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Monday, February 10, 2020


Got up, made Gabriel a bottle,  went to get dressed,  made coffee and headed out. The drive was smooth. Found parking and now just waiting to start walking to work. I had pretty strange dreams last night, made my night a bit restless. Anyway, going to rest until it's time to go.
Started my walk to work and it was a good brisk walk, wasn't too cold. I got to work and checked emails, started to work on the next power point for training next week. I talked to my supervisor about getting Friday off to take Javi to the dentist and do other things. I got it off.
Started watching A Marriage Story and now just doing that. 
(Morning: boost, coffee,  water)

Still watching the movie, it's good and very harsh, running throuhg a lot of emotions with this one here. Anyway, I had lunch and now hanging out until the end of work. I have to go pick up the kids and take my Mom home.
Got off work, headed to my sister's and got the kids, dropped my mom off at home and drove home.
(Afternoon: Water, Sandwhich, Apple, Fig Newton, nutter butter)

Went to get dinner and came back and ate. Put clothes to wash and showered. Now putting Gabriel to bed. He went to sleep and soon after Javi went to sleep. Today just wasn't a good day. I try to get Javi to be open to trying new things, but he is just a scary kid and I get no support or back up from my wife on this.
They see it as being mean, I see it as trying to get Javi to prepare himself for new challenges and adventures. You can't always play it safe, you have to take that leap to go places. Bit like always, I am always in the wrong.
Oh well, it is what it is. Watching tv until bed.
(Nighttime: burrito, water, chips)

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