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Wednesday, September 30, 2020

lockdown day 198

Showerd and changed. Gabriel didn't go to preschool today, he has been having stomach issues. Javi finished up his school work by 10 and they played the Switch. I was able to attend the forum meeting and got some good information. On my break I went over to the UPS store to send out the left Joy Con that was not working to get repaired by Nintendo. Came back home and finished up my morning work.  My Mom came to get the to watch them.
(Morning: coffee, water, boost)

We went to see if the food court was open at Tanforan. It was, we got lunch and came back home. Had lunch and answered questions. Rested a bit and seeing how I can assist some folks.I was able to help a few people with CalFresh questions, reviewed some upcoming items that may change the way we do things. Running out the clock, after work going to get the boys. 
(Afternoon: panda express, water)

Got to my sister's place and hung out a bit. Had a quick taste of what they had for dinner and came home. We played Super Mario deluxe and I went to shower. I changed and put Gabriel to bed. Now about to go out to the living room. Watched a documentary on a lunatic who murdered his wife and 2 girls and lied about it. Kind of a bummer of a way to end the night. Going to bed.
(Nighttime: chile verde,  white rice,  tortilla,  water, peanut butter sandwich)

lockdown day 197


Woke up and went to put clothes to wash. Went to shower and changed to get ready for the day. When I was done I came out to get Gabriel ready for preschool. We took him over and when we got close he started to cry in a last ditch effort to stay with us. But when we got there he was fine. We dropped him off and came home to set up Javi for school. I checked in to work, coffee and boost in hand. Javi so far has had a very bad day with his class. Hopefully he can turn it around. I went to throw out some trash and now I am here waiting for lunch time. Going to go pick up Gabriel.

(Morning: Water, Boost, Coffee, Candy Corn)


I went to pick up Gabriel at school and came back home. We came back home and had lunch, I had 2 bowls of Chicken Gnocchi soup and a slice of cold pizza. Right now still waiting for questions from people and I really want to go take a nap. Javi has a meeting at 2, after that he goes to the Boys and Girls club. Dropped him off, returned home to finish out my work day. Played some Mario Party with Gabriel and close to 5:30 we went to get Javi and picked up some food.

(Afternoon: Chicken Gnocchi soup, pizza, water, Coffee)


We picked up food from the Dominic's food truck and now are home about to eat. Had dinner and played Mario Party. My wife bathed Gabriel and I sent Javi to shower. I showered and changed, put the boys to bed. Watched some tv and going to bed soon.

(Nighttime: pulled pork sandwich, bacon macaroni and cheese,  beer, water, popcorn shrimp)

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

lockdown day day 196

Got up, showere and got Gabriel ready. Decided to call out today. We dropped off Gabriel and came back home to set up Javi for school. He had a short in class session as his teacher had to leave early. We went to the Dollar Tree and came back. Javi is doing his work and waiting for my Mom to pick him up.
(Morning: coffee, bread pudding, water, boost)

My mom came by to get Javi, I had lunch and we took off to see houses. A few good ones and a few bad ones. We passed by Costco getting pizza and came home and waited for everyone to arrive. We had pizza, cupcakes and Javi opened his presents. He was so excited, he was screaming with joy.
(Afternoon: shrimp linguine,  water, monster)

Played Mario Party on the switch and put the boys to bed. About to shower. Finished up showering and went to watch tv. Finished watching RAW and doing accounting. Now off to bed.
(Nighttime: pizza, water)

Monday, September 28, 2020

lockdown day 195

Gpt up, went tp clean the livingroom behind the couches. It's been some time since we did that. Watched the Niners game and talked to Amilcar. At half time I showered and got dressed.
(Morning: nada)

Made an iced coffee and talked to Arnel for a bit. We took off to the park for a bit and played catch. Took the boys out for ice cream at Baskin-Robbins and we hit up target real quick to get some chicken breast. We got home, ordered some food and now hanging out watching Clash of Champions. 
(Afternoon: iced coffe, water, banana Royale, red lobster)

Watched the PPV and fell asleep towards the end. Got up, bathed the boys and went to shower. It is hot, I washed dishes and got Gabriel's things ready for tomorrow. Now putting them both to bed. We watched Fantasy Island and it was eh. After i stayed up a bit watching the NFL network and now off to bed.
(Nighttime: beer, water)

