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Wednesday, October 31, 2018


Got up and started getting ready to take Javi to school. He likes going early. I got home and got Gabriel ready and we headed back to the school for the parade. It was fun, we saw Javi go around twice. Now we are having breakfast at Denny's. After breakfast my sister tool Gabriel and I took a nap.

I woke up from my nap, put gas in the car and headed to my eye appointment. They saw me early and my vision continues the same. After that I dropped off something to my wife at work and headed to Tanforan to meet up with my mom and the kids. We did some trick or treating and the boys ate.

We got home, chilled for a bit and went trick or treating for a bit. My mom stayed here at home with Gabriel.  We took Javi, Alexia and Charles with us. Now we are back home.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

The night before Halloween

Stop me if you heard this one before.. Gabriel had a bad night. He threw up, we cleaned his nose,  he was up for a long time. Finally he went to sleep, so did we. I got up, got ready and headed to work. The drive was ok, there was slight traffic so I had to get off an exit earlier. Now waiting to go into work.
The morning was ok, I reviewed some items and waited for lunch time. I was so tired.

I went to Walgreen's real fast time send my Dad some money via Western Union. I went back to work and ate lunch. Around 1:30 I headed over to 1440 to go to a meeting. After the meeting amilcar and I went to Costco. At 4:20 I headed home. The drive was good, a little traffic but not too much.

Got home, took out the trash and recycling. Played with the boys. Had dinner, put Gabriel down. About to shower and relax. No work tomorrow, it's Halloween.

Monday, October 29, 2018

Short week

Gabriel had a bad night. He threw up around 5 am and we cleaned up and he went back to sleep. I washed and sanitized bottles, made coffee and headed to work. I have one more presentation today.
The morning went well, I sat in with Humberto during his presentation. He is really good at what he does.

Had leftovers and prepared for my presentation. I felt it went well. After I talked to my supervisor and helped a EW with a case. After I headed to my sister's to get Gabriel and dropped him off at home. Going to meet Javi at Benihana.

Met everyone at the restaurant. We had a good meal. Javi ate shrimp and steak. After we went to the Dollar tree to get some cutlery and came home. Javi showered, my wife showered and I showered. I watched some TV and off to bed.

Sunday, October 28, 2018


Got up and took the baby out for a bit. Had a nacatamale for breakfast and hung out. Later today my wife will be taking Javi to our God daughter's birthday party and I will be staying un with Gabriel as he is still sick.

Hanging out with Javi and Gabriel.  Just put Gabriel down for a nap. Later today the Niners play and WWE has their Evolution PPV.
Well, the Niners found a way to lose, the PPV was really good, I didn't like that at the end they all were on the stage, it seems weird when they do that, they have the women get emotional, cry and pose. Not needed, they should have treated it as any other event.

My wife and Javi came home, they had fun at the party. Pretty soon going to try and put Gabriel to sleep. I tool a shower, my wife put the boys to bed. The Red Sox eliminated the Dodgers and won the world series in 5 games as Edwindamus predicted. Now going to watch the House Hardy Halloween special and head to bed.

Saturday, October 27, 2018

It's the weekend

Last night was not a good night for Gabriel... again. We were up a lot of the night. My wife took him out to the living room, a little later I came out as well. We made the boys breakfast and I made me some eggs and coffee. No swimming for the boys today since they are sick.
We all tried to nap, didn't really work out. We tool the kids to Target to get some things.

My wife stayed in with Gabriel and I brought Javi to Dominic's birthday party. It started late and pretty soon I will be leaving to go to another event. Later tonight is Amilcar and Olga's Halloween party.
We left the party and headed home. We were supposed to go to the community haunted house event but Javi didn't want to go anymore. So we waited until it was time to get ready to go

Javir, my Mom and I left to Amilcar's house. We hung out for a few hours, we watched the last part of the World Series game and after I dropped my mom off at home and came back to the house.

