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Friday, September 30, 2022

Last day of the month

Woke up and went to get dressed. Got the boys ready and headed out to drop them off. Came home, made coffee and logged in to work. Waiting for questions. Talked to a few people and now waiting again.
(Morning: water, coffee)

Went to Target to grab some things for lunch. Made spaghetti and meatballs with garlic bread. Attended my unit meeting and on my break went to pick up the boys. Came back home and now waiting to be off so I can take Javi to his batting practice. 
(Afternoon: spaghetti and meatballs, garlic bread,  coke, water)

Javi had a good session, Gabriel played around and after we dropped them off at home and went to grab a few things for tomorrow. Returned home, had dinner and watched Hocus Pocus 2. Now off to bed.
(Nighttime: Winston, beer, water)

Not feeling it (9/29/22)


Woke up and went to get dressed. It was not a good night for me. My stomach was acting up and my body was aching. Got the boys ready and we took them to school. We dropped them off in person so we could take the apple project for Gabriel. Came home, made coffee and checked in to work. My stomach is still not doing well, I am not feeling good, I know there is something wrong with me, just can't put my finger on it. Hopefully it's a quick bug. 

(Morning: Coffee, water)


Still here working, my wife is doing field visits today, I'm waiting to see if I have to go pick up the boys or if she will be picking them up on the way home. It's getting warm over here. Started doing some laundry and hopefully I will be able to be done by 5. Finished the first load. My Mom and Sister came by to take Javi shopping for his birthday. After work I took Gabriel to practice.

(Afternoon: pulled pork left overs, bread, coke, water, Monster Tacos)


Practice was good, after we went to have dinner at Chili's. I shared an appetizer sampler with my wife and a margarita. Came home, changed the boys, showered and now watching TV and washing the boys clothes. Finished half the laundry and went to bed. 

(Nighttime: appetizers, margarita, water)

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

A decade of Javi (Fun Run)

Woke up and got ready. No work today. Taking it off as it is Javi's 10th birthday and the fun run. We sang happy birthday to him and he was happy. I came with them to drop them off, Javi with donuts in hand for his class. I stayed in the parking lot waiting for Gabriel to do his fun run. He did great, he took the challenge seriously.  He ran and ran. Now back in the car waiting for Javi's turn. My wife got here before Javi started. They came out, took pictures and started their fun run. He did great. After we headed to the Costco business center.
(Morning: coffee, water, donut)

Picked up some items for the goodie bags for Saturday. Passed by Jack in the box grabbing some food. Came home to eat, rest up and after I went to pick up the boys. Returned home and helped them with homework and filling out the goodie bags. Now waiting for time to go have dinner for Javi's birthday. 
(Afternoon: Chicken sandwich, monster tacos, zoa, water, Panda cookies).

We.drove over to Texas Roadhouse and had a good dinner. They sang happy Birthday to Javi and he was all smiles. I didn't eat all my food. So I brought it back for tomorrow. We came back home and had the boys shower. Helped Gabriel finish his school apple project and put them to bed. Watched most of the Munsters movie amd now going to bed. Tired and not feeling well.
(Nighttime: water, Dr. Pepper, pulled pork dinner, Cesar salad, loaded mashed potatoes,  bread)

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

morning train

Woke up and went to get ready. Got dressed and packed up my things. Headed out to the BART station. Missed the train and had to wait another 9 minutes or so for the next one. Now I am on the train and off to work. Got to work and set up and logged in. Talked to my supervisor for a bit and now just sitting here waiting for questions. Trying to figure out again why they are making me come in to the office. Anyway, waiting for lunch time. I was able to order the Blue Jays hat to replace the one I'm going to use for Javi's Fall Ball team. 
(Morning: coffee, water)

Wandered around the 3rd floor for a bit and sat down to have lunch. Brought left over pizza from the house. Ate and watched RAW. Chilled in the conference room for a bit and now checking back in. Hopefully time goes by fast. Want to go home. So I got some pretty unfair news that we are probably nor going to get the time off we requested for the last 2 weeks of December. Trying to move things around to see if I can make it happen. Packed up and took off, got home and I was glad to be there. 
(Afternoon: Water, coke, pizza. chocolate)

Helped out with homework,  put trash bins away. We drive to Krispy Kreme in Union City only to find that it was closed for a remodel. So we went to Fremont and got the donuts for tomorrow. I changed the boys, showered and did some accounting. Sent them to bed. Made Javi a birthday card drawing and watched TV. Now off to sleep.
(Nighttime : Arroz a la Valenciana, coke, water, cupcake)

