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Wednesday, September 23, 2020

lockdown day 191

Got up and went to shower. Got dressed and after changed Gabriel. We took him to preschool and came back home. Set up Javi for school, today is his independent study day. I logged in to work, chatted with a few people and checked emails. Very tired today. Javi finished school and my mom came by to pick him up before getting Gabriel
(Morning: water, coffee, donuts)

Drove to Darby Dan's to pick up some Crab Salad Sandwiches for lunch, came back home and ate. Rested a bit before going back in to work. My wife went to the office and I am just working here. Running out the clock. Right before my shift was done i helped one more person,  I took the trash out and went to get the boys.
(Afternoon: Water, Candy Corn, Crab Salad Sandwich) 

Got to my sister's and hung out for some time. Came home, chilled, showered and had dinner. Put Gabriel to bed and now watching Enola Holmes on Netflix. 
The movie was ok, a bit long but it was ok. About to go to bed
(Nighttime: gallo pinto, beer, water, eggs, tortilla, palmers)

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