Friday, October 26, 2018

Finally Friday

Gabriel was being a straight weirdo last night. He wanted on the bed, in his crib, outside, on the floor. He was not going down, I think it took close to an hour. When he finally went to sleep we were able to get some rest. When I woke up I went to get ready, packed up my things and drove for work. There was some traffic so I had to get off an exit early and take the streets to my parking area. Now waiting to meet Amilcar at Peet's before starting at 1440.
I have a mini training session and a presentation at 2.
The morning went well, I did the mini training and hung out here at 1440 until lunch.

Had lunch with Amilcar, now heading back to my desk at 1235 to get ready to present at 2. I did the presentation,  it went better than yesterday. It was around 35 minutes or so. Spent the rest of the day reviewing some information and trying to make sense of it. At around 4:20 I started to walk to the car.

Got home with some coffee I brought for us. We went out for a walk. After we just chilled. I put Gabriel for bed and took a shower. He woke up later and right now we are both up. About to take him to the room to see if he falls asleep.

Thursday, October 25, 2018


Got up, got ready, washed bottles, made coffee and headed out to work. The drive was good, it was a bit more foggy than normal. I got good parking and headed into work.
I attended the morning meeting to see his Humberto would present the guide so I can mirror it, but I think I may go a different route.

Had my lunch and got the room ready for the presentation. I tried to do some of the things Humberto did, but it just really didn't work out. The process is written in a way that it jumps around. So I had to adjust. Tomorrow will be better. After that I chilled and did some work. Now going to my sister's to get the kids.

Got home, chilled, went to get food. We had dinner, I put Gabriel to bed, we watched some tv and pretty soon going to bed.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Last training for this topic

Woke up around 4ish due to Gabriel waking up, after my wife fess him, I had to take him out of the crib and put him into our bed so he could go back to sleep. I got up and started getting ready, washed and sanitized bottles, made coffee and headed out to work.  The drive was good, no traffic. Now parked. Today I have 2 trainings to do with Humberto over at 2 Gough.
Got to my desk, signed in and headed over to the IHSS building. Met Humberto and we set up the room. The training went well. After we were done I went to check my email and found out that I will be doing the PM training myself. No problem, except for that there is no computer or lap top in the room.

I borrowed a laptop and had to call IT to help me sign in as it dropped the signal. After some trouble shooting I got it to work. About to get ready to do this training.
The training went qell. It helped that there were a few familiar faces in the room. I saw Aimee today, she was doing well. I finished up training, went to1440 to see if I could meet with Julia, she wasn't there so I tried Anuar, but he didn't know the full answer so I just emailed Julia, will see what she says about my question tomorrow. After I headed over to get the boys and went home.

Got home, took out the trash. My wife was going to make frozen pizza, but I didn't feel like it, so we ordered some burritos, shrimp tacos and chevice. The food was good, after I showered. Tried to put Gabriel to sleep, but he wasn't having it. Going to get my lunch ready for tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018


Gabriel pretty much slept through the night again. That was good, he just quickly woke up but went right back down. Hope he keeps that up. I got up, got dressed,  made coffee and a bottle and headed out for work. The drive was good, smooth. Have to make copies today, 60 sets of the material and I think I have 2 meetings.
The morning went well. Made the copies of the handouts for tomorrow's training. I spoke with Humerto about the flow of our training so we could be ready.

Had left overs and finished the Haunting of Hill House on Netflix and walked over to1440 for another meeting. I got another assignment in which I have to go over the MAGI approved DER process This Thurs-Mon at 1235. I attended the pre forum meeting and sent off the topics for my supervisor to review. Now on the way home.

Got home and we got ready to go to serramonte to get a birthday gift. We also went to the Giants Dugout a d Target. I got a new lid that was on clearance. We came home, had dinner. I bathed both boys and put Gabriel to bed. About to check on the clothes and take a shower.
I got the comforter from the dryer and we watched a bit of tv. Now going to bed

Monday, October 22, 2018

Starting another week

Got up, looks like Gabriel was really tired. He slept through the night. I went to get dressed, made my coffee, made a bottle for Gabriel and headed to work. The drive was smooth, it is a bit cold outside. Parked and now waiting for time to start walking to work.
Morning is good so far. Created an activity for the next training. Have to bear down and get some examples for scenarios for the trainings. About to go to the post office in about 30 minutes.