Monday, September 26, 2022

Calling out

Woke up and called out. Not feeling too good and didn't want to deal with anyone at work today. Got changed and got the boys ready to go. Took them to school and came home and fell asleep.
(Morning: nada)

Woke up around 1:30 and watched TV. We went to pick up the boys and now we are home. Had lunch and I helped out Gabriel with homework. 
(Afternoon: White rice and meat patties, cupcake, water, POG juice)

Took Javi to practice and it was pretty good today. My wife showed up with Gabriel and Javi went home with her, Gabriel rode with me to go to the car wash. Came home and my Blue Jays shirt came in, it looks great. Had dinner and set up the boys for tomorrow. I took a shower and after put the boys to bed. Started setting up part of Gabriel's apple project. Will have him finish it tomorrow. Going to bed now.
(Nighttime: pizza, Fanta, water)

Sunday, September 25, 2022

Fall Ball

Woke up and got dressed. Had Javi get ready and we headed to Treeview to play the first game of fall ball. Javi is on the Blue Jays.. he played 2 innings at Catcher, 2 innings at 2nd base and one in LF. He had 3 AB's. 0-2, 2 K's and a BB. The team did really well, they lost but they hung in there. After we rushed over to watch the end of Gabriel's game.
(Morning: coffee, water)

Got to the little league field and watched the last part of Gabriel's game. He is on the Giants. After I went to BevMo and Michael's to grab some items for Gabriel's project. Came home and we went to Costco and Target. After we came home.
(Afternoon: Pizza, beer, water)

Started watching SNF the Niners vs the Broncos. Helped Javi shower at half time. Had some more pizza and beer. The Niners lost 11-10, it was a pretty bad game all around. They should have won, but didn't. Anyway, after we watched TV and set up the boys for tomorrow. Now going to bed.
(Nighttime: water, pizza, beer, cupcake)

Saturday, September 24, 2022

Halloween Haunt

Woke up.amd showered. Got ready and went over to get my finger prints done so I could volunteer at the boys school. Came back home and have some cereal and we waited until lunch time. 
(Morning: water. Raisin Bran)

Grabbed lunch and came home to eat. Headed out to Great America to meet my Mom, Brother, his girlfriend and my niece. We were there for the Halloween haunt event. We got on the carousel and rip roaring rapids. Walked around a lot and had fun watching the kids trick or treat.
(Afternoon: McChicken, McDouble, chicken nuggets, coke, water)

Drove home and the boys used the bathroom. We went to have dinner, returned home and put the boys to sleep. I showered and we watched TV. Going to bed now, the boys have their first Fall Ball games in the morning. 
(Nighttime: water, chips, shrimp and steak burrito,  beer)

Friday, September 23, 2022

Finally Friday


Woke up and went to get ready for work. The boys woke up and I went to give them breakfast. They are off of school today. I made coffee and logged in to work. Now just waiting for my unit meeting to begin. Answering questions and the day is moving along. 

(Morning: Coffee, Apple turnover, water)


Everyone went out for lunch to Olive Garden,  I stayed back since I had training. It went well, got it close to the 2 hour mark that was required. After we helped Gabriel with his apple project. 

(Afternoon: bread stick, left over olive garden, Zoa)


We went to watch The Invitation and came home. Put the boys to bed and now watching TV for a but.

(Nighttime: popcorn, nachos, coke, water)

Thursday, September 22, 2022


Woke up early. Still full from last night. Went to get ready and had some coffee. The boys woke up and I gave them breakfast. Had them eat and get dressed. We took them over to school and came back. Had more coffee and checked in to work. Had a meeting at 9 and 10. After the meetings took a quick shower. Now waiting for questions. 
(Morning: coffee, water, cheese croissant)

Had lunch and got back to work. Now just waiting for questions and for time to get the boys. Picked up some Starbucks before going to get the boys. Now heading home to run out the clock. I had Javi practice catching and hitting in the back yard and we took off to take Gabriel to practice. 

(Afternoon: Bean soup, water, rice, cheese, iced Caramel Macchiato)

Practice was ok, a bit disorganized but ok. He got his jersey. I got the schedules for both boys. We came home, bathed Gabriel, Javi showered. I showered and we watched She-Hulk. Watched TV after and now off to bed.
(Nighttime: grilled cheese sandwich, cranberry and vodka, water)

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Hump Day


Woke up and got ready. I was given permission to work from home today since my wife needed to be in the office and I had to pick up the kids. Got things ready for the boys and we took them to school and we came back. I had some coffee and set up for training. The training went well, close to 2 hours. After we ran out real quick to Cardenas to grab a few items that we needed. 

