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Monday, September 19, 2022

New week


Woke up and really wanted to stay home and sleep. But today we start training and I have to listen in so we can go ahead make sure all trainings are the same. Got dressed, made my coffee and packed up, headed out to the BART station and caught the train. The ride in was smooth, it's cold. I got to the building and set up and checked in. Listened in on the first training and we did some edits after. Tomorrow I go in the PM. Now waiting on questions from people to answe.

(Morning: coffee, water)


Had lunch and watched Vacation Friends. Talked to my Mom and after I logged back in to work. Pretty soon going to start packing up so I can catch the BART and go home. Javi has practice today. Took off and caught the train home. Got here and checked in to work again to see if anything was sent over. Now getting ready to go to practice.

(Afternoon: Sandwich, water, cookies, ZOA, chicken, cookie)


Practice was good. There were some injuries. Javi got hit in the head (with helmet on) when we were practicing stealing. Isias got hit in the elbow and was hurt pretty bad. After practice came home to take out the trash and  leaned up some leaves. Helped Javi shower and I showered after. Had dinner, put them to bed and watched TV. Now off to bed 

(Nighttime: pizza, beer, waterl

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