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Friday, September 18, 2020

lockdown day 186


Got up, made a bottle for Gabriel, put clothes to wash and went to shower. Got ready and after got Gabriel ready for preschool. Today was a bad day for him. He was crying leaving here, crying at the preschool. But we left him and drove back home. We got here and I set up Javi's workstation for school. I made my coffee and got my boost. Checked in to work, caught up on emails and talked to a few people. Now doing laundry and waiting for questions.

(Morning: Coffee, Boost, Water, Pop Tart)


I went out to pick up Gabriel and came back home, got ready for my unit meeting. Did that and had lunch, my wife went out to drop Javi off at the boys and girls club. Gabriel has been crying for like 45 minutes, he has gone crazy, lost his mind. He doesn't stop. It's really frustrating and annoying. He keeps asking to 'get up' but no one is telling him to stay anywhere. Trying to run out the clock with this crazy person here. He finally went to sleep and I was able to contact a few people to set up conference calling. After he woke up crying and I has to hold him while he slept for the last 20 minutes or so of work. After work we went to pick up Javi amd some food. 

(Afternoon: white rice, carne molida, chips, water, Mango mocchi)


Got Javi, got out crab sandwiches and came home. Had dinner,  watched the rest of Smackdown and showered. Found out my sister went to the ER and may need me to give her a ride home. I was watching tv with Gabriel and my sister called, so we went to go get her and drove her home. When we got back i put the boys tl bed. Played madden and now off to sleep as well.

(Nighttime: sake bomb, beer. Dungeness Crab sandwich, water)

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