(Morning: coffee, water)


Had lunch and checked back into work. Took a quick break to get the boys, helped them with homework and now working again. Had a quick meeting to help out the new trainer as we are training together on Friday. Now just going to run out the clock. After work I ordered some items for Javi's party and we drove to Benihana's. 

(Afternoon: Burrito, Fanta, Dr. Pepper, water)


We got there and had to find parking. Took a minute but we did. Met with my family and we had dinner. We were stuffed. It's gotten pricey there. The boys had a good meal, we did as well. After we drove home. Got the boys cleaned up and put to bed. Watched some TV and now off to sleep.

(Nighttime: Benihana trio, water, ice cream)

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Training day

Woke up and got dressed. Packed up and headed out. Drove to the BART station and now on the train. It's cold this morning. I have training in the afternoon,  so the morning will be chill and then we go perform. Going to call Javi before school to see how he slept. Talked to them and he did good, trying to figure out the guest list for his birthday party.
(Morning: coffee, water)

Had my lunch and got readybfor training. It went ok. We had some troublemakers but it was fine. Packed up my things and walked over to BART.  On the train now. Going home. Got home and logged in again. Finished a few things and now logging off. Helping the boys with homework and about to make dinner.
(Afternoon: water, zoa, chicken, rice)

Was going to make spaghetti and meatballs but we didn't have the sauce. I ran out to Target to grab some. Came back made it and had some drink. Had dinner and now going to shower. I ate too much.  Anyway,  watched TV and now off to bed. 
(Nighttime: spaghetti and meatballs, cranberry and vodka, water)

Monday, September 19, 2022

New week


Woke up and really wanted to stay home and sleep. But today we start training and I have to listen in so we can go ahead make sure all trainings are the same. Got dressed, made my coffee and packed up, headed out to the BART station and caught the train. The ride in was smooth, it's cold. I got to the building and set up and checked in. Listened in on the first training and we did some edits after. Tomorrow I go in the PM. Now waiting on questions from people to answe.

(Morning: coffee, water)


Had lunch and watched Vacation Friends. Talked to my Mom and after I logged back in to work. Pretty soon going to start packing up so I can catch the BART and go home. Javi has practice today. Took off and caught the train home. Got here and checked in to work again to see if anything was sent over. Now getting ready to go to practice.

(Afternoon: Sandwich, water, cookies, ZOA, chicken, cookie)


Practice was good. There were some injuries. Javi got hit in the head (with helmet on) when we were practicing stealing. Isias got hit in the elbow and was hurt pretty bad. After practice came home to take out the trash and  leaned up some leaves. Helped Javi shower and I showered after. Had dinner, put them to bed and watched TV. Now off to bed 

(Nighttime: pizza, beer, waterl

Sunday, September 18, 2022

Sunday Stunner

Woke up and came out to hang out with the boys. Watched some of the early game and went to shower. I went with Javi to see if we ate at Denny's but there was a long wait so we came back home to get my wife and Gabriel to go to the Spirit Halloween store.
(Morning: water)

We got the costumes for the boys, it rained. We drove to Wendy's for lunch and came home to find out the fence in the backyard was falling over. We have to talk to the neighbor about replacing it. Had lunch and started watching the Niners game against Seattle. My wife took the boys out for a play date at Javi's friends house. During the game the Niners lost their starting QB Lance for the years Jimmy G came in and helped get a W. After my Mom, sister and brother in law passed by before we went to the WWE show.
(Afternoon: Chicken sandwich,  burger, fries, root beer, water)

We drove over and had to walk to the arena in the rain. The show started and it was fun. I always enjoy watching WWE live. It was Gabriel's first show and he liked it. Javi liked it. We came home and put them to bed, I showered and soon going to bed as I work early tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: nachos, water)

weekend (9/17/21)

Got up and went to hang out with the boys in the living room. Around 10 I had Javi shower,  bathed Gabriel,  started laundry and now going to shower as well. 2 parties to go to today. I went with Gabriel to Khol's to return some items to Amazon. We hit up Target to grab a few things and came home. 
(Morning: water)

Had some food before going to the first party. The boys had fun and I got to meet some of their friends and parents. After we hit up another party. Both were lots of fun.
(Afternoon: party food)

We met my family at Red Robin's amd came home. My nephew is coming over a d sleeping over for the night. Caught up with him and now off to bed.
(Nighttime: water, beer)

Friday, September 16, 2022

Orange Friday


Woke up and went to get ready for work. Got the boys ready and had them eat. Went to drop them off and came home to make coffee and start work. The morning was good, pretty quick, we had a quick conversation about the training and we ended the call. Waiting for questions from people.

