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Friday, May 31, 2019

Last day of trainings

Woke up late. Still not feeling well, but I have to go in since I have limited PTO. Got ready, put clothes to dry, made a bottle for Gabriel and coffee for me and drove to work. The drive was good, found parking and waiting to go. My hip and ankle are still a bit sore from the fall last night. Today is the last day of training. Let's see how it goes.
I feel terrible,  but the training went well. It went over an hour and a half. After I went to my desk to send out the surveys.

Had lunch, relaxed, took a pill. Still not feeling good.  Need to rest up. About to go set up for the next training. Set up and started training. So far it's good. Not feeling well. Just have to do the scenarios and we are ovah!
Training is done, so happy it's over. Today I was like Michael Jordan in the flu game. After I drove home and now working on folding clothes.

Got dinner and came home. Finisher laundry and put Gabriel to bed. I took a shower in hopes of feeling better. It didn't work. We watched Always Be My Maybe on Netflix and after the movie was over I threw up. Now trying to rest and make sure that feeling goes away before going to bed.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Javi's last day of Kindergarten

Wasn't feeling well, called out sick and about 5 minutes later, Gabriel threw up all over me and the bed. I had to shower and go back to sleep. When I got up, I got ready and tool Gabriel to day care. Went to get gas and now waiting for Javi's little graduation from Kindergarten event at his school.
The performance was great. Javi and his classmates did a great job. The teacher showed a video and after gave them a binder with a certificate and some of the work they did throughout the school year. Javi wanted to stay in his class so I left him there.
I headed over to Target, got him a surprise for graduating and two shirts for myself. After that I went to Darby Dan's to pick up lunch for us and got Gabriel and headed home.

Had lunch, chilled for a bit. Took Gabriel to the room for a nap. We napped for close to 2 hours. After we went to pick up Javi at the after school program and treated him out to McDonald's. We came home he was excited about his gifts. I still feel sick, took meds. Hopefully I get better. At 7 we have the Junior Giants meeting.

Went with Javi to the meeting. It was quick and informative. I have to go to another one next week. We came back home, I washed dishes and put Gabriel to bed. I showered and before getting in I slipped and fell and hurt my foot and hip pretty bad. But I move on. Javi went to bed, I finished washing clothes and watched some tv and going to bed soon. Hopefully my hip feels better.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Middle of the week

Got up, I could barely stand this morning. I slept really bad on my hip and when I got up I almost fell over. I was in a bit of pain for around 15-20 minutes. When the pain went away I was able to finish getting ready, made a bottle for Gabriel, made my coffee and headed out.
The drive was smooth, found parking. Mow waiting for time to start walking. 1 training in the afternoon today.
Went to the CF forum and was just supposed to be a spectator. But my supervisor showed up late so I had to present the topics for MC.

Had lunch, watched Netflix and talked to Laura. After went back to my desk and got ready for the PM training. It was in the Green room and that did not do us well. The room is stuffy and one if the EWs was being a twatsicle. Had to put her in check. After started the walk to the car and headed home.

We went to pick up the kids and then to eat Chinese food. We came home, cleaned up a bit and now watching some tv before bed.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Here we go again

Got up, still tired. Want to sleep more. Got dressed, made a bottle, put clothes to dry, made coffee and headed out to work. The drive was smooth, got parking and now waiting for time to start walking. 2 trainings today. 7 scheduled for the week. Let's see how they go.
The morning training went well. I had to slow down a bit due to my coughing and also to repeat the answers. But other than that it was good.

Had lunch, watched Netflix. Laura came by and we talked for a bit. She is a funny supervisor. After I got ready for the next training and that was interesting.  The room was warm and the crowd was hot. They wanted to get out early so they didn't want to ask questions or anything. Their loss. After I went back to my desk and when it was time, I started my walk to the car.
I got home to get my wife to go get the kids. We needed to get groceries.

Hit up Target and came home. Had dinner and now trying to put Gabriel to bed. He went to bed, I came out and showed. Brushed Javi's teeth and he went to bed. I watched some tv with my wife before heading to bed.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Memorial Day

Got up, made the boys breakfast and took them to my sisters house. We had tickets to go watch John Wick 3. I went back home to get my wife and we headed out to the theater.

