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Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Still not sure why

Woke up and changed. Grabbed my things and headed out to the BART station. It looks like I forgot to out away the leaf blower last night, thankfully it was still out there and I tossed it in the car. Today is another day in the office, very pointless. Anyway, let's see how today goes. On the train right now on the way to the city. Got here and walked over to work. The smell of urine, poop and homeless in the air. Had to dodge a few poop bundles on the floor and now I am in the building. Set up and starting work. Reviewing a lot of material for training, we had a meeting in the morning and were told that we are starting training next week. So there is that.
(Morning: water, coffee)

Had lunch on the patio deck and finished watching RAW. Right now I am very sleepy and tired. We were supposed to meet as a team but not everyone showed up. So I am reviewing the materials again in hopes that tomorrow we will be able to come together and get things ready to go. Anyway, trying to fight sleep and ready to go home soon. About an hour and a half to go. Packed up my things and headed out, caught BART and now on the way home.
(Afternoon: Water, ZOA, Coke, Carne molida and white rice)

Picked up some Starbucks for us and came home. Set up the hitting net and tee. Played catch with Javi and Gabriel. Both are doing well. Only Javi hit today. Gabriel was focused on catching and he did great. After I  put away the food, washed dishes both boys bathed. I showered and had dinner. Watched TV and now off to bed. One more day in the office. Early start time.
(Nighttime: iced Caramel Macchiato, beer, water, grilled cheese, cookies)

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