(Morning; Coffee, Water)


Had lunch and our unit meeting. Met the temporary trainer. Now going to get the boys and come home to another meeting. I have a headache and slight vertigo symptoms. But I got through the day. 

(Afternoon: Water, Coke, Beef Chow Fun, Madeline, lunchable)


Picked up pizza and came home. Had dinner, relaxed. Played catch with Gabriel in the backyard. Changed and now watching TV until bed time.

(Nighttime: water, Coke, beer, pizza, bread stick)

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Finally home


Woke up and got ready for work. Got the boys ready for school. My wife left to work early so I went over to drop them off solo. I treated myself to some breakfast at McDonald's and came home. Checked in to work, ate and had some coffee. I was able to do the suggested edits on the power point and helped out Julia by creating cases in training region. Now just waiting for feedback from two other people.

(Morning: Coffee, water, Sausage McMuffin, Sausage biscuit, hash brown)


There was not enough lunch today so I skipped it in favor of giving the boys food. We went to go gas up the truck, wash it and get the boys. We are home, they are eating and I am working. Both have practice today. Finished up work and headed out to practice. 

(Afternoon: Water, POG juice, cookies, ZOA)


Practice was good for both. We came home and had dinner, I showered and helped the boys with homework and sent them off to bed. Now watching TV before bed.

(Nighttime: Chinese food,  beet, water)

Wednesday, September 14, 2022


Woke up and seriously considered calling out. I am so tired and still coughing. But I get to be away from folks today, so that's cool. Got ready, made coffee, packed up my things and drove over to the BART station. Now om the train and heading to the city. Got to work and set up in the Expo room. Started looking over some training materials and sent them out to see if they can get updated. Have a meeting with the team today. 
(Morning: coffee, water)

Been going back and forth with Gary from the little league regarding field usage so we can practice tomorrow. We got the field. Had our meeting and close to 4 I headed out to the BART station. Got to Bayfair and got in the car got home and checked in with work before logging off for the day. Played catch with the boys and had them hit. Now off to Michael's 
(Afternoon: spaghetti and meatballs, zoa,water, cookies, burger)

We got the items for Gabriel's project and went to Target to get the gifts for the kids parties we are going to. They sent me a message that the games are canceled on Sunday. Anyway, came home, ayed the wii with Gabriel. Showered and now relaxing. Watched some TV and now off to never never land.
(Nighttime: lunchable, beer, water, popcorn)

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Still not sure why

Woke up and changed. Grabbed my things and headed out to the BART station. It looks like I forgot to out away the leaf blower last night, thankfully it was still out there and I tossed it in the car. Today is another day in the office, very pointless. Anyway, let's see how today goes. On the train right now on the way to the city. Got here and walked over to work. The smell of urine, poop and homeless in the air. Had to dodge a few poop bundles on the floor and now I am in the building. Set up and starting work. Reviewing a lot of material for training, we had a meeting in the morning and were told that we are starting training next week. So there is that.
(Morning: water, coffee)

Had lunch on the patio deck and finished watching RAW. Right now I am very sleepy and tired. We were supposed to meet as a team but not everyone showed up. So I am reviewing the materials again in hopes that tomorrow we will be able to come together and get things ready to go. Anyway, trying to fight sleep and ready to go home soon. About an hour and a half to go. Packed up my things and headed out, caught BART and now on the way home.
(Afternoon: Water, ZOA, Coke, Carne molida and white rice)

Picked up some Starbucks for us and came home. Set up the hitting net and tee. Played catch with Javi and Gabriel. Both are doing well. Only Javi hit today. Gabriel was focused on catching and he did great. After I  put away the food, washed dishes both boys bathed. I showered and had dinner. Watched TV and now off to bed. One more day in the office. Early start time.
(Nighttime: iced Caramel Macchiato, beer, water, grilled cheese, cookies)

New schedule (9/12/22)


Woke up and went to get ready. Packed up my things and headed over to the BART station. Today I start my new in office schedule. I still don't understand why we have to be here at all since we do not have client contact and we can do our jobs from home. But anyway, I got here and set up. Cleaned up my area as I haven't been at my desk in a long time. Now we are about an hour in to work and I'm ready to go home. Took my break and walked around. Watching a video on the new system we are going to have to train on next year. It's pretty boring.

