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Saturday, February 29, 2020

last day of training

Got up early, went to get ready. Made Gabriel a bottle, put clothes to dry,  made coffee and headed out. The drive was good. Found good parking and now waiting to go to work. Today is the wrap up day for training. Start at 1440 and end at 1235.
Got to work and went with Amilcar to Peet's. Came back, checked email and went to the wrap up training. It was good and mostly productive. After I went to talk to Kathleen and Tim.
(Morning: boost, coffee, water)

Took off to my building, had lunch and got ready for the next training. That one was ok, wasn't as question filled as the first one. After I walked with Karla towards Costco before going our separate ways. Drove home and tried to get everyone ready to go look for a gift for Allix.
(Afternoon: burrito, monster, water)

Went to serramonte,  had some thai food, got a cute dress for Allix and came home. Changed Gabriel and put him to bed. Showered and now hanging out.
(Nighttime: Thai food, Thia iced tea, water, beer)

Friday, February 28, 2020

penultimate training day

Got up, didn't get good rest. But we pushed forward. Got dressed,  made Gabriel a bottle,  packed lunch, made coffee and headed out. The drive was smooth, no traffic. Found parking and now about to take a nap before walking to work. Got up from my nap and headed to work. The walk was good, it's been warm this week so it's been nice. Got to my desk, checked emails and organized some things. Watching WWE Super Showdown today.
(Morning: boost, coffee, water)

Had lunch, the bending machine is still mispriced so I got 5 Monsters to take home. A savings of $8.75 for me. Anyway still watching wrestling, waiting to see if the meeting we have is via phone, or in person. Tomorrow we wrap up training for Group B. Monday Group C starts.
Hung out at my desk until the unit meeting. It was almost an hour. There was some interesting items to take note of, different trainings, etc. Talked a bit to Denise about a case someone needed help on and after that walked to the car to go get the boys at my sister's. 
When I got there they were playing, I hung out for a bit before heading home. Need to figure out dinner.
(Afternoon: Carnitas, Toritilla, water, monster)

Went to get Burritos,  I got nachos. Had dinner, put Gabriel to bed watched Lego Masters with Javi. Cut my hair and shaved, showered and watched some tv before bed.
(Nighttime: super nachos, beer, water)

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

I'm late

I woke up 18 minutes late.i ran to get get ready, got Gabriel's bottle before I left and took off to work. Luckily I was able to get down here in time to find parking. Took a quick nap and started my walk to work. I made it. Checking emails now. Caught up and talked to a few people, I was able to watch Frozen II. It was good. After I went to the forum meeting, about to head over to 1440 for lunch
(Morning: boost, coffee, water)

I got to 1440 and hung out a bit before going to the lunch event. It was fun, it was a light lunch, a good event overall. After I went back downstairs to find a cubicle and worked a bit. Went to Costco with Amilcar and came back to the office, there was a fire drill and we had to leave and come back. After I came home to take out the trash and pick up my wife to go to get the boys.
(Afternoon: water, yogurt, garbanzo bean salad, soup, carrot mango smoothie)

Got to my sister and had dinner, hung out a bit and came home. Changed Gabriel and showered. Tried to put him to sleep, took a while but he went down. Now watching tv.
(Nighttime : carnitas, chicharron, tortilla, water)

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

another day

Got up, got dressed and made Gabriel a bottle,  put clothes to dry and headed out. The drive was good, got parking and now waiting to start walking. Going to resend the email request for the time off in April for my surgery. I got to work and checked emails. I was able to get one more shadow done. After I went to talk to my supervisor and now I am on a webinar about income entries in CalWIN.  This webinar is crazy, they are very confusing, I think I understand it, but I have to see it again. 
(Morning: boost,coffee, water)

Had lunch and let the potential PM shadow that I would be on line at 12:30 ready to go and finish this up. 2 left in the PM. About to go rest up before 12:30. So, no luck on the shadowing. Now just running out the clock. I would like to take a nap, but not sure how that would be possible right now. After here I have to walk to the car and go put gas in the car and go home, might hit up Costco for diapers today.
(Afternoon: Pizza, Water, rock star)

Got home, took out the trash and helped the boys with some art thing. We went to Target to get diapers. Now we are home, might eat something. Had mozzarella sticks, jalapeno peppers and Ritz crackers. Put Gabriel to bed and chilled. Playing Madden before bed.
(Nighttime: frappuccino, water, mozzarella sticks, Ritz crackers, jalapeno poppers)

