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Thursday, February 20, 2020

almost Friday

I got up from the couch and went to the bed. Fell asleep again and woke up to get ready to go to work. I made Gabriel a bottle and had to clean up some ahole ants that were in the sink. Went to get ready, made coffee and headed out. The drive was smooth, got parking and now waiting to start walking. Got to my desk, it was a nice walk. Checked emails and started the process in scheduling the shadows for the phone workers. My supervisor came over to show us how the splitters work.
We tried them out to shadow, but they did not work, so we decided to do the shadowing a different way. I was able to complete one before lunch.
(Morning: boost, coffee, water)

Ate lunch, went to the post office to send out the payment for Javi's after school program. Got a drink at Starbucks and came back to work to shadow another worker. In total inwas able to shadow 4 EW'S today, it would have been 5, but the client didn't pick up.building wise it looks like we were able to take care of 5 shadows.
After we had our unit meeting and discussed some training items. Some crazy plans they have about how we should do a drop in day. I vetoed that real quick, doesn't make sense. Anyway after I walked to the car and drove home to put the garbage bins away, pick up my wife and go get the boys.
We got there and hung out and eventually had dinner.
(Afternoon: Pizza, Iced Caramel Machiatto, water, fun dip)

Had spaghetti and lemonade. Went to drop off my mom and came home. Bathed the boys, played for a bit. Put Gabriel to bed,  watched some of the Lego Masters show with Javi and now hanging out until bed.
(Nighttime: spaghetti, lemonade,  waters mini wheats, ritz crackers,  ice cream)

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