Sunday, September 27, 2020

lockdown day 194

Got up, had breakfast. Played a quick game of chess with Javi. About to shower and get ready for the day. Hopefully getting the flu shot today and running some other errands. 
We headed over to Kaiser and we all got the flu shots, the boys did great and we went over to get some Toña beer.
(Morning: coffee, water, nacatamale, toast)

After we left Total Wine we went over to Serramonte. Hit up the Disney store, Ms. Field's and Target. After we left there we passed by 7-11 getting Slurpees and came home to have lunch. Chilled and rested for a bit. My sister came by and we were hanging out.
(Afternoon: Slurpee, water, lasagna)

I went to pick up food at Chili's and came back home. We had dinner and we were just talking for a bit. After we played Uno and now I am putting Gabriel to bed. He went to sleep fast, i came out and sent Javi to bed. My sister got an Uber to go home, I showered and watched tv until going to sleep.
(Nighttime: burger,  mashed potatoes,  Margaritas, beer, water)

Friday, September 25, 2020

lockdown day 193

Woke up, started laundry and went to showet. Got ready for the day. Came out to change Gabriel so we could take him to preschool. The drop off was good, got back home and switched out some clothes and logged in to work. My supervisor is out today and Monday. Javi has been logged in to class and doing work. Not a great day for him, but there is still time to recover from it. My mom passed by dropping off the nacatamales and now waiting to go get Gabriel at preschool. 
(Morning: coffee, boost, palmer, water)

I went over to get Gabriel,  came back and had lunch. After we went to drop Javi off and picked up some coffee qt Starbucks. Now back home working and waiting for questions. I logged in to the Thunderdome to watch 205 live and Smackdown. Gabriel fell asleep on me for a long nap.
(Afternoon: lasagna,  water, iced coffee)

Gabriel woke up, I heated some food for the boys for dinner. Talked to my mom for a hit. Played Uno and now going to shower. When I came out i put the boys to bed and we watched The Hunt. About to go to sleep
(Nighttime: left over burrito, water)

Thursday, September 24, 2020

lockdown day 192


Woke up and went to shower. Got Gabriel ready for preschool and we were off to take him there. Returned home, it's a bit cold out, foggy with some mist, which is a good thing since the air quality has not been good lately. Made my coffee and had a boost. Checked in to work and now going to wait for questions. Pretty chill day, had a meeting with Amilcar and one EW so far has reached out for assistance,  i sent them to IT.

(Morning: Coffee, Boost, Water, pop tart)


Had lunch and headed out to drop Javi off and see some places,  some good ones but the location was not good. We came back home and chilled before picking up Javi and go getting Javi.

We got to my sister's place and hung out for a bit.

(Afternoon: monster, water, chicken, rice, tortilla. Cheese)


On the way home we picked up some Burritos and came home to eat dinner. After I had Javi do his homework, cbaged Gabriel,  i showered and now put him to bed. Came out to the living room,  checked that Javi finished his work and we watched an episode of The Boys. Played Madden while listening to How Did This Get Made? And now off to bed.

(Nighttime: Burrito, beer, water, chips)

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

lockdown day 191

Got up and went to shower. Got dressed and after changed Gabriel. We took him to preschool and came back home. Set up Javi for school, today is his independent study day. I logged in to work, chatted with a few people and checked emails. Very tired today. Javi finished school and my mom came by to pick him up before getting Gabriel
(Morning: water, coffee, donuts)

Drove to Darby Dan's to pick up some Crab Salad Sandwiches for lunch, came back home and ate. Rested a bit before going back in to work. My wife went to the office and I am just working here. Running out the clock. Right before my shift was done i helped one more person,  I took the trash out and went to get the boys.
(Afternoon: Water, Candy Corn, Crab Salad Sandwich) 

Got to my sister's and hung out for some time. Came home, chilled, showered and had dinner. Put Gabriel to bed and now watching Enola Holmes on Netflix. 
The movie was ok, a bit long but it was ok. About to go to bed
(Nighttime: gallo pinto, beer, water, eggs, tortilla, palmers)

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

lockdown day 190


Got up to make Gabriel a bottle and went to put clothes to wash. Came back and took a shower and got ready to go drop Gabriel off to preschool. The drop off was ok, he was acting up again, but fine when we got there. We got home, I made my coffee and had a boost and started working. Checked emails and checked in with a few people. So far I have been assisting on phone issues and catching up with people.

