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Monday, May 13, 2019

Starting another week

Gabriel had a bad night, so as usual,  we had a bad night as well. My back hurts from being twisted as he finally went to sleep in a strange position and I had to adjust. I would like more sleep, but I am not super tired. Made coffee and drove to work. The traffic was smooth and I got parking in my usual area.  Going to see what we get done today for the upcoming training.
Morning was good, just pretty much chilled and did research.

Had lunch, watched some Netflix and went back to work. After I went to go get the kids at my sister's and headed home. Last swim class of this session for the boys.
Got the boys',came home. Got ready for swim class. It was fun.

Both boys bathed while I started laundry. Putting Gabriel to sleep and about to go shower. Had a late dinner and watched RAW. Now relaxing before going to bed. So tired.

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