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Thursday, May 2, 2019

So sleepy

It's May 2nd, it's my brother's birthday. Ingot up and on was and still am tired. It's cold outside. I got dressed, made my coffee and headed out. Traffic was ok, got to my parking area pretty quick and now waiting for time to start walking. I have to meet with a newer supervisor today to go over the SSI #1 training this morning and a unit meeting later. I hope the day goes by fast.
Had a quick meeting with my supervisor and with the other supervisor and now I have to read up on a user guide for later.

The meeting was pretty much BS. We got our assignments and we have to turn them in on Wednesday. After I chilled for a bit before coming home and getting my wife to go get the kids.
We got to my sister's house and had dinner for my brother's birthday.

We came home, my wife forgot her phone at my sister's. So I went to put gas in the truck and picked up the phone and came home. I made the reservation for Mother's day lunch and now just hanging out and about to go to sleep

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