The movie was good. After my sister met us at Tanforan to take the kids to Hop n Play.  Gabriel was acting like a little jerk and  was just being horrible. We had to leave and come home.

Had dinner, both boys bathed. Gabriel was having so much fun jumping off the couch. After he went to bed, I showered. Javi went to bed after. Finishing up some shows and about to go to bed. Work tomorrow and the trainings continue.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

The weekend continues

Got up, Gabriel was being a super jerk last night. Came out, made coffee and chilled. Vacuumed the living room and about to shower. Picking up my mom in about an hour or so, we are going to watch Aladdin.

Went with Javi to get my mom and came back home to pick up my wife. We made our way to the movie theater. The movie was fun, I liked it. It started a bit slow, but picked up when Will Smith as the Genie made his appearance. After we came home and picked up Gabriel and went to eat at Red Lobster.

After dinner went to drop off my mom and came home, hung out and played and after put Gabriel to bed. I showered and now watching some tv before bed.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Saturday vibes

Got up, made the kids breakfast and watched Wrestlemania X. Hung out for a bit, my wife went shopping with her mom. I went to get ready  and left the kids watching Frozen.

Took the kids to Serramonte. Had lunch and went to the Disney store.  Came home and chilled for a bit until we headed out to Stanford shopping center before going to Alexia's graduation dinner.

Met everyone at the restaurant,  had a good meal and after came home with Javi and little Psycho. He is just finally going back to sleep, I'm cashing in my chips as well. Tomorrow we will be going to watch Aladdin.

Friday, May 24, 2019

End of the week

Got up,  got dressed, went to put clothes to dry. Made coffee and headed to work. Traffic was smooth, my usual parking area was taken, so I went to my second spot. Find parking relaxed and waited to walk to work.
Got in, checked in and now about to do the AM training. Later going to Alexia's graduation ceremony.
The morning training went well. It was around an hour and 45 minutes. Some good back and forth. After I went to my desk.

Had lunch, walked to the car, headed to Alexia's graduation ceremony. Waiting for it to start now.

Got home, put Gabriel to sleep and came out. Watched the end of Endgame and made a sandwich for dinner. Now watching tv and drinking a beer. Will go to bed soon.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

And it begins

Stop me if you heard this one. Gabriel had a bad night. I had to sleep contorted after he went down. I got up, got dressed,  made coffee and headed out to work. The drive was good. Today we begin training. When I get in I have to start printing the remaining materials. First one is at 9 .
Got in and started making copies,  I made the sets for the trainings.  The first one went well.  Really well,  considering that we only got the final materials late yesterday.. we had about 18 attendees.

After training I ate and watched some Netflix. Got in the mindset for the next training. The second one went good. It got a bit out of hand with some of the IHSS EWs being a bit rude, but anyway. After work I headed home to pick up my wife and cook get the kids.

Got the kids, went to Tanforan to get food and bought the kids some shoes. Ran in to Brian and his family. We talked for a bit and we went home. Bathed Gabriel and now trying to put him to sleeping.
He went to bed and I went to shower. After Javi went to bed, I washed bottles and watched tv. I got our tickets to watch Aladdin for Sunday.
Going to bed soon.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

One more time

Got up, Gabriel had another bad night. He was restless. I gave him tylenol and after some time he fell asleep. I went to get ready for work. I made coffee and had an apple fritter and headed out. The drive was smooth and I got good parking. Waiting for time to start my walk.
Went to the forum meeting and got some good info.

Walked over to 1440 and we got the final materials for the training. We reviewed them and we are just hoping that it all goes well tomorrow. After work walked to the car and drove home.

Gabriel is still sick. He stayed home while we went to Costco and got a few things. Came home and played with Gabriel, even when he was being a mama's boy. Helped Javi shower. I shaved and showered. Everyone is asleep,  now I will be going to bed as well.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Another birthday to celebrate

Got up, Gabriel had a very bad night. He had a bit of a fever and was just restless. Got dressed, put clothes to dry and washed the comforter. Made coffee and headed out to work. The drive was a bit wet. Now parked and waiting to go in to work.
Got in to work, checked in and still nothing. Around 11 I went to Costco.

