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Thursday, February 13, 2020

last day of work this week

Got up, made Gabriel a bottle. Got dressed,  made coffee and rushed out of the house. There are a lot of no parking signs in the parking area I go to, so I wanted to make sure I found parking. The drive was quick, it's cold today, found parking and now going to chill until time to wake to 1440.
Today we meet as a group for the last time until training starts. Hopefully Odioh is here to move us along with the process.
I spoke to my supervisor,  he was sick, sounded bad, updated him on the process we had so he can present both and see what they want to do. After I went to talk to Mimi, Rudy and Denise. About to have lunch.
(Morning: boost,  water, coffee, cookies)

Had lunch with Kathleen and Tim, after I went to a desk and talked with Amilcar before going to a training about the flu and hygiene. After I went home. Javi is sick. 
(Afternoon: sandwich,  water)

Had the boys change. We went to get Javi in-n-out burger and came home. Did laundry, had dinner showered. Put both boys to bed, watched tv and now going to sleep.
(Nighttime: double double, water)

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