoon: water, coke, ham, Hawaiian bread)

Kickoff was there, the game didn't start so hot for the Niners. At half time they were down by 3. I went to shower and cut up the ham and washed the dishes. Had dinner and now finishing up the game with the boys in the room. Niners won and after I watched The Walking Dead and now off to sleep.
(Nighttime: water, beer, ham, bread)

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Wakanda Forever

Woke up and went to unlock the gate. Took a shower and made the boys breakfast. We got ready, checked in with the workers and we tool off to go get the boys food sand drop them off to my Mom so we could watch Black Panther: Wakanda Forever. We got to my Sister's place and dropped them of and took off.
(Morning: coffee, water)

My sister, brother, his girlfriend and my wife watched the movie with me. It was good. I felt it was lacking a but. But I enjoyed it for the most part. After we went to Serramonte to have lunch and drove home.
(Afternoon: popcorn, pizza, water, horchata, torta)

We got back and checked out the finished deck. It looks great. We paid the man and we went to return some items that were left over. We asked him if he could clean the deck and put a nice finish on it. He will do that this week when he gets the fence repaired. After we went to Target and came home. Gabriel bathed, we worked on his Turkey Disguise project and showered. Watched SNL and now going to bed. Early game tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: beer, water)

veterans day (11/11/22)

Woke up and went to shower. Got ready and went to check in on the work they are doing in our back yard with the deck. After I played Madden for a bit and went to Target to grab some items we needed for lunch.
(Morning: water, iced Creme Brule latte)

Had lunch and went next door to talk to our neighbor regarding the fence. We are going with the option to just repair it for now. We talked to the guy doing the work for us and he will start that on Tuesday. We also started to see what estimates we can get for the concrete work we want to get done. My wife left with the boys for a play date amd I stayed doing laundry. 
(Afternoon: Arroz a la Valenciana, bread, water)

When they came home we went to Union City and tried Dave's Hot Chicken. It was good. After we came home and relaxed. Watched TV and went to bed.
(Nighttime: Chicken sliders, fries, milkshake, beer, water)

Thursday, November 10, 2022

Last day of work this week

Woke up and got dressed. Got things ready for the boys. Headed out to drop them off. Met the guy at Home Depot to buy the materials for the deck. Went to the bank to take out the cash to pay him and came home to log in to work and do laundry. Reviewed some materials and answered some questions before checking on the work outside. 
(Morning: coffee, Ritz)

Still here listening to the work being done. I have a meeting at 2. Had lunch and on a break went to go pick up the boys and put gas in the truck. Now back in to work and getting ready for the weekend. Gabriel has 4:30 practice and I'm getting his things ready. Got him ready and went to the park, turns out the canceled all practices for the rest of the fall ball season. So we went back home. Hung out and went to Target. 
(Afternoon: Ribs, Chicken, Cesar Salad, Monster, water)

Grabbed some things and came home. Made hot dogs for the boys and ate some chicken and a mini pizza. Watched the TNF game and went to shower. Put the boys to bed and now watching TV until I go to bed.
(Nighttime: mini pizza, beer, chicken strips, water)

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Hump day


Woke up and went to get ready. It's a bit cold, but not like other days. My mother in law is having surgery today so I was able to work from home for the day to handle the kids drop off and pick up. Javi's friend was going to be dropped off at 7 since they asked if we could take him to school as well. The boys had breakfast and got ready and we took off. The drop off was smooth, we passed by Starbucks grabbing a treat for ourselves. Now we are home, I logged into work. I had to re-record some videos and I also talked to my unit member about a project we are doing to set up for training. 

(Morning: Creme Brule latte, water, skinny Pop, panda cookies)


My wife left to go and take her Mom to Kaiser. I finished up some things and went over to pick up lunch at Popeye's. Took the Camry to get washed and now I am here waiting to go get the boys. I hope that my wife can make it back in time by 4 PM. Got the boys and came home. Helped the boys with homework and fed them. My wife called and said she would be driving back in about 10 minutes or so, so there is a chance that she makes it in time, so we can make it to the movie. My wife was running late, so we met her near Teaspoon to hand off Gabriel to her and me and Javi hauled it over to Union City for the movie.

(Afternoon: Coke, water, chicken sandwiches, cole slaw, chicken strips, biscuits)


We got there close to cut off, we checked in, signed a NDA and went to our seats. I went to get popcorn and drinks for us. We watched a movie from Pixar as part of a test group. We enjoyed it. After we had a discussion and filed our surveys regarding the film. I will take Gabriel to watch it went it comes out next year. It was an interesting experience to be part of one of these and I'm glad Javi got to do it as well. He was impressed with the whole event and excited to do it. After we came home, Javi ate while I showered. He showered after and I had a few beers and played Madden to relax. About to go to bed. Long day tomorrow. 