(Morning: Water, Coffee)


Had lunch and watched a show on Netflix. Now sitting back at my desk, about to go over some more of the video and a document before I start packing up my things to be ready to go. I still don't know why they need any of us here, but whatever. Finished up and walked over to BART. 

(Afternoon: Quesadilla, water, ZOA. cookies)


Got home and cleaned up some leaves. Got things ready for practice and I took Javi over. We had a good practice and came home. I took out the trash, had dinner and watched TV before bed.

(Nighttime: gallo Pinto, tortilla,  water, orange juice)

Sunday, September 11, 2022

Week 1

Woke up, it's game day. Made coffee, played cuphead for a bit with Gabriel,  now watching the Niners play against the Bears. Game is very wet, it's raining. Left points on the board early. Up at the half, going to shower.
(Morning: coffee, water)

Well, messy game, messy outcome. Niners lost 19-10. Missed opportunities, bad penalties (questionable calls and non calls as well). Anyway, on to week 2. We went to have lunch at Sizzler's, came back home to change and went for a quick drive to see if the Halloween store was open, it was not. Now back at home, going to nap and get things ready for tomorrow. 
(Afternoon: water, patty melt, baked potato, chicken wing)

We went to the park. Came home and had he boys shower. I ordered some food and showered as well. Got things ready for tomorrow. Food came and it was eh. We had dinner and I finished watching SNF. Now off to bed, have to go in to the office 3 days now, total bs.
(Nighttime: burrito, horchata, water)

Saturday, September 10, 2022


Woke up and went to get ready. Showered and changed. Got the boys ready to go and we were on our way to get the boys haircuts.
(Morning: water, coffee)

We got there and they got their haircuts. We passed by grabbing drinks for the party for Lil Will's birthday. We got there and hung out. We stayed until around 6 before coming home.
(Afternoon: iced coffee, Hawaiian punch, water, beer, short ribs, carne asada,  Gallo Pinto, nachos)

We got home and chilled a bit. Had the boys change. I ate dinner and watch some TV. Now going to bed. Week 1 for the Niners begins tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: beer, water, Gallo Pinto, tortilla, cookiesl

Friday, September 9, 2022


Woke up and got changed. We took the boys to school and went to eat breakfast at Denny's. We came home to watch Cobra Kai.
(Morning: grand slamwich,  coffee, water)

Watched more than half of the episodes.  Took a nap and we went to go get the boys. We came home, they ate and talked about their school day. They had fun and are ready for the weekend. We watched a few more episodes before we went out to eat.
(Afternoon: agua)

We went to Shell Shock to eat with Javi. Gabriel wanted to stay behind so he did. We had a good meal and came back home to chill. We finished Cobra Kai and I went out to the backyard to play with Gabriel for a bit. Came in to the house, washed dishes, washed my hat, did laundry and showered. Now finishing up laundry and watching TV before bed.
(Nighttime: shell shock, coke, beet, water)

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Queen no more

Woke up and helped get the boys ready for school. Today is picture day. My wife took them and went to the office, I went right back to sleep. Woke up around 11 and changed, went to Target and grabbed a few things. Before I left I saw that the Queen of England passed away.
(Morning: water, iced coffee)

Here at home watching Thor Love and Thunder.  Waiting for my Mom and sister to get here and for time to go get the boys. I had to go and they weren't here yet. Picked up the boys, dropped them off and I went to get some Panda Express. Came home and ate. We watched Pinocchio. 
(Afternoon: iced coffee, coke, Panda Express,  water)

Finished the movie and my Mom and Sister left. I took a shower and now watching the rest of the football game. After the game watched a few more shows. Now off to bed.
(Nighttime: water)

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Hot Hump day

Woke up ND changed. We took the boys to school and came back home. I went to sleep as I didn't have a good night. I woke up in time to catch Geostorm and for lunch. 
(Morning: water)

Ate and went to go get the boys. Came home for a bit to drop them off and headed over to the little league field to pick up the roster for fall ball. Texted out details to the parents and we start practice on Monday. Rested up and bathed Gabriel early as I had my fantasy football draft today.
(Afternoon: Arroz a la Valenciana, coke, water)

Did the draft and after helped Javi shower. I showered after and had dinner. Watched TV, washed diahes and now going off to bed.
(Nighttime: Arroz a la Valenciana, beer, water)

