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Tuesday, February 4, 2020

back at work

Got up, got dressed,  put clothes to dry, made Gabriel a bottle, made my coffee and headed out. It's cold outside, really cold. The drive to work was smooth, found parking, but it's full around here. Going to nap until I have to start walking in this cold weather.
I woke up from my nap and started to walk to work, it is cold, really cold, windy and cold. Did I mention it is cold?
The walk was a brisk one, I go t to the building and got to my desk, checked emails and found out that I we are being asked to join a panel interview for 2905 candidates. I signed up for Thursday and Friday, I did the pre training we were asked to do. Tomorrow I have to do the make up training on Pickle, DAC and DW. One at 1440 and the other one here at 1235.
About to make some copies and chill.
(Morning: boost, water, coffee)

Gpt a call from my wife that Gabriel had a great time at preschool, so gald he did. It's a big change for him, glad he is trying to adjust to it. Waiting for Kathleen to be done with her interview for the 2913 postion for CAAP, so I can see her out, then I will go have lunch. I brought a sandwich and left over wings from Sad Sunday as I will refer to it as. Anyway, work has been ok, been reading items and going over the trainings, waiting for my time for the panel interview assignment. I am going over in my head what I will wear those 2 days so I can look professional for the assignment. After all these candidates are looking for work and they deserve to see us at our best.
Had lunch and you know what, it still stings, it really f'ing sucks that the Niners lost. I really just want to scream, I hope the days help this feeling pass by, it really really sucks. 
Anyway, about to continue listening to a podcast and chill until it's time to go home. Not sure if I am picking up Javi today.
Left work, got to the car and drove home. Washed dishes and Gabriel woke up so I came over to put him back down to nap. 
(Afternoon: Water, sandwich, wings)

Made coffee, but I think it got cold. Going to see how it is in a bit. Not sure if we are doing anything or having dinner. I need to make lunch for tomorrow or maybe I get something on the way back to my desk. Since I have trainings in 2 buildings.
The coffee was warm, I was helping Javi with his homework and Gabriel work up. After Javi was done we worked on his Valentine's day cards for his classmates. I bathed the boys after that and went to pick up some sushi. 
We had dinner and I put Gabriel to bed,  showered after and now just watching tv before bed.
(Nighttime: coffee, water, donut, sushi)

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