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Friday, September 25, 2020

lockdown day 193

Woke up, started laundry and went to showet. Got ready for the day. Came out to change Gabriel so we could take him to preschool. The drop off was good, got back home and switched out some clothes and logged in to work. My supervisor is out today and Monday. Javi has been logged in to class and doing work. Not a great day for him, but there is still time to recover from it. My mom passed by dropping off the nacatamales and now waiting to go get Gabriel at preschool. 
(Morning: coffee, boost, palmer, water)

I went over to get Gabriel,  came back and had lunch. After we went to drop Javi off and picked up some coffee qt Starbucks. Now back home working and waiting for questions. I logged in to the Thunderdome to watch 205 live and Smackdown. Gabriel fell asleep on me for a long nap.
(Afternoon: lasagna,  water, iced coffee)

Gabriel woke up, I heated some food for the boys for dinner. Talked to my mom for a hit. Played Uno and now going to shower. When I came out i put the boys to bed and we watched The Hunt. About to go to sleep
(Nighttime: left over burrito, water)

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