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

another day of rest

Woke up and changed. We went to drop off the boys to school. It was already 77 degrees out. We came home, I started laundry and tool a nap. Started the process of putting away the pool and rested some more. Laid down and napped again.
(Morning: water, donut)

Finished laundry and put away the pool. Wanted to do some yard work but it's too hot. It hit 102 degrees. We picked up lunch and came home. There was another issue with my time, I had to send in the proof of my positive COVID test for the 3rd time. After we ate we picked up the boys and they ate, I took a nap.
(Afternoon: Chicken sandwiches, strawberry lemonade, coke, water)

We went to Target to get some milk and other items. Came home, hung out in the backyard. The boys picked up trash and we came inside. I showered and the boys were sent to bed. My time got approved so I return to work on Monday. Watched some TV and now off to bed. Still hot.
(Nighttime: water, chicken, Cole slaw)

Monday, September 5, 2022

Labor Day

It was hot last night. Slept ok, woke up and came out to use the bathroom and hang out with the kids. I fell asleep on the couch when they started playing video games. I woke up and had some donuts for breakfast and went to clean out the pool for them to play in.
(Morning: water, donuts)

Hung out in the backyard and watched the kids play in the pool. After some time we came in and I tool a nap. It's still hot, it reached 100 degrees. When I woke up I had lunch and we went to Target and came home.
(Afternoon: Shrimp pasta, coke, water)

Tool my wife to go pick up her sushi and came home. Had Javi shower and I showered after. Took out the trash for tomorrow and now watching TV until bedtime. 
(Nighttime: water, orange juice, sushi)

Sunday, September 4, 2022


Woke up feeling much better than the last few days. Played Mario Party with the boys and went to clean the grill. Showered and we went to Cardenas to grab a few items for lunch.
(Morning: Orange Juice)

Passed by Starbucks to get a refresher and came home to start up the grill. Grilled corn and carne asada. Had lunch and relaxed. Rounded everyone up to go get some ice cream and pick up donuts.
We are back home now.
(Afternoon: refresher, water, zoa, carne asada. Tortilla, milkshake)

It's still hot, talked to my mom for a bit and set up an Elvis Playlist on my phone. Came out and had dinner. Washed dishes and cleaned up, about to shower and get the heat off of me. Watched TV and now off to bed in this heat.
(Nighttime: carne asada, pizza, corn, coke, water, donuts)

Clash at the Castle (9/3/22)

Woke up sore. Went to make some coffee and tuned into the WWE PLE Clash at the Castle. Around 11:30 I went to set up the pool for the boys. 
(Morning: water, coffee)

Ordered pizza and had lunch. Came in and finished the PLE. Went back outside and relaxed on the hammock. Now in the room laying down. Hopefully I should be OK tomorrow. We went to Costco. I was masked up and gloved up, in and out and back home.
(Afternoon: Pizza, coke,water, smoothie)

After putting things away and clearing out the freezer and fridge,  I had the boys shower and get changed for the night. I went to shower and had dinner. Now just hanging out. Going to bed now.
(Nighttime: left over burrito, water, orange juice)

Friday, September 2, 2022

sore throat

I actual slept a lot last night. Started coughing a bit early on, but the rest of the night I slept through with no issues. In the morning I started coughing up again. Still no fever, just aches and chills. Started watching Elvis while my wife took the boys to school and worked a bit.
(Morning: water)

Had lunch, still coughing quite a bit. Now laying down and resting up. Had lunch and rested some more,  when I got up we went to the backyard to hang out in fresh air.
(Afternoon: water, sprite, torta de carne, tortilla, rice, cookies, skinny popcorn)

My wife went out with Javi to pick up dinner. They came back and we ate. I cleaned up my area and took a shower. Watched some TV, talked to Arnel for a bit and now going to bed. I'm feeling much better on the body front, it's just the coughing that is still there. 
(Nighttime: tea, water, coke, burrito, chips)

New Month (9/1/22)

Woke up and was not feeling well at all. Got things ready for the boys and tool them to school. After I drove to Kaiser for my test. Came home and I passed out. When I woke up I got the results that I had tested positive for COVID. I had to go submit paper work to get paid for the rest of this week and next week. 
(Morning : water, madeline)

Had some bean soup, watched TV, ate some cookies and had a sprite. Tried to nap again.
(Afternoon: Bean soup, white rice, sprite, cookies)

Out here sitting at the dining room table watching them play. Made some wings and I took a shower. Had dinner watched TV and soon going to bed.
(Nighttime: donut, water, sprite, wings)