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Monday, September 28, 2020

lockdown day 195

Gpt up, went tp clean the livingroom behind the couches. It's been some time since we did that. Watched the Niners game and talked to Amilcar. At half time I showered and got dressed.
(Morning: nada)

Made an iced coffee and talked to Arnel for a bit. We took off to the park for a bit and played catch. Took the boys out for ice cream at Baskin-Robbins and we hit up target real quick to get some chicken breast. We got home, ordered some food and now hanging out watching Clash of Champions. 
(Afternoon: iced coffe, water, banana Royale, red lobster)

Watched the PPV and fell asleep towards the end. Got up, bathed the boys and went to shower. It is hot, I washed dishes and got Gabriel's things ready for tomorrow. Now putting them both to bed. We watched Fantasy Island and it was eh. After i stayed up a bit watching the NFL network and now off to bed.
(Nighttime: beer, water)

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