Got the money order. Came back to my desk and worked on some of the upcoming training and had my lunch. After I watched some Netflix. When I was back from lunch I was able to get some more work done. O went to my sisters to get the boys and came home.

We went to go pick up some Chinese food and gas up the truck. We are hanging out at home. I was watching RAW for a bit. Sad news with the Roman Reigns announcement that he is battling leukemia. After I tried to put Gabriel to sleep. I took a shower, my ankle started to hurt again. Now I am going to bed, have to deal with some things at work tomorrow. 

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Game day

Got up around 7. Brought the kids out. We are watching Aladdin. I fed Gabriel and now we are relaxing. Cleaned up a bit, watched some morning football and got ready.

We went to BJ's to have lunch. We took the kids to Hop n play and came home to watch the Niners game. We rested after the game and chilled.

We went real quick to the Dollar Tree to get some light bulbs and candles for the pumpkin. Watched the walking dead, about to go to bed.

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Weekend is here

Was woken up by Gabriel several times because he wanted to get on the bed off the bed and back on the bed. Got Javi ready for swimming and I took a shower and we headed out for his class. He did well today.

We got back and I made Javi and me lunch. Gabriel and my wife are napping. We headed out to San Jose to look for Spina Pumpkin patch and to eat at Chick Fil-a. We had a good time, nice weather and good food. We drove back home, I was feeling sleepy behind the wheel, glad we made it in good time.

My wife bathed both boys, I dressed them and trying to put Gabriel to bed, but he isn't having it. I left the room so he could figure it out.  He did, he went to sleep on his own. I carved a pumpkin for Javi and watched some tv before bed

Friday, October 19, 2018

Last day of the week

Gabriel was all over the place last night. He wanted to be in the crib, in the bed, sitting up, he was a mess. He finally fell asleep and rested. Hopefully this goes away asap. I got ready, put clothes to dry and headed to work. The drive was smooth. Today in have one training to do with Karla at 2. Later we will probably be going to the Harvest Festival at Javi's school.
Started at 1440 today, had a fun morning. We were able to meet to discuss the training next week. After I got ready for lunch.

Had leftovers and took a break, got the room ready for training. The training went well, good group. Last one this round at 1440. After I hung out a bit and now heading home. Later taking Javi to the Harvest Festival.

We went to Javi's school for the Festival,  it was a good time. He had fun, he met up with some of his friends. After he played some games we collected 2 pumpkins for the boys and went to grab food and headed home. I put Gabriel to bed and took a shower. Going to watch some tv before bed.

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Back at it

Gabriel slept a lot. He did well. He woke up around 5 and when I left he was trying to go back to sleep. I got dressed and ready to head out, no traffic today. Training in the AM, lunch with Rebekah today and either have to go back to my desk or find a way to stay at 1440.
Morning training was good. Packed. It went about an hour and 15 minutes. After I did some more copying and researching.

Had some pizza at Costco and had lunch here with Amilcar.  Rebekah called out. After I went over some materials with Karla and now waiting to go home.

When my wife got home we went to get the kids at my sister's and headed over to Target. We got a few things we needed and came home. When we got here we had dinner, I started to wash clothes and now putting Gabriel to sleep while watching the Broncos vs Cardinals game.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Staying in

Javi felt a little better but Gabriel is still congested and has a bit of diarrhea. So I stayed home and missed Nacho Wednesday at work. I was able to switch my schedule for trainings. U went to drop off Javi at school, grabbed a coffee and came back home.  Gabriel napped for a little bit.

My mom came over and took Gabriel with her to my sisters. I went to get Javi lunch and also to pick him up. We went over to my sister's house to hang out and pick up Gabriel.

