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Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Middle of the week

Got up, missed both alarms. Went to get ready. It's double star day at Starbucks so I headed out to get me a coffee and a pastry. Looks like it rained last night, the road is wet. Luckily the drive was smooth and I found good parking. Waiting to start the walk to work. Forum today at 9 and a conference call at 11. 
Forum was good, I did my part and after I got on the conference call.  After I went to a meeting that last until after lunch.

I had lunch and watched Netflix. Went to Peet's to get some coffee and headed back to work to end the day. After I walked to the car and went home. My packages got there, still waiting for 2 more.
We went to get the kids and got dinner and came home.

Had dinner, played with the kids and put Gabriel to sleep. Showered and brushed Javi's teeth and sent him to sleep. Now watching tv.
You know, I still don't want to believe that it happened. I get really sad from 4-5, which is when I would call my Dad to see how he was doing. I miss those phone calls. Even though they didn't last long,  I would give anything to have another one. I understand that he is physically gone, but I still feel him around. I carry his ID with mine at work so he is always near. I know it happened,  but I don't want it to be real. I still haven't seen him in my dreams, I pray every night that I do. Hopefully tonight is the night. There no other way to say it, I just miss my Dad.

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