Got lunch and they finally gave some documents to review. I was finally able to call and talk to Arnel to wish him a Happy Birthday. I attended the meeting and we settled some things. Tomorrow we meet one last time before the training begins.
After work I went to get gas and headed home.
We went to Target to get some things for the house and came home.

Made Javi some food. Gabriel ate some soup. I tried to put him to bed and he threw up, he had to shower. After I tried again to put him down to sleep, he didn't want to. O went to shower, now watching Smackdown live and after going to bed.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Start of a potentially crazy week

Got up, last night was ok besides Gabriel kicking me in the face and back of the head.  Got dressed, made coffee and headed out to work. The drive was smooth, got parking and now relaxing before going in to work.
Today is that start of an interesting week. Hopefully they have the training materials ready to go, we have practice today and training starts on Thursday.
Got to work, checked in, talked to Cristobal real quick and got some answers. Got on the conference call and went to meet Amilcar for lunch.

Ate at AK Subs. After went back to work and met with my team and still nothing was completed. After work I walked to the car and headed home. Picked up my wife and went to get the kids.

Got the boys, hung out a bit. Came home, did laundry and tried putting Gabriel to sleep. He threw up on the bed. I cleaned up and showered. Finished watching RAW and now going to bed.

Sunday, May 19, 2019


Got up, made coffee, we cleaned out the play room and rested. Now relaxing before getting ready.

Got ready, headed out to get a gift bag. Went to Arnel's house for his birthday BBQ. It was fun, we had a good time. The kids had fun playing, we left around 6.

My wife went to watch Game Of Thrones and I watched WWE Money In The Bank, bathed the boys and made them dinner. I put Gabriel to sleep and watched some tv. Tomorrow starts another interesting week.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Weekend vibes

Woke up and came out to make Gabriel some eggs. We watched some cartoons and now watching Nacho Libre. Got ready and before lunch put Gabriel down for a nap.

We went out to see a house and after to Tanforan to have the kids play. We came back home and got ready to leave for dinner.

We had a great meal with Amilcar and Olga at the Beach Chalet. Drove back and puts Gabriel to bed and now watching tv and going to bed soon.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Finally Friday

Got up, I was able to resolve the issue I had with lootcrate. I got refunded the amount I paid up front for the WWE Slam Crate which they are always late in shipping. I think only 3 out of 15 or so crates have been on time. Anyway, after the refund goes through I will be done with it.
Got ready, put clothes to dry and headed out. Getting coffee at Peet's later with Amilcar so there will be no coffee made. Traffic was smooth,  quick and got parking.  Now waiting.
Met Amilcar at Peet's and walked over to work, I was able to review some materials and at around 11 I checked in on the conference call. No updates.

Lunch time was spent over at Costco getting coffee pods and kids water cups for the boys. I treated Amilcar for lunch and we hung out in front of the building. I went to my meeting and it was a bit of a waste, nothing is finalized and we have to wait until Monday. After I went down to a work station and when my time was done, I started the walk to my car.
The drive home was good, slight traffic but I got home at a good time. Played with Gabriel outside when I got home.

Ordered some deep dish pizza and while we waited for the delivery we bathed the boys. Had dinner and now trying to put Gabriel to bed.
He went to sleep, I showered and put Javi in bed. We watched some tv and about to go night night.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Close to the weekend

Got up, slept ok. Gabriel wasn't too bad last night. I got ready, made coffee and headed out to work. It rained last night, so far no rain at this time. The drive was smooth and I got to my parking area quickly. Listening to podcasts before starting the walk to work.
The walk was fine, got to work and in was able to check in and talk to some folks. The conference call was repetitive and nothing new.

Had lunch and watched Netflix. Chilled and went back to my desk. Asked if tomorrow I could work from 1440 and I was given permission. Walked to my car and drove home.