Monday, February 24, 2020

ugh... work

Got up, tired, not wanting to go to work today, but here we go. Got dressed,  made Gabriel a bottle,  packed my lunch and made my coffee and headed out to work. Traffic was smooth, found parking and now waiting for time to start walking over to work. Took a quick nap and took off walking. The walk was good, it wasn't too cold, got to work and checked emails. Reached out to 2 Ew's about shadowing, one is avioding me, the other one will be ready around 11. There was one that reached out to me, but she has Chinese intakes and I cannot shadow that. One outright refused to let Humberto shadow her, so there's that. Anyway, now I am here waiting for someone to shadow.  I got one more done and set up one for sure in the afternoon.  Going to have an early lunch today since I will be shadowing at 12:30.
(Morning: boost, coffee, water)

Had lunch and watched some of the League, going to my desk and waiting for the shadows to begin. We have 3 to go here in the PM. Back at my desk, reached out to an EW for a potential shadow, let's see how that goes. The vending machine here was selling items for the wrong price, I was able to get a Monster Energy drink for $1. So I got 2 of them, taking one home for later. Not sure if I drink one here today.
After hanging out I headed out to the car to go to my sister's house to get the boys. 
(Afternoon: Carne Molida, white rice, water, Monster)

Got there and hung out for a bit, had some dinner and headed home. When I got home I started laundry and made a pizza so I can have lunch tomorrow. Helped Javi with his homework and put Gabriel to bed. Showered and washed the dishes,  finished laundry and sent Javi to bed. Now watching tv.
(Nighttime: ribs, gallo pinto. water)

Sunday, February 23, 2020

on the hunt

Officially got out of bed at 10, but there was several times I was woken up by Gabriel to do something. I cleaned the bed and we went to shower. The boys had lunch and we were going house hunting.
(Morning: boost, 2 mini muffins)

We drove to Hayward to see some house and condos. Some were better than others, now we are on our last one. No parking so I am in the car with the boys. We switched our to see the house, it was nice, after we went to see a few more and had a late lunch/early dinner at Hometown Buffett,  it.was.nasty! I wish I could turn back time to not go there. After we came home.
(Afternoon: buffet, ICEE, water)

Took like a 10 minute nap or so, we were supposed to watch THE Walking Dead,  but my wife wanted to watch 90 day fiancee instead. So I went to 7-11 to grab some milk for the house, came back to shower the boys and now since my wife finished what she wanted to watch, she wants to watch the  Walking Dead,  but I already started watching The Broken Skull session with Steve Austin and the Big Show. So there's that. Have to show soon and put Gabriel to bed.
Put Gabriel to bed, showered and finished the interview, now watching the walking dead and going to bed
(Nighttime: water, buñuelos, ice cream)

Saturday, February 22, 2020


Got up,  made the boys pancakes. I was going to try and make this egg sandwich,  but we didn't have enough eggs so I made myself some pancakes as well. Hung out and watched some of the office and some XFL football and showered.
(Morning: coffee, pancakes)

I went with Javi to go pick up some buñuelos from my mom and after to Safeway to get some things we needed. Got home and Gabriel is still napping. About to eat a late lunch/early dinner. After dinner we rested a bit and then headed out to drop off the buñuelos to my sister and go to Krispy Kreme to get donuts.
(Afternoon: stroop waffle,  Ritz crackers, carne molida, white rice, water, coffee, donuts,buñuelos)

After the donuts we went to Serramonte to walk around a bit. After we came home. Time to relax. Showered and put Gabriel to bed and now watching the League.
(Nighttime : cheese sticks, cheetos, beer)


Got up, made Gabriel a bottle and got ready. Put clothes to dry and made my coffee and headed out. The drive was good, it's a bit cold this morning. Lots of things on my mind today. Hopefully everything goes well at work today with the shadowing. 
Got to work and was able to set up the shadowing for the morning I got 2 done. When I was finished installed to Arnel for a bit. 
(Morning:  boost, coffee, water)

Going to eat lunch and watch the league,  after I will shadow some more. I went over to heat up my Spaghetti and ate. Also got some corn chips and a monster. Now back at my desk. I was able to get 3 more shadows done, putting my total for today at 5 and overall 9. All of them have been pretty good, they have been able to get the information and they are able to explain the information to the clients. About to go home in a bit.
Started the walk to the car and headed home. My Matt Hardy figure came in!
(Afternoon:Spaghetti, Corn chips, Monster, Water, peanut butter cookie)

