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Tuesday, September 27, 2022

morning train

Woke up and went to get ready. Got dressed and packed up my things. Headed out to the BART station. Missed the train and had to wait another 9 minutes or so for the next one. Now I am on the train and off to work. Got to work and set up and logged in. Talked to my supervisor for a bit and now just sitting here waiting for questions. Trying to figure out again why they are making me come in to the office. Anyway, waiting for lunch time. I was able to order the Blue Jays hat to replace the one I'm going to use for Javi's Fall Ball team. 
(Morning: coffee, water)

Wandered around the 3rd floor for a bit and sat down to have lunch. Brought left over pizza from the house. Ate and watched RAW. Chilled in the conference room for a bit and now checking back in. Hopefully time goes by fast. Want to go home. So I got some pretty unfair news that we are probably nor going to get the time off we requested for the last 2 weeks of December. Trying to move things around to see if I can make it happen. Packed up and took off, got home and I was glad to be there. 
(Afternoon: Water, coke, pizza. chocolate)

Helped out with homework,  put trash bins away. We drive to Krispy Kreme in Union City only to find that it was closed for a remodel. So we went to Fremont and got the donuts for tomorrow. I changed the boys, showered and did some accounting. Sent them to bed. Made Javi a birthday card drawing and watched TV. Now off to sleep.
(Nighttime : Arroz a la Valenciana, coke, water, cupcake)

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