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Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Training day

Just when I thought I was out... they pulled me back in. I got up, made Gabriel a bottle,  got dressed, made my coffee and headed out. It is cold again. The drive was smooth, found parking in area 2. Now waiting to start walking to 1440 for the first if 2 make up trainings today. I should be receiving my schedule for the panel interviews tomorrow. 
Got in and checked emails, still no schedule for the panel interviews tomorrow and Friday. Hopefully they send those today.
Set up for the training and now waiting for time to start. 16 people this morning. We went to set up the room and waited for people to show up. Only 8 showed, we started and finished in about an hour.
After I stopped by to chat with Maria, Sandra, Kathleen and Tim before going to Target to get a salad for lunch. I was going to get a coffee but decided against it at the last minute. 
(Morning: water, coffee,  boost)

I had lunch and chilled, I got my schedule for tomorrow for the panel interview. I am relaxing until we go again at 2 for training. Should go quick as well. I went to set up for the next training and it was pretty close to the capacity of the list. The training went well, got some good jokes in there to wake the crowd up. We finished pretty early, but that is ok. Right now I am going to wait for a bit before leaving, I have to power walk to the car, change my shirt and start taking out the garbage we need to take out for pick up tomorrow. I also have to put away some clothes and get my outfits ready for tomorrow to look dapper for the panel interview assignment.
I left work and walked to my car, the walk was good. Drove home and I came into the house to see that they just threw my things wherever they wanted, lost a few pieces of the wrestling ring and still have the nerve to be mad at me.
Anyway, I went to take the trash out and now watching NXT.
(Afternoon: Water, salad, Doritos, fig newton,guava pastry)

Still hanging out, tired, sleepy and hungry. Hung out with the boys, helped Javi with his homework, changed Gabriel and let him run around a bit while I threw out the last of the trash. I put him to bed while talking to my mom. After I showered and got my bow tie ready for tomorrow. Javi went to bed and I played 2 games of Madden and watched some episodes of Curb your Enthusiasm. 
Going to bed soon.
(Nighttime: water, jalapeno peppers, dumplings, frosted mini wheats)

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