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Thursday, September 22, 2022


Woke up early. Still full from last night. Went to get ready and had some coffee. The boys woke up and I gave them breakfast. Had them eat and get dressed. We took them over to school and came back. Had more coffee and checked in to work. Had a meeting at 9 and 10. After the meetings took a quick shower. Now waiting for questions. 
(Morning: coffee, water, cheese croissant)

Had lunch and got back to work. Now just waiting for questions and for time to get the boys. Picked up some Starbucks before going to get the boys. Now heading home to run out the clock. I had Javi practice catching and hitting in the back yard and we took off to take Gabriel to practice. 

(Afternoon: Bean soup, water, rice, cheese, iced Caramel Macchiato)

Practice was ok, a bit disorganized but ok. He got his jersey. I got the schedules for both boys. We came home, bathed Gabriel, Javi showered. I showered and we watched She-Hulk. Watched TV after and now off to bed.
(Nighttime: grilled cheese sandwich, cranberry and vodka, water)

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