(Nighttime: beer, coke, popcorn)

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Dentist day

Woke up and went to get dressed. Got lunch ready for the boys and gave them breakfast. They are going to school late today as they have dentist appointments today. We got them ready and we drove over to drop off my wife at work and we headed to the post office to grab a money order and to send it to the greedy DMV. Now we are at the Dentist office. The appointment was good for them. They are doing well with the brushing, but need to do more with flossing. After we drove over to pick up my wife before coming home. On the way over it was raining and we dropped off the boys at school. When we returned home we noticed that a tree branch had fallen near the Camry, thankfully it did not hit it.
(Morning: water, coffee)

We picked up some Cheesesteaks and had lunch. I am working now. Later on my break I'm going to go over and get the boys. Another tree branch fell to the ground, but I had already moved the car. We got the boys and came home. I finished up work and spent time drawing and coloring with Gabriel.
(Afternoon: Water, Ginger Ale, Cheesesteak, chips, candy)

Ate some soup and chilled for a bit. Played uno with the boys. After some time had the boys go to bed since they have testing this week. It started to hail over here, hasn't happened in a while. Watched the Willie Mays documentary, it was really good. Now laying in bed. About to go to sleep. 
(Nighttime: sopa de res, water, beer)

Monday, November 7, 2022

B*ll Sh*t a$s day

Woke up and went to get dressed. It is cold and I have to go into the office. Packed up my things and headed out. Did I mention it was cold? Drove to Bayfair BART and walked over to the platform. I had to wait about 10 minutes or so before getting on. The ride was smooth. I got to the city and walked over to work. Typical day in San Francisco. Cold, dodging poop on the floor, homeless people and drug use in action. Got to my desk and now settling in to work. Have to be seen since apparently they say we are not here. I called my wife in the morning to talk to her and the boys before they went to school. After the people we hired to clear the back yard went over and started with the removal of the stump and the tree in the back yard. Here at work I am watching videos and just passing the time.
(Morning: water, coffee, cookies)

Had my lunch and talked to my mom. Went to go get lotto tickets for the drawing tonight. Came back and finished up my lunch time. About to go back in and run out the clock. So the day keeps getting better. So I find out that the car registration payment never went through and now I have to pay a fee. Now tomorrow I have to go take care of this before it gets more out of hand. Have a new assignment, going to work on it tomorrow. Irritated today so I don't want to do anything. Anyway, about to pack up and head home. Not coming into the office until next week. This 3 day a week thing is hot garbage. I packed up my things and headed to the BART station. The train was canceled so I had to wait an extra 15 minutes. Finally got to my car and drove home. Took out the trash and compost bin and swept up some leaves. No more practice due to early sunset. 
(Afternoon: water, zoa, sandwich, chips, cracker jack)

Started watching MNF and had dinner. Went to shower. Changed Gabriel and we watched TV for a bit. They went to bed and I am here Watchung wrasslin'. Going to bed soon.
(Nighttime: double cheese burger,  fruit punch, water, protein pack)

Sunday, November 6, 2022

last 3 weeks of fall ball

Woke up and got dressed. Had the boys eat something. I had Javi get ready and we took off to Treeview for the game. It was a good game. It was close until the kids lost focus and mental errors took over. After we had pizza and drove over to Gabriel's game.
(Morning: coffee, pizza, water)

Afternoon :
Got to Gabriel's game amd he did good. We handed out snacks after. When we got home I changed and we went to have lunch at Sizzler's and went to Target after. We are home now, resting up. 
(Afternoon: water, creme Brule latte, burger, salad bar)

Woke up from a nap and had Javi shower. My wife bathed Gabriel. I made my lunch for tomorrow and got things ready. I showered and watched some TV before sending the boys to bed  watched The Walking Dead and now off to bed.
(Nighttime: water, peanut butter sandwiches, milk)

weekend vibes (11/5/22)

Woke up and made some Vienna sausages for Gabriel. Javi said he wasn't hungry. I made coffee for myself, started laundry and tuned into Crown Jewel. We tool off to go get the boys haircuts. 
(Morning: coffee, water)

Afte the hair we went to Serramonte. I had a brownie and ice Thai tea, the boys had a snack. After we drove to my sister's before going to eat at Round Table pizza in honor of my late dad's birthday. We had a real good time there, ate, talked and drove home. When I got here I continued doing laundry and finished up the wrestling event.
(Afternoon: brownie,  iced Thai tea, pizza, root beer)

I pulled down more Halloween decorations and we watched a movie. I got the snack bags ready for Gabriel's team. Now going to bed.
(Nighttime: beer, chips,)

Saturday, November 5, 2022

Friday (11/4/22)


Woke up and it was cold. Not as cold as yesterday, but still cold. I went to get dressed and got the boys items for school ready. My wife got them breakfast and I went to drop them off. It went well, passed by McDonald's grabbing us some breakfast. Checked in to work and had some coffee and started on my assignment for the day. Not too many questions today, just a chill day that let me do my recording. 

