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Friday, February 28, 2020

penultimate training day

Got up, didn't get good rest. But we pushed forward. Got dressed,  made Gabriel a bottle,  packed lunch, made coffee and headed out. The drive was smooth, no traffic. Found parking and now about to take a nap before walking to work. Got up from my nap and headed to work. The walk was good, it's been warm this week so it's been nice. Got to my desk, checked emails and organized some things. Watching WWE Super Showdown today.
(Morning: boost, coffee, water)

Had lunch, the bending machine is still mispriced so I got 5 Monsters to take home. A savings of $8.75 for me. Anyway still watching wrestling, waiting to see if the meeting we have is via phone, or in person. Tomorrow we wrap up training for Group B. Monday Group C starts.
Hung out at my desk until the unit meeting. It was almost an hour. There was some interesting items to take note of, different trainings, etc. Talked a bit to Denise about a case someone needed help on and after that walked to the car to go get the boys at my sister's. 
When I got there they were playing, I hung out for a bit before heading home. Need to figure out dinner.
(Afternoon: Carnitas, Toritilla, water, monster)

Went to get Burritos,  I got nachos. Had dinner, put Gabriel to bed watched Lego Masters with Javi. Cut my hair and shaved, showered and watched some tv before bed.
(Nighttime: super nachos, beer, water)

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