We went to eat sushi in San Bruno. I had BBQ pork rice and chicken wings. We came back home, Gabriel fell asleep at the restaurant and he is still sleeping. I had to change him while he was out. Now going to watch som tv
(Nighttime: bbq pork fried rice,  chicken wings, miso soup, water)

Thursday, February 20, 2020

almost Friday

I got up from the couch and went to the bed. Fell asleep again and woke up to get ready to go to work. I made Gabriel a bottle and had to clean up some ahole ants that were in the sink. Went to get ready, made coffee and headed out. The drive was smooth, got parking and now waiting to start walking. Got to my desk, it was a nice walk. Checked emails and started the process in scheduling the shadows for the phone workers. My supervisor came over to show us how the splitters work.
We tried them out to shadow, but they did not work, so we decided to do the shadowing a different way. I was able to complete one before lunch.
(Morning: boost, coffee, water)

Ate lunch, went to the post office to send out the payment for Javi's after school program. Got a drink at Starbucks and came back to work to shadow another worker. In total inwas able to shadow 4 EW'S today, it would have been 5, but the client didn't pick up.building wise it looks like we were able to take care of 5 shadows.
After we had our unit meeting and discussed some training items. Some crazy plans they have about how we should do a drop in day. I vetoed that real quick, doesn't make sense. Anyway after I walked to the car and drove home to put the garbage bins away, pick up my wife and go get the boys.
We got there and hung out and eventually had dinner.
(Afternoon: Pizza, Iced Caramel Machiatto, water, fun dip)

Had spaghetti and lemonade. Went to drop off my mom and came home. Bathed the boys, played for a bit. Put Gabriel to bed,  watched some of the Lego Masters show with Javi and now hanging out until bed.
(Nighttime: spaghetti, lemonade,  waters mini wheats, ritz crackers,  ice cream)

day 2 of training

Got up, got dressed, made Gabriel a bottle,  made coffee for myself before heading out. Gabriel had a bad night, he threw up a bit and didn't want to sleep again. But he eventually went to sleep. The drive to work was good, got one of the last parking spots in my area, now waiting to start walking to work. I work from 1440 all day today.
I got in, checked emails and went to set up for the training. Humberto was out, so we had to adjust the rotation.
It went well, however when management came by they basically wasted 35 minutes on repeating everything I said. Oh well, after i heated up my food.
(Morning: boost, coffee,  water)

Ate lunch, went to hang out with Amilcar for a bit before going back up for the pm training. It was just about the same, some hiccups. Including management again repeating my part. If they would have only checked out my power point, they would have seen that I covered everything they were talking about. 
After I walked to the car and drove home to take out the trash and go grocery shopping. 
(Afternoon: chicken, chili beans, rock star. Water, fig newton)

We went to Target and on the way back got some round table pizza. We got home and unloaded the car, ate dinner and finished up taking out the trash. Put Gabriel to bed and showered, watched tv and fell asleep on the couch.
(Nighttime: pizza, water, caprisun)

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

phone training

Bad night, stomach was hurting like crazy, Gabriel was trying to have a party at 4 in the morning. I ended up getting up earlier than usual to get ready and headed out. A lot of things on my mind, a lot of potential changes that may be happening soon. But anyway, I put clothes to dry, made my coffee and headed out to work. The drive was smooth, there is a lot of construction around, but I got a good spot. Now waiting to walk over to work, I have to update a slide on the power point for the training today.
Well, there was a fire alarm and quite a bit of distractions during the training. The usual suspects that do not listen and continue to talk during training and never learn. We ended up saving the training.
(Morning: water, coffee, boost)

Had lunch, watched some episodes of the league. We got ready for the training and again we had some nasty people in the training. Negativity is winning with these EW'S, but we are almost done. That training was good for us, but the EW's they were hot garbage. Anyway, walked to the car and drove home. Started dinner and threw out some trash. Now waiting for the food to be ready
(Afternoon: monster, water, sandwich, fun dip, cheetos)