Got home, played with the kids. Had dinner, played again, now putting Gabriel to sleep.  He was fighting tonight, he was singing Twinkle Twinkle and ABC’s and tossing and turning. Finally he went to sleep. When I got out, I asked Javi to change while I washed the bottles and dishes. I talked to my Mom for a bit and started game planning what I was going to buy at Costco during the next sale.
After I showered I brushed Javi’s teeth and put him to bed. My wife and I watched the last episode of the Big Bang Theory and about to go to bed. Last day of work tomorrow before the weekend

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Middle of the week

Got up, missed both alarms. Went to get ready. It's double star day at Starbucks so I headed out to get me a coffee and a pastry. Looks like it rained last night, the road is wet. Luckily the drive was smooth and I found good parking. Waiting to start the walk to work. Forum today at 9 and a conference call at 11. 
Forum was good, I did my part and after I got on the conference call.  After I went to a meeting that last until after lunch.

I had lunch and watched Netflix. Went to Peet's to get some coffee and headed back to work to end the day. After I walked to the car and went home. My packages got there, still waiting for 2 more.
We went to get the kids and got dinner and came home.

Had dinner, played with the kids and put Gabriel to sleep. Showered and brushed Javi's teeth and sent him to sleep. Now watching tv.
You know, I still don't want to believe that it happened. I get really sad from 4-5, which is when I would call my Dad to see how he was doing. I miss those phone calls. Even though they didn't last long,  I would give anything to have another one. I understand that he is physically gone, but I still feel him around. I carry his ID with mine at work so he is always near. I know it happened,  but I don't want it to be real. I still haven't seen him in my dreams, I pray every night that I do. Hopefully tonight is the night. There no other way to say it, I just miss my Dad.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

More research

Got woken up around 4:15 due to Javi coughing and having to sleep with him outside in the living room. I got up, got ready and took him back to bed. Put clothes to dry, made coffee and headed to work. Traffic was good, smooth not too many cars. Now parked and waiting for time to start walking to work..
Got in, responded to a few emails and gave some feedback. Listening to podcast and about to read for a bit. Later in have lunch with Aimee for her birthday and training prep later at 1440.

Met up with Aimee and had lunch. Had fun. After I walked to 1440, we had our meeting and we are still waiting for updates. I hope they get those items together. After work I drove home and we went to Tanforan and had dinner.

Got back home, played pillow fight with the boys and put Gabriel to sleep. Javi went to bed after. I showered and now watching tv before bed.

Monday, May 13, 2019

Starting another week

Gabriel had a bad night, so as usual,  we had a bad night as well. My back hurts from being twisted as he finally went to sleep in a strange position and I had to adjust. I would like more sleep, but I am not super tired. Made coffee and drove to work. The traffic was smooth and I got parking in my usual area.  Going to see what we get done today for the upcoming training.
Morning was good, just pretty much chilled and did research.

Had lunch, watched some Netflix and went back to work. After I went to go get the kids at my sister's and headed home. Last swim class of this session for the boys.
Got the boys',came home. Got ready for swim class. It was fun.

Both boys bathed while I started laundry. Putting Gabriel to sleep and about to go shower. Had a late dinner and watched RAW. Now relaxing before going to bed. So tired.

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Mother's day

Got up, tired. Was hanging out with the kids when my wife came out of the room. We gave her her Mother's day gift and card and hung out until getting ready to go to brunch.

Went to go pick up my Mom and Aunt and we headed to El Patio Espańol for brunch.
We got there and I paid, we went to sit. The food was really good. We had a good amount to eat. There were a lot of people there. After we went to drop off my mom and aunt. My mom forgot her scarf at the restaurant so we had to go back and get it.
When we came home we rested and now may go out to get some ice cream or something.

We went to get Starbucks and shopped at Target. We got some items for the house and came home. My wife went to watch Game of Thrones and I played with the kids. Eventually Gabriel went to bed, i showered and after some time Javi went to bed. Made my lunch for tomorrow and made some nachos for dinner. About to wash the dishes and watch tv for a bit before bed.

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Hair cut day

Got up, went out with the kids. My knee is hurting bad. We went outside for a bit and get ready to go get Gabriel his hair cut.

We took the drive out to the hair place. Gabriel fell asleep in the car so we drove around until he woke up. Oh lord this kid was screaming at the top of his lungs. After we went to Chili's and to best buy. Right after we came home to rest.

We went over to my sister's. Swam for a bit and came back home. We all took showers. I drank a bottle of wine and now relaxing and about to go to bed.