Got home and chilled. Had dinner, showered and put Gabriel to bed. Relaxed and now going to bed.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Strange night

Last night was not a good one again. Gabriel was acting up again and Javi was not doing well. I ended up sleeping with Javi on the couch in the living room, while my wife stayed in the room with Gabriel. I got up, got dressed and drove to work. Now waiting to go. It's training day.
The morning training was packed. We got the information to the folks and they enjoyed the training. After I went to hear up my lunch.

Had lunch and chilled. Made copies for the next training. The PM training was fun, no issues. After I went to Costco and finished up am assignment I had. I'm on the bench for the next training which is a bummer, but oh well. After I headed home, but first I had to stop by target to get some things for my little sick children.

Bathed both boys, about to try and put Gabriel to sleep. He did go to bed, I took a shower and watched some tv. The boys are doing ok so far tonight. Hopefully they keep it up so they can go back to daycare and school and we both can go back to work.

Monday, October 15, 2018

Start of the week

Got up, stop me if you heard this one before, Gabriel has a bad night. He threw up and was crying, However he was able to sleep in long periods. I got up and got ready, made coffee and drove to work. The drive was smooth and now I am parked, waiting for the time to start walking to work.
The morning has been chill, caught up on banking stuff. Checked my moms insurance papers and now going on a break.

About to have lunch and finish a draft of a project and head over to 1440. I went over and talked to Tim for a bit, after I started to make the copies for tomorrow. Now about to go get Javi and get some wings and go home.

Had dinner, played with the kids. Watched the niners game. They played well, however they lost 33-30. Gabriel is still sick and is crying a lot. Hope he gets better soon. About to go to bed, training day tomorrow.

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Need some rest

Once again Gabriel had a bad night. Lots of tossing and turning. Crying and not being happy. He pooped all over himself and we had to clean him up real quick. About to go have some coffee.

Showered and we went to grab lunch at McDonald's. After I napped. We were supposed to go to a Pumpkin patch but we were tired. Right now watching a special on Halloween decorations at Disneyland.

We went to Trader Joe's and got some things. When we got home my sister and brother in law came over to watch The Walking Dead. After I put Gabriel to bed I took a shower. He woke up and threw up. So now we are going to bed early

Saturday, October 13, 2018


Gabriel is sick. He had another bad night. We got up and made the kids breakfast and soon will be getting Javi ready for swimming. Later we have tickets to see Venom and going to my sister's house for her birthday get together. Swimming went well, Javi did a great job today.

We had lunch at Celia's and after dropped off the kids to my mom. My wife and I went to see Venom. It was ok. Now we are back at my sister's.

Had a good time at my sister's house and after we came home. Put Gabriel down to sleep and now going to shower and watch some tv.

Friday, October 12, 2018

Thank goodness it's Friday

Got up, it was a bad night. Gabriel was not sleeping well. He kept moving and kicking us. I got dressed, put clothes to dry, made coffee and was on my way to work. Traffic was good until close to my exits, so I got off the exit before and took the streets.
The morning training went well. People were receptive to the training. We finished in about an hour.

Ate my sandwich and took a nap. Got ready for the 2nd training and that one went about an hour as well, but was a little challenging with some folks who like to push back. But we finished and next week we do it all over again.

Got home, changed and headed out to Tanforan to take the kids to the new bounce place. They had fun, we ate at the food court and got some things at Target and came home. Put Gabriel to sleep and now going to take a shower.
Having issues with Amazon Prime on my table and PS4. Going to watch Netflix and going to bed.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Go time

Got up and got ready. I've been extra tired lately. Last night I fell asleep on the couch, got up to draw a picture for Javi and fell asleep on the floor before going to bed. But now I'm up and ready.  Made coffee and drove to work. Slight traffic, but not too much. Now parked and ready for time to walk over to my desk. First training of the week for me. Hopefully it all goes well.
Holy, the first training went by fast and there was a mistake that my other unit mates could not inform me about. I fixed it for the next training. It was just frustrating with the fact that we want to be organized and they got the wrong scenarios.