Had dinner and had a talk with Javi about his eating habits. We were telling him that he has to eat more variety and finish his food. Let's see how that goes tomorrow. I changed the boys and put Gabriel to bed, it took some time and Javi came in to sleep as well. Took a shower and now watching tv before bed.
(Nighttime: chicken, chili beans, water, fig newton)

president's day

Couldn't sleep in due to Gabriel being on one this morning. Went to hang out in the living room with him. Watched a few shows, cleaned under and behind the couch. Had coffee and going to shower.
(Morning: Ritz crackers, coffee)

Got ready and now waiting to go. We went to Chevy's and had lunch. I had some tacos. After we went to serramonte for a bit and came home. I took a nap and started to wash clothes and we played water balloons outside. 
(Afternoon: barbacoa tacos, chips, salsa, water)

Gave the boys a bath and showered. Made some food for dinner and now trying to put both boys to bed. Took a while but they went to sleep. Now watching tv before bed.
(Nighttime: tortilla, cheese and salami, jalapeno peppers, peanut butter sandwich, water)

Monday, February 17, 2020


Got up, made Gabriel some eggs, made myself a breakfast sandwich and coffee a d hung out until I got ready to go. We played outside with water balloons and cleaned out some of the toys outside.
(Morning: coffee, breakfast sandwich)

We went to Chili's and had lunch. Came back home and most of us napped. Now watching NXT. I had some chips and beer as me and Javi watched Lego Masters and chilled.
(Afternoon: burgers, chips, guacamole,  fries cheesecake, beer, chips)

Watched a few shows and played a bit with Gabriel, now trying to get him to go to sleep. Got some bad news, one of the supervisors the I worked with passed away from stage 4 leukemia, she was not my supervisor. but she would always help out when I asked. May she rest in peace Ana Marie Palermo. Wanted to watch Curb your Enthusiasm but Gabriel would not sleep. Just watched some shows and now going to bed.
(Nighttime: Ritz crackers)

Saturday, February 15, 2020

start of a long weekend

Got up, made eggs for the boys. Caught up on some shows and chilled.
(Morning: coffee, cupcakes)

Showered and now ready to go. Not sure where, but ready nonetheless. So I guess we are going to Hillsdale mall, we headed out and found parking pretty quickly. The boys fell asleep so I am the car with them. Javi woke up and we took a sleeping Gabriel into the mall to go find my wife and mother in law. We found them we went to eat and ran into Brian, Aisha and the girls. Talked for a bit and went to the lego store and to build a bear. The boys got lego sets and sonic the Hedgehog bears. After we came home.
(Afternoon: nachos, horchata, beer)

The air filter I ordered came in, but it was for the wrong filter. I did a little more research and saw that it was for the cabin filter. So I looked it up on YouTube and was able to change it myself. Tomorrow the air filter should come in. I helped Javi build his Toy Story 4 lego set and Gabriel with his diplo Marvel set. Now hanging out, hope to watch Zombieland Double Tap.
Watched most of the movie before Gabriel came out to get my wife to go to bed. Watching tv before going to bed.
(Nighttime: beer, mini wheats,  Ritz crackers,  fig newton, water)

Valentine's day

Got up, put clothes to dry,  made Gabriel a bottle. Went to get ready and headed out to take Gabriel to school and Javi to the dentist. They both did well, Javi ended up throwing up phlegm in the car. They stayed home and incame out to see Cullo at the shop for an oil change. Now waiting for the car. Hope it goes by quick. Got the car and headed home.
(Morning: boost, coffee)

Went to go get Gabriel,  my Mom and Myrna. Now home, hanging out before the movie starts. After resting upnforna bit, we headed out to the movies. Got the kids popcorn and  a drink. We watched Sonic the Hedgehog, it was a fun movie for kids. After I went to drop Myrna off to my brother and went home. My mom was going to watch the boys for us while we went out to dinner.
(Afternoon: peanuts, fig cookies, cookies, popcorn)

We headed over to Kincaid's to have a nice Valentine's day dinner. The food was delicious and the dessert was amazing. After we came home, I went to drop my mom off and came back home to watch some tv. I fell asleep on the couch, but now going to bed.
(Nighttime: beer, water, garlic buttered bread prime rib, mashed potatoes,  veggies, coffee and burnt creme)