Slightly irritated this morning, I am getting asked to do things that are clearly out of my pay grade. It really sucks because I can and have figured out how to do things, but if I show them, they will take credit for it. So I am not sharing anything at the moment. 

(Morning: Coffee, boost, water)


I went to go get Gabriel and he was happy to see me. It's hot outside today, the drive back was pleasant and now here at the house relaxing. Lunch soon. no lunch today, had another boost and some water. Dropped Javi off to the boys and girls club and now working on a list of things they want me to do. Running out the clock with a hint of irritation. Finished work and chilled before going out to get gas and get Javi

(Afternoon: Water, Boost)


Got back home with Javi and made me some white rice with sardines. After I bathed Gabriel and told Javi to go shower. About to shower myself and chill before putting Gabriel to bed. Put him to bed, came out and watched some tv, played Madden and now off to bed. I have a bad headache 

(Nighttime: white rice, sardines, candy corn, water)

Monday, September 21, 2020

lockdown day 189


Got up and my stomach was hurting, used the bathroom and after fell asleep on the couch for a bit. When my alarm went off I went to go shower. Got Gabriel dressed for school and we drove over to drop him off. Got back home, set up Javi's work station, checked in to work and started that process. Not feeling 100% today but good enough to work. 

(Morning: water, boost, coffee)


My Mom stopped by to pick up Javi. We had lunch and I rested. Super tired still, hopefully it gets better as the day moves on. The day dragged on for a bit. Still tired, but watched Cooley High. Had a pop tart and donuts to see if I needed a sugar bolt. Finished up work and headed to Target to get some milk amd other supplies. After went to get the boys and came home.

(Afternoon: Chicken tacos, water, pop tart. Donuts, monster)


Got home, made dinner and showered. Got the boys ready for bed and watched a show. Played madden and off to bed.

(Nighttime: chicken quesadillas, water, ritz crackers)

Sunday, September 20, 2020

lockdown day 188

Got up, made myself some eggs, bacon and toast for breakfast. Got ready on the couch to watch the Niners take on the Jets. The fkrst half was good for scoring, but the Niners lost key players to injuries. Bosa, Thomas went down with potential ACL injuries,  Jimmy G has a high ankle sprain, Mostert knee caused him to exit.
(Morning: coffee, water, toast, eggs and bacon)

They won the game but it felt like a loss due to injuries. I showered and we went to Walmart. Got a few things and headed back home to make burgers.
(Afternoon: iced coffee, water)

Got home,  started the mini grill and cooked the burgers. Watched the rest of the football game between KC and LAC. Had dinner and now going to rest. Took a quick nap and when i woke up i bathed Gabriel. Javi showered, I showered after. I put Gabriel to bed and we watched the latest episode of the Boys. I am not feeling well, feeling a bit if Vertigo symptoms. Hope they go away overnight. 
(Nighttime: 2 burgers, water, beer. Pop tart, mocchi, donuts)

Saturday, September 19, 2020

lockdown day 187

Got up, my wife made French toast and I made bacon. Had breakfast and chilled. Washed the truck and now debating when to take a shower. Still sleepy.
(Morning: coffee, French toast, bacon)

We went to Serramonte and walked around for a bit. It was a bit full so we had to wait to get in to some stores. Went to the food court to get some Panda Express and came home to eat. After I fell asleep for a few hours and when I woke up I played Mario Party 8 with Javi.
(Afternoon: panda Express, water)

We were going to go out to Target but didn't go. I showere and played Uno with a new Mario bros deck I bought. Had some snacks for dinner and watched Cold Casr Files on Netflix. Now off to bed.
(Nighttime: water, cerveza, cheese toast, doritos, popcorn)

Friday, September 18, 2020

lockdown day 186


Got up, made a bottle for Gabriel, put clothes to wash and went to shower. Got ready and after got Gabriel ready for preschool. Today was a bad day for him. He was crying leaving here, crying at the preschool. But we left him and drove back home. We got here and I set up Javi's workstation for school. I made my coffee and got my boost. Checked in to work, caught up on emails and talked to a few people. Now doing laundry and waiting for questions.