(Morning: water, coffee, sausage biscuit, sausage mcMuffin, hash brown)


My wife was running a bit late from her hair appointment. But she came back in time to go with me to get the boys. We returned, my sister picked up Javi and we just finished talking to the person who will be doing our yard work. We talked to the guy and he gave us a way better estimate than the last guy. We have to talk to our neighbor and see if he wants to just repair the fence or get a new one. After he left I checked back in to work. Almost time to be off. Signed out and we went to khol's to return an item back to Amazon. Hit up Michael's to get some items for Gabriel's turkey project and met with my mom, sister and Javi to go eat.

(Afternoon: water, candy)


We ate at Papa Panchos and had a good meal. Now we are home. It seems really late, I am tired. Watched a movie and went to bed.

(Nighttime: super burrito, horchata, water)

Thursday, November 3, 2022



Woke up and it was really cold today. Super cold. I didn't want to get out of the room cold. Went to get dressed and got the boys things ready for them. My wife got them breakfast and laid out their clothes. We went over to drop them off at school and passed by Starbucks for a holiday beverage. We came home, I logged in to work and started answering some questions. It's been a kind of slow morning but that is welcomed. I'm really not all that in to working today. My wife went into the office today, so later I fly solo to get the boys.

(Morning: Creme Brule latte, chocolate. water)


Watched another video for work and took notes. Pretty soon going to be heading out to get the boys. Before heading out I made some spaghetti and meatballs so they can have food when they get home. I had some left over pizza. I'll the spaghetti and meatballs later. Picked up the boys and came home. Checked back into work and did a few things. After work I took Gabriel to practice. 

(Afternoon: pizza, water, Red Bull)


Practice was ok, but it was really cold. I took the truck to get washed and came home. We had dinner, I bathed Gabriel and I took a shower after. Put the boys to bed and now watching TV.

(Nighttime: spaghetti and meatballs, beer, water, skinny popcorn, chocolate, Madeline, cracker jack)

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Day after surgery


Woke up and got dressed. My eyelid is feeling good. I got lunch ready for the boys and got them dressed. We took them over to school to drop them off. It is cold again today. Came back home, had coffee and checked in to work. Attended the forum meeting and soon going to see what is up for lunch.

(Morning: Water, coffee, protein pack)


Warmed up the left over Chinese food for us to eat. Pretty soon going to put the ointment on my eyelid and get ready to go get the boys. They are off early today. The guy from the potential backyard remodel came in and quoted an outrageous price, we are going to have more people over to give us quotes. After I went to go pick up the boys and hit up Cardenas to grab the lotto tickets I wanted to get and to replace the chips I ate that Javi had. Came home and put away the inflatables. Now back in to work. Answered a few questions and was able to review a few items that were shown today. Thinking of ways to incorporate them into the next training. Running out the clock now and going to help Gabriel with this share day project.

(Afternoon: left over Chinese food, coke, water)


After work we went to Costco. Grabbed a few items and came home. Had dinner, showered and watched TV. Now getting ready for bed.

(Nighttime: pizza, beer, water)

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

First of the month

Woke up and although I slept more, I still felt tired. But I got up and went to get dressed. My wife got breakfast for the boys, I got their bags ready. Just waiting now for time to go drop them off. Working until 2 and I have a surgery later for the cyst on my eyelid. Dropped the boys off and came home to have coffee. Checked in to work and had a conversation with my supervisor which annoyed me. Anyway, moving on and now just here waiting for questions.
(Morning: water, coffee, protein pack quick bites, chocolate)

My wife came back and we ate Pot Stickers. Pretty soon logging off of work and heading over to Kaiser for my surgery. Glad this BS work day is almost over. Drove go Kaiser,  went to go check in. They prepared me for the doctor and he removed the cyst on my eyelid. After I picked up the ointment from the pharmacy and my wife picked me up and we came home. I took a nap. When I woke up I helped Gabriel with his homework and we ordered dinner. 
(Afternoon: Water, pot stickers)

We drove over to pick up te food. Came home to have dinner. We ate, I cleaned up and I helped Javi shower,  my wife bathed Gabriel and I showered after. Put the ointment on my eyelid and now just watching TV. Going to bed now, my eyelid is feeling OK, so I should be able to log in to work and deal with BS tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: water, coke, Chinese food)