Thursday, February 13, 2020

last day of work this week

Got up, made Gabriel a bottle. Got dressed,  made coffee and rushed out of the house. There are a lot of no parking signs in the parking area I go to, so I wanted to make sure I found parking. The drive was quick, it's cold today, found parking and now going to chill until time to wake to 1440.
Today we meet as a group for the last time until training starts. Hopefully Odioh is here to move us along with the process.
I spoke to my supervisor,  he was sick, sounded bad, updated him on the process we had so he can present both and see what they want to do. After I went to talk to Mimi, Rudy and Denise. About to have lunch.
(Morning: boost,  water, coffee, cookies)

Had lunch with Kathleen and Tim, after I went to a desk and talked with Amilcar before going to a training about the flu and hygiene. After I went home. Javi is sick. 
(Afternoon: sandwich,  water)

Had the boys change. We went to get Javi in-n-out burger and came home. Did laundry, had dinner showered. Put both boys to bed, watched tv and now going to sleep.
(Nighttime: double double, water)

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Wednesday hump day

I fell asleep on the couch. Woke up at 4:55 am. So I didn't bother to go to the bed to disrupt my wife and Gabriel. It was a good resting night, sometimes the couch is where it's at. I got up, made Gabriel a bottle, got dressed,  packed my lunch, made coffee and headed out. Traffic was light, they are doing some road work here so parking is becoming limited. But I got a good spot. Now going to rest until timeless to walk to work.
Today I have quite a bit to do, so hopefully everyone gets me what I asked so we can move forward. 
Well, my supervisor is out again,  so I sent out an email to his supervisor about the training and what we thought. Next is the CF forum meeting.
After the meeting we met with Randy, Raquel and Herbert about the upcoming training. I sent out the update to the team, seems that one of them is upset about the situation as a whole.

(Morning: boost,  coffee,  water)

Had lunch, watched the Bump and now going back to chill at my desk. I think I might end the day over at 1440. I made plans to have lunch tomorrow with Kathleen and Tim. That should be fun. I walked over to 1440 and talked to Amilcar for a bit before going to the forum meeting. It was an interesting and long forum that didn't go as well as they wanted.
After we got an email from my supervisors supervisor that led me to believe that one of my team members emailed him about management talking to me about the training.
That seriously irked me and tomorrow I will address the whole situation with my supervisor if he is there. After I went home.
(Afternoon: spaghetti and meat balls, monster, water, chips, fig newton, apple) 

Got home and helped Javi with homework, we finished up the valentine's day cards and went to Tanforan. Had dinner and the kids played at the Bounce House and we shopped at Target and came home. Put Gabriel to bed, about to shower. 
After the shower I came out to help Javi get his things ready for school tomorrow. He doesn't feel well, I hope that he gets a good night sleep so he can go to school and hand out his Valentine's day cards to his classmates. 
Watching a bit of tv before bed.
(Nighttime: chicken,  shrimp, white rice, macaroni salad, water)


Got up, got dressed,  put clothes to dry,  made Gabriel a bottle, put my lunch away, made coffee and headed out to work. It's not as cold today as it's been in the last few weeks. I got parking and now waiting for time to start walking over to work.
Hopefully today will be a better say than yesterday. 
I was running around all morning trying to get things done for the training. It is very stressful with the miscommunication that is going on. I started to assign things to the group.
(Morning: boost, coffee,  water, donut)

I went to eat and watched Zombieland. After I met with the team and we went over the developments from training. Got some answers, not enough.  Tomorrow I will try again. I left work to go pick up Javi, but my wife said she would get him. I passed by picking up some cards at my sister's, bought the lotto and put gas in the car before coming home.
(Afternoon: Burrito, water, red bull)

Got home, rested a bit. Started making dinner, baked potatoes for me and spaghetti and meatballs for the boys, I'll take that for 7nlunch tomorrow. After dinner I bathed the boys, showered and now putting Gabriel to bed. Watched some Curb your Enthusiasm and now watching WWE backstage.  Going to go to bed soon.
(Nighttime: baked potatoes, water, cranberry and vodka )

Monday, February 10, 2020


Got up, made Gabriel a bottle,  went to get dressed,  made coffee and headed out. The drive was smooth. Found parking and now just waiting to start walking to work. I had pretty strange dreams last night, made my night a bit restless. Anyway, going to rest until it's time to go.
Started my walk to work and it was a good brisk walk, wasn't too cold. I got to work and checked emails, started to work on the next power point for training next week. I talked to my supervisor about getting Friday off to take Javi to the dentist and do other things. I got it off.
Started watching A Marriage Story and now just doing that. 
(Morning: boost, coffee,  water)