(Morning: Coffee, Boost, Water, Pop Tart)


I went out to pick up Gabriel and came back home, got ready for my unit meeting. Did that and had lunch, my wife went out to drop Javi off at the boys and girls club. Gabriel has been crying for like 45 minutes, he has gone crazy, lost his mind. He doesn't stop. It's really frustrating and annoying. He keeps asking to 'get up' but no one is telling him to stay anywhere. Trying to run out the clock with this crazy person here. He finally went to sleep and I was able to contact a few people to set up conference calling. After he woke up crying and I has to hold him while he slept for the last 20 minutes or so of work. After work we went to pick up Javi amd some food. 

(Afternoon: white rice, carne molida, chips, water, Mango mocchi)


Got Javi, got out crab sandwiches and came home. Had dinner,  watched the rest of Smackdown and showered. Found out my sister went to the ER and may need me to give her a ride home. I was watching tv with Gabriel and my sister called, so we went to go get her and drove her home. When we got back i put the boys tl bed. Played madden and now off to sleep as well.

(Nighttime: sake bomb, beer. Dungeness Crab sandwich, water)

Thursday, September 17, 2020

lockdown day 185


Got up late again, second day in a row that I missed my alarm. Went to shower and got ready. After I got Gabriel ready and we took him to preschool. It was a hard drop off today, he was being difficult this morning, but on the drive he calmed down and went in ok. Came back home, set up Javi for school, made my coffee and signed in to work. Talked to a few people, so far the recording we did yesterday passed the first initial phase, next is management approval. Caught up on emails and ordered us lunch from Red Robin's.

(Morning: Boost, Coffee, Water)


Ate lunch, the delivery was late, but the food was OK. After lunch my wife took Javi to the Boys and Girls club and when she got back we went for a walk. My Mom dropped off Gabriel here before her appointment. Been working and talking to a few people and now waiting to run out the clock. Very sleepy. Had a Monster and ran out the clock, we went to go pick up Javi and went to Target .

(Afternoon: Pop tart, Monster, Chips, Burger)


Our Target run was bad. The boys acted like a bunch of twatsicles. We got home, they went on time out. My wife bathed Gabriel,  i sent Javi to shower. After he did his homework I went to shower and sent them to bed early. Talking to my Mom right now while they go to bed. 

They fell asleep and now hanging out in the living room wafching a singing show on Netflix. Going to sleep after.

(Nighttime: water, wingstop left overs, toast)

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

lockdown day 184


Woke up late, went to shower and came back to get Gabriel ready. We took him to preschool and it was a good drop off. Came back home, set Javi up for school and I logged in. I was able to chat with a few people and check emails before the forum. While I was on that call, Javi was meeting with his teacher and they had a good meeting. After I talked to Karla about the training video. Waited for her to send it to me.

(Morning: Boost, Water, Coffee)


My Mom picked up Javi and I started recording my part of the training. It took me close to 2 hours to get it done. I got it done and sent it over to my supervisor. I had lunch and now back in to work. Going to run out the clock. Helped out a few more people before logging out and waiting for my wife to get here to go get the boys.

(Afternoon: Water, shrimp Alfredo pasta, pop tart)


Got there and hung out for a bit. Filled out an application for Kiaser for her and chilled. We left and went to go get some wingstop and came home to eat. Trash is out. I showered and played Super Mario Bros with Javi. Got some more coins. Put Gabriel to bed and now relaxing in the living room, listening to the Giants game and waiting to watch NXT. Played Madden and now off to bed. 

(Nighttime: wingstop, veggie sticks, sweet tea, mocch)

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

lockdown day 183


Got up, started Gabriel's morning bottle, started laundry and took a shower. Got dressed and went to go get Gabriel dressed so we could take him to school. Today was a little better than yesterday. The drive was good, it's early and I am tired. Came back home, switched out the clothes, made coffee and signed in to work. Caught up on emails and chatted with some people. Today my work day is a bit light, I have a training prep meeting later. 

So far today I have been folding clothes and helping people set up their phones. Now waiting for Karla to be ready for our training prep. Hopefully she is ready soon. Met with Karla and it turned into a hour and a half meeting with management over the training materials. They were the wrong ones.

