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Sunday, September 13, 2020

lockdown day 180

Got up late, just laid there. Was tired. Came out and made myself some coffee and breakfast. Now watching the Office.
(Breakfast: eggs, toast, vienna sausages, coffee)

Showered and got dressed. After bathed Gabriel and my wife got him ready. I filled our water bottles with ice water and we chilled. Now it seems that we are ready to go out. Not sure where. We went to get a funnel cake then to Hillsdale mall, didn't last long as they didn't want to stay there. Drove back to Tanforan and went to the Halloween Spirit store and to Target. After came home.
(Afternoon: water, funnel cake, lemonade)

Spent some time in the room and eventually had dinner. So full, I think i over ate. We are watching a movie and soon putting Gabriel to bed. He finally fell asleep when Javi came in, i went out to watch the last 2 episodes of The Boys and now about to go to bed. Niners football coming up!
(Nighttime: 3 beers, water, pizza, chips)

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