Still watching the movie, it's good and very harsh, running throuhg a lot of emotions with this one here. Anyway, I had lunch and now hanging out until the end of work. I have to go pick up the kids and take my Mom home.
Got off work, headed to my sister's and got the kids, dropped my mom off at home and drove home.
(Afternoon: Water, Sandwhich, Apple, Fig Newton, nutter butter)

Went to get dinner and came back and ate. Put clothes to wash and showered. Now putting Gabriel to bed. He went to sleep and soon after Javi went to sleep. Today just wasn't a good day. I try to get Javi to be open to trying new things, but he is just a scary kid and I get no support or back up from my wife on this.
They see it as being mean, I see it as trying to get Javi to prepare himself for new challenges and adventures. You can't always play it safe, you have to take that leap to go places. Bit like always, I am always in the wrong.
Oh well, it is what it is. Watching tv until bed.
(Nighttime: burrito, water, chips)

Sunday, February 9, 2020


Got up, made eggs for the boys. Made coffee, watched Playing with fire and got ready to go out. 
(Morning: coffee)

Had a BLTA sandwich at Red Robin's,  went to the park and to target for a quick milk run. Now we are home. I am watching Terminator: Dark Fate.
Watched the movie and now in the kitchen
Playing Play doh.
(Afternoon: BLTA sandwich, water, Gatorade, fries, mini wheats)

Made my lunch for tomorrow,  played with the kids. Watched some of the Oscars and bathed the boys. Going to shower and watch some tv before bed.
(Nighttime: coffee, peanuts, fig newton, Ritz crackers, water)

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Birds of Prey

Got up, showered and had a boost for breakfast. Got ready and we headed out to get the boys haircuts. 
(Morning: boost)

After the haircuts we went back home to get my mother in law to go have lunch at the Olive Garden. Had lunch and drove home and napped hard before going to drop off the boys before going to the movies. 
(Afternoon: chicken and gnocchi soup, water, breadsticks, popcorn, ICEE)

The movie was ok, I felt it could have been better. After we picked up the kids, dropped Myrna off to my brother and my Mom off at home. Now we are here at home getting the boys ready for bed.
Tried to put Gabriel to bed,  didn't work. Now just watching tv, might play Madden before bed.
(Nighttime: white castle burgers, jalapeno peppers, beer, water)

panel day 2

Got up, got dressed,  put clothes to dry, made coffee and headed out. The drive was smooth it was just cold, really cold. Found parking and now waiting for time to walk over to 1650 Mission for panel interviews. 
Got to the building and James brought us donuts. I got my assignment with my team and headed out to do the morning set.
(Morning: boost, water, coffee, maple donut)

Had lunch and watched some Curb your Enthusiasm,  ran in to Aimee again today, had a quick chat. My group had quite a few good candidates, hopefully the Afternoon session goes well and quick.
We are in a break from the interviews,  so far only 1 good candidate,  the other 2 have tried hard but have lacked in key areas. 5 more to go. The second batch after the break had better candidates, we left feeling good about the process.
After I walked to the car and headed home, got in and sent my consent form in to Kaiser for the surgery and we are off to Target. 
(Afternoon: sandwich,  water, butter butter)

Got to Target,  got the boys ICEE and popcorn, we got Starbucks and walked around the mall, did a little shopping and now are home. Put Gabriel to bed,  showered and watched tv. Played Madden for a bit and went to bed.
(Nighttime: popcorn,  iced chai tea latte, gallo pinto, beer)

Friday, February 7, 2020

panel day

Woke up, made Gabriel a bottle,  went to get dressed, made my coffee and headed out. It is really cold out today, just as it's been every other day lately. The drive in was smooth,  not traffic,  found a nice spot to park at, now waiting for time to walk to 1650 Mission for the panel interviews.
I got there and checked in, they gave us instructions and we went to our room. Inwas in panel A.
(Morning: water, boost, coffee)

Went out to eat lunch with Amilcar at Grabdma's cafe. Had a sandwich and an iced chai. Got back to the panel room and started up the interviews again. After I walked a bit to Humberto to the bus stop, took MUNI to my car and drove home. Tomorrow another interview day.
Got home and changed, Gabriel fell asleep on the couch, we had dinner during that time.
(Afternoon: sandwich,  iced chai, water)