(Morning: Coffee, Boost, Water)


Finally had lunch, took Javi to the Boys and Girls club and came back home. Went back in to work and helped a few people out and ran out the clock. We are recording a training tomorrow. Picked up Javi and after came back home and headed to costco. Now home resting. 

(Afternoon: arroz a la valenciana, water. Strawberry mocchi)


The boys had cupcakes and milk. I changed them into their Mario and Luigi PJs. Played Super Mario Bros for a bit with Javi and soon put Gabriel to bed. I showered after and had some cheese toast with water. Watched TV and finished the night playing Madden. Now off to bed.

(Nighttime: cheese toast, water, cupcake)

Monday, September 14, 2020

lockdown day 182


Got up, showered and after went to get Gabriel dressed and ready to take him to preschool. It was a bit of a struggle today, but we got him there and he was good with it. Came back home and had to take my sample to Kaiser for testing. Started work and checked emails and talked to a few people, today is a rotation change at work so there is potential for some issues, ready to answer those questions. I got my result and there was nothing found, so I have to provide one more sample in a month to see if everything is all good again. I have a town hall at 1 and later going over to my sisters.

(Morning: Water, boost, coffee)


Javi finished his class day, did some extra work. He has to log on later to finish all of his work. We had lunch and waited for my Mom to pass by with Gabriel and Myrna to pick him up. About to listen to this town hall meeting for work to see what they say.  Listened to the town hall and ran out real quick to drop off the package to return to Amazon. Bought the boys some shoes, Javi a shirt and Gabriel a sweater, back home now and running out the clock. My wife came home and we went over to my sister's to get the boys

(Afternoon: Chicken, rice, maduro, cheese, water, Monster, Ritz Crackers)


We got there, hung out a and came home. I made macaroni and cheese and had some tequila sunrises. Had the boys shower and now about to shower myself. Done with thay and played some Super Mario Bros, put Gabriel to sleep, found out that our cousin is finally having a boy, so that was great news. About to go watch wrasslin'. Before that I played more Super Mario Bros with Javi and completed more levels, watched some Netflix and i finally did watch RAW. Now off to bed

(Nighttime: mac and cheese, tequila sunrises,  water)

Sunday, September 13, 2020

lockdown day 181

Got up and made the boys pancakes. Had coffee and chilled for a bit before watching  some football games. Fantasy Football this year is not looking so good, but we soldier on. Took a showet and getting ready to go get lunch.
(Morning: pancakes,  coffee, water)

Afternoon: went out to Chevy's to pick up food,  came back and ate, still watching football. Waiting for the Niners game to start.
The game was good, unfortunately the Niners lost 24-20. On to the next. After we played Super Mario Bros on the Wii. 
(Afternoon: fish tacos, rice, beans, water)

We went to Target to go exchange some PJs for Javi and some other items. Came baxk home, still a bit hot at the loss today, but I'll get over it. It is what it is. going to shower soon. Before showering I played Super Mario Bros again and after the shower put Gabriel to sleep. Watched some tv and cleaned up some items and cleared way for the Switch.
(Nighttime: flauta, taco, beer, water)

lockdown day 180

Got up late, just laid there. Was tired. Came out and made myself some coffee and breakfast. Now watching the Office.
(Breakfast: eggs, toast, vienna sausages, coffee)

Showered and got dressed. After bathed Gabriel and my wife got him ready. I filled our water bottles with ice water and we chilled. Now it seems that we are ready to go out. Not sure where. We went to get a funnel cake then to Hillsdale mall, didn't last long as they didn't want to stay there. Drove back to Tanforan and went to the Halloween Spirit store and to Target. After came home.
(Afternoon: water, funnel cake, lemonade)

Spent some time in the room and eventually had dinner. So full, I think i over ate. We are watching a movie and soon putting Gabriel to bed. He finally fell asleep when Javi came in, i went out to watch the last 2 episodes of The Boys and now about to go to bed. Niners football coming up!
(Nighttime: 3 beers, water, pizza, chips)

Saturday, September 12, 2020

lockdown day 179


Got up, went back to bed. Still not feeling well. I had the opportunity to do that today since my wife is off and we are not taking Gabriel to preschool since he has a dentist appointment. I was going to call out today, but since I have to be up for Javi's school I decided to work. Have my coffee in hand, about to go check the laundry and have a boost. Debating if I go leave my sample today or Monday. Just not really feeling it today. They came back from the dentist and it seems that Gabriel did a great job. I still am not feeling well, going to lay down. I ended up making myself some breakfast to see if that helps, so far it's not.

