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Wednesday, September 2, 2020

lockdown day 170

Got up, made a bottle for Gabriel,  went to shower and got ready for the day. Chabged Gabriel and we went to go drop him off at preschool. It was a good drive over, he sang all the way there. We came back home to get Javi ready for school. He doesn't have a zoom day today, it's independent learning day. I had my boost and coffee and attended the forum meeting. Helped set up a phone and now waiting for lunch.
(Morning: coffee, boost,  water)

Got the food and had lunch. Soon going over to pick up Gabriel. My wife has to go into the office today so she will take Javi to the Boys and Girls club and I will hang out with Gabriel here for the afternoon. Later I am meeting my sister at Costco, so I will be leaving here and going to get Javi and do that.
Here with Gabriel and he started grabbing his stomach and needed to poop, I had to put on a glove and help him out. The poop was hard and he was struggling, I had to grab it and break it off and then it started flowing. My wife and I have had to do this numerous times with him, we hope he gets better with it. These are the things that no one tells you about parenthood. After work i went to the Dollar Tree and got a few things,  licked up Javi and dropped him off at home and went to meet my sister at costco. 
(Afternoon: Burger, chips, water, energy drink)

Got to costco did some shopping and went to unload the items at my sister's. Drove home to get my wife and headed over to Target in Tanforan. After shopping came home, bathed Gabriel and i took a shower after. Now putting the boys to bed. They went to sleep and I stayed up to play madden and now going to bed.
(Nighttime: peanut butter and jelly sandwich,  water, cheese its)

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