Had dinner, watched a show, took a shower. Gabriel woke up, I changed him and put him back to sleep. Now waiting for a deeper sleep to move him. Moved him and went out to watch tv for the rest of the night. 
(Nighttime: Hawaiian BBQ, Gatorade,  water)

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Training day

Just when I thought I was out... they pulled me back in. I got up, made Gabriel a bottle,  got dressed, made my coffee and headed out. It is cold again. The drive was smooth, found parking in area 2. Now waiting to start walking to 1440 for the first if 2 make up trainings today. I should be receiving my schedule for the panel interviews tomorrow. 
Got in and checked emails, still no schedule for the panel interviews tomorrow and Friday. Hopefully they send those today.
Set up for the training and now waiting for time to start. 16 people this morning. We went to set up the room and waited for people to show up. Only 8 showed, we started and finished in about an hour.
After I stopped by to chat with Maria, Sandra, Kathleen and Tim before going to Target to get a salad for lunch. I was going to get a coffee but decided against it at the last minute. 
(Morning: water, coffee,  boost)

I had lunch and chilled, I got my schedule for tomorrow for the panel interview. I am relaxing until we go again at 2 for training. Should go quick as well. I went to set up for the next training and it was pretty close to the capacity of the list. The training went well, got some good jokes in there to wake the crowd up. We finished pretty early, but that is ok. Right now I am going to wait for a bit before leaving, I have to power walk to the car, change my shirt and start taking out the garbage we need to take out for pick up tomorrow. I also have to put away some clothes and get my outfits ready for tomorrow to look dapper for the panel interview assignment.
I left work and walked to my car, the walk was good. Drove home and I came into the house to see that they just threw my things wherever they wanted, lost a few pieces of the wrestling ring and still have the nerve to be mad at me.
Anyway, I went to take the trash out and now watching NXT.
(Afternoon: Water, salad, Doritos, fig newton,guava pastry)

Still hanging out, tired, sleepy and hungry. Hung out with the boys, helped Javi with his homework, changed Gabriel and let him run around a bit while I threw out the last of the trash. I put him to bed while talking to my mom. After I showered and got my bow tie ready for tomorrow. Javi went to bed and I played 2 games of Madden and watched some episodes of Curb your Enthusiasm. 
Going to bed soon.
(Nighttime: water, jalapeno peppers, dumplings, frosted mini wheats)

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

back at work

Got up, got dressed,  put clothes to dry, made Gabriel a bottle, made my coffee and headed out. It's cold outside, really cold. The drive to work was smooth, found parking, but it's full around here. Going to nap until I have to start walking in this cold weather.
I woke up from my nap and started to walk to work, it is cold, really cold, windy and cold. Did I mention it is cold?
The walk was a brisk one, I go t to the building and got to my desk, checked emails and found out that I we are being asked to join a panel interview for 2905 candidates. I signed up for Thursday and Friday, I did the pre training we were asked to do. Tomorrow I have to do the make up training on Pickle, DAC and DW. One at 1440 and the other one here at 1235.
About to make some copies and chill.
(Morning: boost, water, coffee)

Gpt a call from my wife that Gabriel had a great time at preschool, so gald he did. It's a big change for him, glad he is trying to adjust to it. Waiting for Kathleen to be done with her interview for the 2913 postion for CAAP, so I can see her out, then I will go have lunch. I brought a sandwich and left over wings from Sad Sunday as I will refer to it as. Anyway, work has been ok, been reading items and going over the trainings, waiting for my time for the panel interview assignment. I am going over in my head what I will wear those 2 days so I can look professional for the assignment. After all these candidates are looking for work and they deserve to see us at our best.
Had lunch and you know what, it still stings, it really f'ing sucks that the Niners lost. I really just want to scream, I hope the days help this feeling pass by, it really really sucks. 
Anyway, about to continue listening to a podcast and chill until it's time to go home. Not sure if I am picking up Javi today.
Left work, got to the car and drove home. Washed dishes and Gabriel woke up so I came over to put him back down to nap. 
(Afternoon: Water, sandwich, wings)

Made coffee, but I think it got cold. Going to see how it is in a bit. Not sure if we are doing anything or having dinner. I need to make lunch for tomorrow or maybe I get something on the way back to my desk. Since I have trainings in 2 buildings.
The coffee was warm, I was helping Javi with his homework and Gabriel work up. After Javi was done we worked on his Valentine's day cards for his classmates. I bathed the boys after that and went to pick up some sushi. 
We had dinner and I put Gabriel to bed,  showered after and now just watching tv before bed.
(Nighttime: coffee, water, donut, sushi)

