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Monday, February 24, 2020

ugh... work

Got up, tired, not wanting to go to work today, but here we go. Got dressed,  made Gabriel a bottle,  packed my lunch and made my coffee and headed out to work. Traffic was smooth, found parking and now waiting for time to start walking over to work. Took a quick nap and took off walking. The walk was good, it wasn't too cold, got to work and checked emails. Reached out to 2 Ew's about shadowing, one is avioding me, the other one will be ready around 11. There was one that reached out to me, but she has Chinese intakes and I cannot shadow that. One outright refused to let Humberto shadow her, so there's that. Anyway, now I am here waiting for someone to shadow.  I got one more done and set up one for sure in the afternoon.  Going to have an early lunch today since I will be shadowing at 12:30.
(Morning: boost, coffee, water)

Had lunch and watched some of the League, going to my desk and waiting for the shadows to begin. We have 3 to go here in the PM. Back at my desk, reached out to an EW for a potential shadow, let's see how that goes. The vending machine here was selling items for the wrong price, I was able to get a Monster Energy drink for $1. So I got 2 of them, taking one home for later. Not sure if I drink one here today.
After hanging out I headed out to the car to go to my sister's house to get the boys. 
(Afternoon: Carne Molida, white rice, water, Monster)

Got there and hung out for a bit, had some dinner and headed home. When I got home I started laundry and made a pizza so I can have lunch tomorrow. Helped Javi with his homework and put Gabriel to bed. Showered and washed the dishes,  finished laundry and sent Javi to bed. Now watching tv.
(Nighttime: ribs, gallo pinto. water)

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