Friday, May 10, 2019

Thank God it's Friday

Gabriel had a bad night last night. So that made us have a bad night. I got up, dressed,  put clothes to dry, made coffee and headed out to work. The drive was smooth, no traffic and found parking where I normally park. Now waiting to start walking over to work.
The morning was good, had coffee with Amilcar and chilled. Got some work done  wife lunch.

Had nachos and a coke before heading out 1440. Met with a few people and chatted with them about things. Just coming back from Costco.  Waiting for time to go home.

Got home, washed dishes and got the kids ready to go get Javi's glasses. We walked around the mall for a bit and shopped at Target. Now we are back home.
Had dinner and put Gabriel to bed. Showered and brushed Javi's teeth and now about to go to sleep.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Another one

Got up, again, didn't want to go in to work. Tired, sleepy and just lazy at this point. I slept ok I guess. I went to get Gabriel a bottle and got ready. The drive to work was ok, not a lot of traffic, but there were a lot of cars on the freeway. Got to the parking area and now just waiting to start walking to work.
I walked to work and checked my email and checked in. Nothing much today, waiting for 2 PM for our unit meeting.

Had lunch and waited for the meeting. It was quick. I continued to watch Netflix and waited to go home. I went to get the kids at my sister's and picked up my wife and went over to Javi's school for his open house.

Nighttime :
We got home, started dinner. Bathed Gabriel and had dinner. After some time gave Gabriel his bottle and put him to sleep. Right now my wife is trying to put Javi to sleep. We were finally able to watch 2 shows and now going to bed. One more day to go for the weekend.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

The day after

I want to call out, but no PTO. Got up, got ready, the drive was good, found good parking. Today I have to update my scenarios and also present at the forum. I walked to work and it was a good walk. I got in and decided that I would not update the scenarios until we got clarification. At 9 I went over to the forum meeting. It was a long meeting and there were quite a bit of confused people there. I did my part and walked it off. After we had a quick mini meeting about SSI/SSP roll out. There are many questions that are left to be answered. We are up against the clock and it's not looking good.

I had lunch, watched some Agents of the S.H.E.I.L.D. and met Amilcar and Julia over at Peet's. Grabbed my birthday drink and came back to my desk. After here I am going home to take out the trash, pick up my wife and go get the kids. Around 6:30 we are going to go visit Arnel, Priscilla and Allix. 

We got to my sister's house and hung out for a bit. After we headed over to Arnel's. We had a good time visiting. When we came home Gabriel fell asleep in the car. Javi showered and went to bed. I showered and now I am watching some tv before bed.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Anniversary of my day of birth

I kept waking up, had things on my mind. I got up, thanked God for another year of life. I have been very blessed. Hopefully tonight I get the gift to see my Dad in my dreams. I went to get dressed, I put clothes to dry. On my way to work I stopped by Starbucks to get my birthday reward drink. The drive to work was good, no traffic. Plenty of parking today. Going to chill and start walking to work when the time is right. It's cold outside.
The morning was good, checked in. Checked emails and got ready for later.

Walked over to 1440 and had lunch with Amilcar. After attended our meeting and got some updates that we would need for the next training. After I walked to the car headed home. when I got here I was surprised with a birthday cake.
We then got ready for Benihana.

We got to Benihana. We had a blue punch bowl and a sushi appetizer. We ordered, ate and had a good meal. When we were done we headed home and put the kids to bed. After I made a copy of the video of my Dad's funeral to send to my uncle in Montreal. I fell asleep on the couch and later went to the room to sleep.

Monday, May 6, 2019

Here we go again

Got up, got ready. I had to sign up the boys for swim class. Hopefully Javi is ready for the next level. The classes were full for Javi, so he has to go later l. So it's Gabriel 6:30-7 and Javi 7:40-8:10, but at least they are both on Mondays.
The drive was good, smooth. Now parked and ready to go in. About to start walking soon.
The morning went well, made another scenario,  chatted with a few people and reviewed documents.

Had lunch, started watching Agents of the S.H.I.E.L.D and reviewed some more documents. Walked to the car and headed to my sister's to get the boys. Swimming class is today.

Swimming went well. After we got dinner and bathed the boys. Put Gabriel to bed and now watching tv.
Laundry is done, finished watching RAW, now going to bed. It's my birthday tomorrow.