Had lunch, watched some Netflix, about to get ready for the 2 PM training. Again, holy! I thought I caught all the errors but it seems there was more printing issues. Had to adjust. Tomorrow will be better. We have been finishing in a little over an hour. We are questioning what us going on since Tuesday and Wednesday the trainings went close to 2 houts. After the training I walk walked to the car and drove to meet my family and get kids. We had dinner and I drive home.

My wife is out with old colleagues so that leaves me here with 2 kids. I got home, put some clothes to wash, gave Gabriel a bath and now putting him to bed. After he fell asleep I put on a Toy Story short movie for Javi. It was good. My wife came home,  I brushed Javi's teeth and he went to bed. I showered, finished washing clothes and now going to bed.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Back at work

Got up, a little sick. I have a cold. Hopefully it gets better before tomorrow since I am doing the trainings tomorrow and Friday. I think we have forum today, not sure if I present anything. I have to go over to 1440 and give Maria the Mouse ears she wanted. Hopefully today goes well.
The morning went well, my supervisor was out. I attended the forum meeting and gave a few updates. I stopped by the training to see how they were doing and later I ate my left over lasagna.

I headed over to 1440 to meet up with Karla and talked about the flow of the training. After I took a quick break to talk to a few people. We had good conversations and I went back to work. Came home to wait for my wife so we could go get the kids.
After getting the kids we went to pick up some Halloween decorations.

We decorated part of the house, Javi was happy decorating. Now putting Gabriel to bed. After I helped Javi with his homework and brushed his teeth. We watched tv for a bit. I fell asleep on the couch and woke up to come to bed.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Day off before getting back to it

Woke up, put clothes to dry. Fed Gabriel, had Javi get ready for school. My wife tool Gabriel to day care, I took Javi to school. Now getting some medicine for myself. Got home and folded clothes.

My wife came home for lunch. I continued with laundry and put Gabriel to sleep. He was out for a while. I went out to pick up Javi at school and we went to Costco.  Now at home.

Ate lasagna for dinner. Played with the boys, helped Javi with homework. Took a shower and put Gabriel to bed. Played a quick game of go fish with Javi and he went to bed. Watched a bit of TV and now going to bed.

Monday, October 8, 2018

Going home

Got up, got ready. Packed the car and now heading home. We got pass the grapevine and ate at the Iron skillet. My wife tool over driving for a bit while I napped.

Got to Santa Nella and gassed up for the last time. I drove the rest of the way. Dropped off my mom at home, now here at home. Put everything away and started laundry. Helping Javi with his Homework.

I ran out to get the food, sushi for my wife, burrito and taco for me and Javi. When I got back Gabriel was asleep. We watched the Walking Dead and some shows we kissed last week. I was able to download and check out WWE 2K19. Now I am going to bed. Day off tomorrow, but still busy.

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Disney day 4

Got up and went to Disney after it opened. It was a hassle getting in. We went to California. We got on the ferris wheel, Grizzly peak and the Incredicoster. After we headed to Disneyland.

We saw the parade, did some shopping and got on a few last rides. Our last one was Space mountain. After we started to walk out for dinner.

We ate at Tony Roma's. On the way there there was a strange light in the sky. After dinner it was back to the hotel to sleep. Long drive tomorrow

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Disney day 3

Early wake up call. We were at the park for magic morning hours. Got in at 7. Got on Peter Pan. Snow white and got stuck on Pinocchio.  After we got on the tea cups and dumbo then headed to California Adventure park. We got on the Guardians of the Galaxy ride and watched a few shows. Javi and Gabriel danced quite a bit.

Afternoon :
We came back to the hotel and rested. Around 4 we headed back to Disneyland for our dinner reservation. Dinner was great. After we went to it’s a small world again and after we met Mickey.

We saw Fantasmick and headed back to the hotel. About to shower and sleep

Friday, October 5, 2018

Disney day 2

Woke up, got good rest. we were all tired. We went to the Storytellers Cafe and had breakfast. Got Javi and Gabriel a surprise cake. Now we are back at the hotel and going to swim. Mickey's Halloween party later tonight.

