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Saturday, February 8, 2020

panel day 2

Got up, got dressed,  put clothes to dry, made coffee and headed out. The drive was smooth it was just cold, really cold. Found parking and now waiting for time to walk over to 1650 Mission for panel interviews. 
Got to the building and James brought us donuts. I got my assignment with my team and headed out to do the morning set.
(Morning: boost, water, coffee, maple donut)

Had lunch and watched some Curb your Enthusiasm,  ran in to Aimee again today, had a quick chat. My group had quite a few good candidates, hopefully the Afternoon session goes well and quick.
We are in a break from the interviews,  so far only 1 good candidate,  the other 2 have tried hard but have lacked in key areas. 5 more to go. The second batch after the break had better candidates, we left feeling good about the process.
After I walked to the car and headed home, got in and sent my consent form in to Kaiser for the surgery and we are off to Target. 
(Afternoon: sandwich,  water, butter butter)

Got to Target,  got the boys ICEE and popcorn, we got Starbucks and walked around the mall, did a little shopping and now are home. Put Gabriel to bed,  showered and watched tv. Played Madden for a bit and went to bed.
(Nighttime: popcorn,  iced chai tea latte, gallo pinto, beer)

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