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Cinco de Mayo

Up early. Made Gabriel eggs. As always Javi is not listening to me. So I didn't make him breakfast. His mom of abuela will do that for him as they always like to please him. He has been acting up and not listening and just being bad, I am over it. He will have to learn to behave or lose out. I have to clean out the car today. It's a mess since Gabriel tossed a whole bag of goldfish crackers in the car.
We cleaned out the cars and got ready to go have lunch.

We went to Red Robins and had lunch. I felt a little sick, so after I only went with the boys to the Dollar Tree and to get gas. We came home, Gabriel fell asleep in the car and woke up after. We waited for my wife to get back home and now she is here.
We have to go get Javi a belt, so we are going for a ride to Target.

Did some shopping, came home, made my lunch for tomorrow and now trying to put Gabriel to bed. After going to see if Javi has showered, then later take a shower and go to bed

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Stinking Rose

Got up around 9. Chsnged Gabriel and had some coffee. Took him out to play while wife got ready. We were watching Aladdin before I showered and got ready to go.

We went to Target to get Javi's glasses fixed, they will he ready in 7-10 days. I got them some clothes and we walked around the mall. We came home and hung out. I took Gabriel for a walk and now we are resting. Going to be leaving around 6ish to the Stinking Rose restaurant.

We got ready and drove down to the city to get to the restaurant. The meal was ok, the service left something to be desired. After we walked to the car and drove home. When we got here Javi ran in to use the bathroom and Gabriel was asleep.
He just woke up and is crying, my wife is trying to put him down to sleep again.

Friday, May 3, 2019


Woke up. Didn't want to go to work. But here I am. Got dressed and headed out. Traffic was smooth and got parking. Walked over to work and about to start reviewing a how to and making a scenario.
Got in and reviewed the how to,  in was helping someone with a case and I was able to start doing the scenarios.

Met with Kathleen and Tim and we went to the food trucks. We had a good meal and we talked about a few things. They gave me a sweet birthday card and I came back to work. Now just running out the clock.
Went to Costco with Amilcar and grabbed a yogurt and had a nice break. After I came home. My wife said Javi broke his glasses so I can to see.

We are going to see if the glasses can be fixed tomorrow. He bumped into another kid at school  it he is fine. We went to Tanforan to get Javi some food, Gabriel went to Hop n play, after I took Javi to watch Ugly Dolls.
My wife went to bed and I stayed up a bit to watch some tv and now going to sleep.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

So sleepy

It's May 2nd, it's my brother's birthday. Ingot up and on was and still am tired. It's cold outside. I got dressed, made my coffee and headed out. Traffic was ok, got to my parking area pretty quick and now waiting for time to start walking. I have to meet with a newer supervisor today to go over the SSI #1 training this morning and a unit meeting later. I hope the day goes by fast.
Had a quick meeting with my supervisor and with the other supervisor and now I have to read up on a user guide for later.

The meeting was pretty much BS. We got our assignments and we have to turn them in on Wednesday. After I chilled for a bit before coming home and getting my wife to go get the kids.
We got to my sister's house and had dinner for my brother's birthday.

We came home, my wife forgot her phone at my sister's. So I went to put gas in the truck and picked up the phone and came home. I made the reservation for Mother's day lunch and now just hanging out and about to go to sleep

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Deja vu all over again

Got up, got dressed,  made coffee and off to work. The drive was smooth and I got parking. I have to go meet with Humberto at 2 Gough and do 2 trainings today. I hope they go quick.
Got to the building and they were having a meeting so I went to chill somewhere. The first training lasted about an hour or so. After I hung out for a bit waiting for the next one.

I was watching the Avengers and had my sandwich. We did the 2nd training and we left after. I was able go pick up Javi at school. We went to my sister's house and soon are about to take off to get dinner.
We left around 5:10 to pick up some popeye's chicken and came home.

Brian, Aisha, Samina and Aria stopped by for a bit. They brought me a birthday gift and a nice card. I talked with Brian quite a bit, filled him in with what happened with my dad and we talked about other things. Now putting Gabriel to bed.
Gabriel went down quick, I came out and washed the last of the dishes and took out the last of the garbage.
I forgot to mention that the gift was the Shield 3 pack set, it looks really cool. Now about to shower and hit the sheets.