Monday, February 3, 2020

the day after

Had the day off, I couldn't sleep, still upset about the game. I kept waking up and thinking about it. But what can we do? We move on. I got up, showered, got dressed, changed Gabriel as today is his first day of preschool. 
My mother in law took Javi to school,  my wife and I took Gabriel to preschool, it was not a fun moment. Poor Gabriel cried and cried, my wife cried. I had to send her out of the classroom so he could stop. He didn't, I had to sit him down and leave. But I know he will be ok, he is a big boy.
After we came home, now waiting for my phone appointment with Kaiser.
Appointment was quick, they are sending me some paperwork to sign, when I send it back they will refer me to the specialist. 
After I went to Target to get the boys their Valentine's day cards and some chocolates. When I got home I rested a bit.
(Morning: Coffee, water, glazed donut)

My Mom got to my house and we went to go pick up Gabriel at preschool. He was eating and we got home and I put him in the car to leave with my Mom so we could get things done.
I called the Giants ticketing office to see what was going on with my tickets, they are listed under my sister's name. They said everything should be fine. I had some wings and fig newton cookies with Gatorade and heading over to my sister's house to wash the comforter.
Here washing and waiting. My Mom went to pick up Javi and to drop off her car at Ford, going to take her home before going home.
Took my mom home and drove home.
(Afternoon: wings, fig newton, Gatorade, water)

Got home, started laundry and ate dinner. Had a chat with Javi and I washed dishes. Now hanging out, going to shower soon. Before that I got Gabriel ready and made his bottle, brushed his teeth and tried to get him to sleep. It took some time but he went down after Javi came into the room. Now I will shower and finish laundry.
Not going to lie, I am still upset over the game, but I will get over it. Just need time to get further away from it. Anyway, watched RAW, did some accounting and finished laundry. Now going to bed.
(Nighttime: water, Gatorade,  individual chicken pot pie, corn chips, golden oreo cookies)

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Super Bowl Sunday

Got up, changed Gabriel's diaper,  cleaned the bed, moved the car and made coffee. Waiting for my mother in law to get out of the bathroom so I can shower. The boys are changed into their Niners gear, need to get ready for the Magic Unicorn pic. Today is the Super Bowl,  Niners vs Chiefs. Hoping the Niners come out on top.
I ordered some wingstop for pick up later. Very anxious and nervous right now, I hope the team is feeling much better than I am right now lol.
Got the boys ready, I showered and took our game day Magic Unicorn picture.
(Morning: coffee)

Played some Madden,  not watching the pregame shows, a bit tired of the KC bias. Just ready for the game. We went to Target to get a few things for Gabriel's first day of preschool tomorrow. Came back home, finished my game and now waiting to go pick up the food and for kick off.
Went to go pick up the wings and they were not ready, they were running behind. So we came back home and watched then1st quarter and I went back to get the food. I didn't eat until halftime. 
(Afternoon: water, golden oreo cookies, wingstop, beer)

Ate, finished watching the game. Unfortunately the quest for six will have to wait another year. The Niners lost 31-20, although it was closer than that. It hurts, but the Niners had an awesome season. Didn't end how we wanted but that's sports for you, heartbreak for days. 
Bathed the boys, going to shower and chill.
Still pretty bummed about the game, trying not to watch tv to remind me of it. Watching a movie, about to go to sleep.
(Nighttime: boosts water)

Saturday, February 1, 2020

day before

Got up, made breakfast for Gabriel and myself. After we cleaned up and chilled. Got ready to go have breakfast. 
(Morning: coffee, water, Mongolian beef omelet)

We went to get deep dish pizza and BBQ. After we went to Orange park, then headed to Costco for some items. Got back home, played Madden and now watching some tv.
Tomorrow the Niners play in the Super Bowl! I am hopeful that they can win. 
(Afternoon: tri trip tips, deep dish pizza, water, golden oreo cookies)

Been resting, we cleaned, played Madden and had a few beers. When my wife went to pick up her mom at the airport, I out Gabriel to bed. Now hanging out until I go to sleep. Tomorrow it the Super Bowl! Can't wait,  let's go Niners!
(Nighttime: waters 3 beers, fig newton and golden oreos)