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Thursday, May 30, 2019

Javi's last day of Kindergarten

Wasn't feeling well, called out sick and about 5 minutes later, Gabriel threw up all over me and the bed. I had to shower and go back to sleep. When I got up, I got ready and tool Gabriel to day care. Went to get gas and now waiting for Javi's little graduation from Kindergarten event at his school.
The performance was great. Javi and his classmates did a great job. The teacher showed a video and after gave them a binder with a certificate and some of the work they did throughout the school year. Javi wanted to stay in his class so I left him there.
I headed over to Target, got him a surprise for graduating and two shirts for myself. After that I went to Darby Dan's to pick up lunch for us and got Gabriel and headed home.

Had lunch, chilled for a bit. Took Gabriel to the room for a nap. We napped for close to 2 hours. After we went to pick up Javi at the after school program and treated him out to McDonald's. We came home he was excited about his gifts. I still feel sick, took meds. Hopefully I get better. At 7 we have the Junior Giants meeting.

Went with Javi to the meeting. It was quick and informative. I have to go to another one next week. We came back home, I washed dishes and put Gabriel to bed. I showered and before getting in I slipped and fell and hurt my foot and hip pretty bad. But I move on. Javi went to bed, I finished washing clothes and watched some tv and going to bed soon. Hopefully my hip feels better.

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