(Morning: Coffee, Boost, Water, eggs, toast, turkey sausage)

I went to take a nap, I was so tired and still not feeling well. I came back in and attended 2 meetings. After work today I am going to pick up some food and take it over to my Mom before coming back to have dinner here.  The rest of the day went well, not too sure how the meeting came off but we did the first one and I listened to the 2nd one. After we went to get the food, picked up Javi and off to drop the food to my Mom.

After we went to in and out for burgers for my wife and kids and got home.

(Afternoon: Cookie, fruit punch, water, meat, madeline)


Had dinner, talked to my mom. About to shower. Really uneventful night, watched tv, my wife went to bed early with the boys and i watched tv and fell asleep on couch.

(Nighttime: prime rib, Cesar salad,  garlic bread, strawberry milkshake, water)

Friday, September 11, 2020

lockdown day 178


Got up, showered and got ready. Went to change Gabriel so we could take him to preschool. Outside is much better than yesterday, still a bit overcast with ash falling, but at least it light outside, not dark. We came back and I set up Javi for his school day, I checked in to work and started to make my morning coffee. I took a quick break to wash the ashes off the car. Had a chat with a few people and now waiting for 1 PM to log off. We are going to see some places today in Hayward.

Javi was able to do his school work with minimal interruption. After he had lunch.

(Morning: Coffee, Boost, Water)

After we had lunch we went over to drop Javi off at the Boys and Girls club. We took off to Hayward to look at a few places. 2 out of 3 were ok. We came back home and I logged back in to work. Now waiting for any questions from EW's before I go get Javi and go over to pick up Gabriel.

(Afternoon: Pot stickers, cheetos, water, fruit punch, cookie)


I went to get Javi and off to my sister's place. I hung out there and waited for Gabriel to poop before leaving. Came home to pick up my wife and to go pick up some food. When we got back we ate and I helped Javi finish his homework. Showered and got Gabriel reay for bed. Read him Jack and the Beanstalk and put him to sleep. 

I came out to wash bottles and to watch an episode of The Boys. I have some Vertigo symptoms right now, not feeling good at all. Hopefully I get better.

(Nighttime: burrito, water, chips)

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

lockdown day 177


Got up to go shower and I noticed that the house was still really dark. I looked outside and the sky was covered with the smoke from the wildfires that are ongoing. The air quality is ok, smells like early morning camping. Got ready and we took Gabriel to preschool and came home. Got Javi ready for his independent study day. Checked in to work, I have a meeting at 9. Went to my meetin and got the information for the week. After I had to go to another meeting but it was a bit of a mess. It's still dark out.

(Morning: Boost, Coffee, Water, cheetos)


My Mom came by to get Javi before getting Gabriel. My wife atenthe left over soup, I waited for later ad I had to go out. She went to the office and i headed out to the Dollar Tree. Got a few items to wrap up the gifts and got super nachos. Now home, resting about to go back in to work. Got back in to work and finished the day out. Collected the garbage and took it out, now heading over to my sister's to get the boys.

(Afternoon: super nachos, water, corn nuts)


We got to my sister's and celebrated my nephews birthday, had some food, the kids danced and we came home. Shaved and showered amd got the boys ready for bed. Javi lost another tooth. Put Gabriel to bed, watched tv, played madden and going to bed soon. 

(Nighttime: lasagna, white castle sliders, dulce de leche ice cream, lemonade. Water)

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

lockdown day 176

Got up, showered. Came out and dressed Gabriel for preschool. His abuela said that he could stay home and she would watch him while Javi was in class and me and my wife worked. That did not happen,  my wife had him tailing her, he was with me at some points and made an appearance on Javi's screen. During the day I was able go find a Nintendo switch. I built a bundle as we are giving that to Javi for his birthday.
(Morning: water, boost, coffee, peanuts)

We had lunch and i took Javi to the Boys and Girls club. Came back and i am super sleepy. Going to check in to work and ride out the day. Hopefully there isn't too much going on in these last few hours. I got an email close to 4 that my laptop was ready, so I headed out to go pick it up and after I picked up Javi to come home  
(Afternoon: steak, mashed potatoes, tortilla,  cheese, water)