We went swimming. Got ready and headed to the park. Got in before 4 PM and we walked around. Javi and my wife went to ride the Mad Hatter's tea cups, I went with Gabriel to get some food. A Turkey leg. Corn on the cob and a chimichanga. When we met up with them I noticed that they were on the ride with Alice and The Mad hatter! It was a nice moment. After we got on it's a small world and waited for the Halloween party to begin.

We changed the boys and started the trick or treating in Toons Town. We got a lot of candy. Javi rode new rides, the Big Mountain Railroad and Indiana Jones ride. He was brave. We also got on the pirates of the Caribbean ride. After we waited for the parade and now we are back at the hotel. Tired, but not defeated.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

We're going to Disneyland!

I started driving last night around 10 and stopped close to 3 am. My wife drove the last 2 hours. The drive was fine, smooth. Got to the hotel and we were checked in a bit early. We went over to Disneyland to have some fun. For some reason Javi was just crying over getting on anything. He has been here before and has rode the same rides over and over, but he was still crying about it. Since I am the only one who calls him out on it, I am the bad guy.

After Javi just crying about how he wants to to rest at the hotel, I had enough. He was just trying to avoid getting on the Cars ride. My wife fell for the trap. I knew what he was up to, so I came with them to the hotel room to make sure he went to sleep since he was 'tired'. Now waiting to go back to the park.

We went back in to the California theme park and I found the gauntlet glove I wanted. After we met up with everyone to eat at Goofy's Kitchen. It was a delicious meal. After we went back to Disney California and hung out. Now going to bed 

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

The day before

Got up, had some strange dreams, but felt like I got good rest. Off at 12:30 today. I have the CF forum and cleaning up the power point to leave ready for the trainings. Later tonight we drive to Disneyland.
The morning went well. I reviewed a document that they wanted feedback on. I reported to my supervisor the items we would present at the forum. The forum went well. After I was off.

Hit up Target for formula and diapers, now going to go park and wait to go to Javi's parent/teacher conference.
The conference went well. Javi is doing good in school. After I drove home and took a nap.

Woke up, got ready and went to pit gas in the truck and get ice. Getting ready for the drive. The car is all ready.  It's almost go time. No sleep tonight, it's time to drive

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

One day closer

Got up, went to get ready. Put clothes to dry and set up some items for the kids. Made my coffee and headed to work. The drive was ok, looks like it rained a bit over night so people were driving cautiously. Now parked and waiting for time to start walking to work.
My morning has gone well so far. I was able to clarify a few things and got a new assignment that I finished and submitted. I have to present tomorrow so I will also be attending a meeting that may add to my presentation. About to go eat lunch.

Walked over to 1440 and chilled. Went to 2 meetings, about to go home. Before I went home I had to go get some money to send my Dad. I picked it up and sent it, came home took out the trash. Played with the kids and now bathing the kids.

My wife started getting the kids clothes ready for the trip. We played for a bit. I put Gabriel to sleep and showered. After I played Old Maid with Javi. Watched a little tv and went to bed.

Monday, October 1, 2018

Short week

Got up a few times because Gabriel got up twice and was flopping around like a fish. My back feels stiff. Anyway, I got up, got ready, washed and sanitized bottles, made coffee and headed out to work. The drive was ok, there was a slow down for a bit, but nothing too bad. Now parked and waiting for time to start walking to work. Short week this week as we go to Disneyland later this week.
Started at my desk, sent out my check in email. Did some account and found out that I forgot to bring my lunch. So I will have to go out for that today.

Went for a walk to get a Carnitas burrito for lunch. Hanging out, debating if I should get something to drink or wait until I get back to my desk to drink water. When I get back to my desk I will probably look up some Disneyland things to do and go over the ABAWD training materials.
After work I went to pick up the boys at my sister's house.

Got home and put things away. Cleaned up a bit, washed clothes and bottles. Put Gabriel to sleep, watched some tv and now going to bed.