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Tuesday, February 25, 2020

another day

Got up, got dressed and made Gabriel a bottle,  put clothes to dry and headed out. The drive was good, got parking and now waiting to start walking. Going to resend the email request for the time off in April for my surgery. I got to work and checked emails. I was able to get one more shadow done. After I went to talk to my supervisor and now I am on a webinar about income entries in CalWIN.  This webinar is crazy, they are very confusing, I think I understand it, but I have to see it again. 
(Morning: boost,coffee, water)

Had lunch and let the potential PM shadow that I would be on line at 12:30 ready to go and finish this up. 2 left in the PM. About to go rest up before 12:30. So, no luck on the shadowing. Now just running out the clock. I would like to take a nap, but not sure how that would be possible right now. After here I have to walk to the car and go put gas in the car and go home, might hit up Costco for diapers today.
(Afternoon: Pizza, Water, rock star)

Got home, took out the trash and helped the boys with some art thing. We went to Target to get diapers. Now we are home, might eat something. Had mozzarella sticks, jalapeno peppers and Ritz crackers. Put Gabriel to bed and chilled. Playing Madden before bed.
(Nighttime: frappuccino, water, mozzarella sticks, Ritz crackers, jalapeno poppers)

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