Got home, set up the laptop. Had dinnet, helped Javi get his shower ready, plahed Mario Bros and put Gabriel to bed. Showered after and watched tv with my wife. About to go to bed. 
(Nighttime: chicken gnocchi soup, water)

lockdown day 175

Got up, made eggs and turkey sausage for me and Gabriel. I offered Javi some but he started having some type of break down and crying that he go his way and my wife made him pancakes. I had toast along with my eggs and sausages and ofcourse coffee. Now going to rest a bit. Have Javi do the work he missed on Friday and get the things out of the car.
I started to get the things out of the truck,  organized it and headed to my sister's. Gpt there and started laundry. Went to get the last items out of her car and took them inside and put the other items away in mine. I washed the grill as much as I could before letting it dry and headed to the storage room. 
There was an issue there with getting in, but I got it settled. Put away the tents, chairs, cooler, pumps and other items. After that headed back to my sister's to switch out the clothes and then to Walgreens to get a few things for my wife and now home. About to shower.
(Morning: coffee, water, turkey sausages, toast, eggs, monster, danish)

I showered and chilled. I thought everyone would be ready to go. But they weren't. I went out again to my sister's and put the clothes to dry and one more to wash. Back home, they are still sleeping. Would like to go eat soon.
My wife and Gabriel got up and we headed over to my sister's again. I folded the clothes and we ate lunch, after we went to Serramonte. 
(Afternoon: ribs, watermelon, water)

We went to the Disney store and got a few things, got an icee and cookies for everyone else. We shopped at Target for some things and came home. Played Mario Bros with Javi, talked to Arnel for a bit. Showered, put Gabriel to sleep and came out to watch RAW. About to go to sleep.
(Nighttime: beed, water)

Monday, September 7, 2020

lockdown day 174

Got up, started cleaning up the tent and broke it down. Had some coffee before having pancakes, bacon and watermelon. It's hot, leaving mid day. We sang Happy Birthday to my nephew as he turns 16 today.
(Morning: pancake, bacon, water, coffee, watermelon)

We were going to wait until later, but it was too hot for the boys so we drove home earlier than expected. Gabriel slept the whole way, Javi slept a bit. As a treat we took them to 7-11 for Slurpees. We got home, i hosed down the swim shoes, crocs, slides, life vest and cooler. Let them air dry. It's hot out. We had some food and now resting.
(Afternoon: sushi burrito,  monster, water, slurpee)

Got up from resting. Made ice water for everyone. Talked to my mom and my sister to set things up for tomorrow. Put Gabriel to bed and went the living room and sent Javj to bed. Watched tv and fell asleep on the couch.  Now in bed and ready to sleep. 
(Nighttime: peanuts,  water)

Saturday, September 5, 2020

lockdown day 173

Got up to use the bathroom, there were more cars and campers here. Last night they were setting up making all kinds of noise and ruckus. My wife,  Mom and Sister went out to the store, I hanging out with the boys. They came back from the store we had breakfast and got ready to go out to swim
(Morning: coffee, huevos rancheros, bacon, water)

We went down for a long swim. Had lunch and swam some more. Gabriel floated by himself with his life vest. Came back up and went to the store to get ice and ice cream. 
(Afternoon: hot link, cheese sausage,  short rib, burger, chicken tacos, beer, water, watermelon)

Hanging out. Showered already, now waiting for my wkfe and Gabriel to get back from going with my mom and sister to shower. They went for the ride for the AC. Went over to the other campsite, amexia brought Gabriel over since he was being restless. 
Helped cook the steaks for dinner and ate. The boys ate marshmallows and I made my wife a smore. They went tonned, going to bed soon.
(Nighttime: steak, gallo pinto, beer, vodka and lime juice, peanuts, water, beer)
(Nighttime: beer, water, strawberry lemonade,  coco ice cream, steak and corn)

Friday, September 4, 2020

lockdown day 172

Got up, went to get ready and finished leaded the truck. Waiting on everyone else so we can go. The drive was good, we stopped for breakfast and then got to the site made the tents and went swimming. 
(Morning: Caramel Macchiato,  eggs Benedict,  water)

