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Monday, September 14, 2020

lockdown day 182


Got up, showered and after went to get Gabriel dressed and ready to take him to preschool. It was a bit of a struggle today, but we got him there and he was good with it. Came back home and had to take my sample to Kaiser for testing. Started work and checked emails and talked to a few people, today is a rotation change at work so there is potential for some issues, ready to answer those questions. I got my result and there was nothing found, so I have to provide one more sample in a month to see if everything is all good again. I have a town hall at 1 and later going over to my sisters.

(Morning: Water, boost, coffee)


Javi finished his class day, did some extra work. He has to log on later to finish all of his work. We had lunch and waited for my Mom to pass by with Gabriel and Myrna to pick him up. About to listen to this town hall meeting for work to see what they say.  Listened to the town hall and ran out real quick to drop off the package to return to Amazon. Bought the boys some shoes, Javi a shirt and Gabriel a sweater, back home now and running out the clock. My wife came home and we went over to my sister's to get the boys

(Afternoon: Chicken, rice, maduro, cheese, water, Monster, Ritz Crackers)


We got there, hung out a and came home. I made macaroni and cheese and had some tequila sunrises. Had the boys shower and now about to shower myself. Done with thay and played some Super Mario Bros, put Gabriel to sleep, found out that our cousin is finally having a boy, so that was great news. About to go watch wrasslin'. Before that I played more Super Mario Bros with Javi and completed more levels, watched some Netflix and i finally did watch RAW. Now off to bed

(Nighttime: mac and cheese, tequila sunrises,  water)

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