Came back from swimming and had lunch. Went back out to swim with Javi and showered after. Now hanging out.
(Afternoon: burgers, hot dog, hot link)

I have a big headache. Maybe due to the heat. Drinking a bit of water to calm it down a bit. We moved everything over to the other site, they are having the fire there. We ate dinner, Gabriel fell asleep. Moved him to the tent and went to wash up in the restroom. Might go to bed early. Tired. 
(Nighttime: beer, drinks water, chicken, gallo pinto)

Thursday, September 3, 2020

lockdown day 171

Woke up and went to shower. Gpt ready and came out to get Gabriel ready to go to preschool. We took the Camry today. Before leaving I noticed that a gallon of water burst in the car and some sweaters and a stroller that I had in the trunk had mold all over them. I had to toss it and wash some blankets and the sweaters. Started work and set up Javi for school. Been working and helping out and airing out the car. My mom asked me if she could get the boys and i told her yes.
(Morning: coffee, boost, water)

After my mom got the boys, we had lunch. I had some ice cream and chilled for the rest of my lunch time. Worked and answered questions the rest of the day, when i was done i moved the cars and we went over to Target to get Javi some swim clothes before getting to my sister's 
(Afternoon: ice cream, chicken tacos, water, white rice)

Got there and we attended the Back to School night meeting via zoom. Packed up my sister's and nieces car and we went to grab dinner. Came home,  loaded up the truck, Javi showered,  i changed Gabriel and i showered myself. Felt bad because Gabriel was asking to go in the car so we can go to Disneyland. I thought it was cute, but sad. We always leave at night, so I guess he thought that was where we were going. To be fair, I would rather go to Disneyland than camping right now. Anyway, off to bed.
(Nighttime: stacked grilled cheese burger,  tacos, fries, water)

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

lockdown day 170

Got up, made a bottle for Gabriel,  went to shower and got ready for the day. Chabged Gabriel and we went to go drop him off at preschool. It was a good drive over, he sang all the way there. We came back home to get Javi ready for school. He doesn't have a zoom day today, it's independent learning day. I had my boost and coffee and attended the forum meeting. Helped set up a phone and now waiting for lunch.
(Morning: coffee, boost,  water)

Got the food and had lunch. Soon going over to pick up Gabriel. My wife has to go into the office today so she will take Javi to the Boys and Girls club and I will hang out with Gabriel here for the afternoon. Later I am meeting my sister at Costco, so I will be leaving here and going to get Javi and do that.
Here with Gabriel and he started grabbing his stomach and needed to poop, I had to put on a glove and help him out. The poop was hard and he was struggling, I had to grab it and break it off and then it started flowing. My wife and I have had to do this numerous times with him, we hope he gets better with it. These are the things that no one tells you about parenthood. After work i went to the Dollar Tree and got a few things,  licked up Javi and dropped him off at home and went to meet my sister at costco. 
(Afternoon: Burger, chips, water, energy drink)

Got to costco did some shopping and went to unload the items at my sister's. Drove home to get my wife and headed over to Target in Tanforan. After shopping came home, bathed Gabriel and i took a shower after. Now putting the boys to bed. They went to sleep and I stayed up to play madden and now going to bed.
(Nighttime: peanut butter and jelly sandwich,  water, cheese its)

lockdown day 169


Got up, went to shower and got ready for work. After we got Gabriel ready for school and took him over to his class. He had a good drop off. We came back home, I set up Javi with school and continued laundry. I checked in to work and started off with good conversations with people. Got some answers and was asked to take some screen shots for management. Now waiting for lunch

(Morning: Boost, Water, Coffee)


My wife went to go pick up Gabriel while I stayed with Javi, we had lunch, I finished laundry and went to go take Javi to the boys and girls club and now finishing up work. We have to go to the storage room and Target later today. Finished work and headed over to get Javi and came back home to get my wife and Gabriel and we were off to the storage room and to Dick's for some items.

(Afternoon: water, fried rice, ice cream, water)


I was feeling a bit sick and we headed home, will go to target tomorrow or Thursday. We had McDonald's to eat and I went to nap, feeling a bit better now. Still have to shower. I got out of the room and went to shower,  wen finished Cobra Kai season 2, after I played Madden and now off to bed. 

(Nighttime: fries, McChicken Sandwich, chicken nuggets,  water)