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Sunday, February 27, 2022


Woke up and went to shower. Got ready and had coffee. We went over to church and came back home.
(Morning: coffee, water)

Went we over to Shell Shock and had lunch. Hit up Target and came home. Had a few beers and we hung out in the backyard just talking. Came back inside and went to lay down a bit, ordered some pizza and waited for it to arrive. 
(Afternoon: water,  beer, sea food, chocolate)

After dinner I played Uno with Javi, he beat me 3 games to 1. Had him shower, my wife bathed Gabriel and I tool a shower after. We watched a bit of AFV and I put the boys to bed. Watched some shows on the NFL network and came out to hang our a bit. Tomorrow we continue with training. 
(Nighttime: pizza, beer, water, crazy bread)

Disney on Ice

Woke up and made chocolate chip pancakes for the boys. Had coffee and I went to take a shower. I got dressed and we played Super Mario Party. My wife and her friend left to Napa and I hung out here with the boys.
(Morning: water, coffee)

Tool the boys to Target and came back home. Played Madden and made lunch for us. Watching The Master of Disguise. Waiting for my brother to come by so we can drive over to the Oaklamd Arena to watch Disney on Ice.
(Afternoon: spaghetti and meatballs, water, chicken, buscuit and Cole slaw)

There was traffic so I asked my wife to take us Iverson to the arena. I met up with my brother and his family and we watched the show. The boys really enjoyed it, they were singing along and clapping. After my brother drove us home and the boys changed and went to bed. Now I am watching TV.
(Nighttime: water, beer, Dr. Pepper, mini pizza slice)

Friday, February 25, 2022

Finally Friday


Woke up and went to get dressed. Got the items ready for the boys for lunch. Had them get ready for school and we took them over to school. First we dropped off Javi and after we dropped of Gabriel. It was pretty quick. We came home and I made some coffee. My wife had some overflow issues with the coffee pot, I went to check it out and cleaned it up. Started up training, today was Training Region day. It was a bit of a mess, but we got through it as well always do. After the training I went to drop off my wife and her friend at the BART station. Hit up Target and picked up lunch at Popeye's. Came home to drop off the food and notice they forgot the Cole slaw so I went back to get it. They were being rude about it, so I matched their energy.

(Morning: Coffee, water, chicken sandwich)


Went to go get Gabriel and came home. Had lunch and checked in to work. Made sure that Gabriel ate his lunch and soon we are going to pick up Javi. I went quick to the BART station to pick up my wife and her friend, dropped them off here at home. I went to get the car washed and there was an accident with 2 cars in front of me. It delayed me a bit but I still got to pick up Javi in time. Right now I am at home, ready to run out the clock. After work I took a quick nap and everyone came home.

(Afternoon: Burrito, biscuit, water, coke, ZOA) 


When they got here I woke up, the xfinity camera came in so I connected it a d got it working. I made some chicharron and ate it for dinner. Now watching TV.

(Nighttime: beer, water chicharron, popcorn)

Thursday, February 24, 2022



Woke up early and went to get ready. It is cold. I have the heater on in the living room and in the office. About to go get the items ready for the boys for school and wake them up. Everyone got ready to go and we were off to drop off the boys to school. After we did that we stopped by Starbucks to get some coffee and now we are home. No training in the morning today, I have to do that in the PM. On a break I decided to clean up the boys room. Cleaned the beds, put their clothes away and cleaned up the floor. It was a big mess, cut papers and candy wrappers everywhere. We will be discussing this with them when they get back home from school.

(Morning: Lemon loaf, water, Caramel Macchiato)


My wife went to get Gabriel and I stayed home folding clothes and doing more laundry. Cleaned up some more items. I had some Pho and also a mini pizza for lunch. About to start up the PM training. The goal is to be done by 4. We were done by 3:40 and I was able to finish up the laundry and waited for everyone to get home.

(Afternoon: Pho, Pizza, water, ZOA)


After work I went to pick up dinner and came home. We had dinner and my wife and her friend played Mario Party Superstars while I napped a bit. After I changed Gabriel and we played What do you meme? The Disney edition. I went to shower and after I watched a few things I recorded. Now off to bed.

(Nighttime: water, beer, burrito)

Hump day


Woke up and went to get ready. Turned on the heater in the living room and the office. Started making lunch for Javi and got Gabriel's bag ready. Woke them up and they had breakfast and then got ready for school. The drop off was good, pretty quick early on and then it got a bit sticky, but we got back home with plenty of time. I was able to make coffee and log in to training. The training went ok, it was almost 3 hours long. After I checked in with Monika to see what she needed me to do tomorrow as I train in the PM with her tomorrow.

(Morning: Coffee, water)


We went over to get Gabriel and passed by Panda Express to get some lunch. We got home and ate and I checked in to work. Answered some questions and reviewed some materials and now going out to pick up Javi. We got back home and I checked in again and soon we are going to be taking off to go to Gabriel's practice. Done with work, went to Gabriel's practice. He did well, I played catch with Javi and was showing him how to do take downs. 

(Afternoon: Panda Express, water, Sprite)


After practice we went over to Costco to put gas in the truck. Came home and I cleaned up the living room and dinning room. Had Javi shower and washed dishes and cleaned up the kitchen counters. I showered and put some clothes to wash and now we are watching TV and folding clothes. About to go to bed.

(Nighttime: tortilla and cheese, peanut butter sandwich, cookies, pineapple juice, water)

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

2's day


Woke up this morning and I went to get ready for work. Got the boys lunch box and waters ready for school. Woke them up and had them have breakfast and get ready. We took them over to school and came back home. When we got here I made some coffee and logged in to the training. Today is the first day of round 3. Since Julia had some other project to work on, it was me and her training. It went ok, still trying to figure out a common ground to train with her as this is still new to us all. After I set up tomorrow with Karla. Now I am waiting for time to go get Gabriel.

(Morning: coffee, water)


Drove over to get Gabriel. Stopped by the bank taking out their allowance. I was able to get a parking pass for Saturday. Now we have to take Gabriel to get tested for COVID so he can go in to the Disney on Ice event. We are getting him tested on Thursday. Had lunch and checked in with work and reviewed some documents. On my break I am going over to get Javi at school. Drove out real quick to get him and came back home. Checked back in to work. Going to run out the clock. We have practice today for this guy.

Drove over to the park and we practiced. It was only 3 kids, so we rotated then around the infield and they hit a bit as well. After me and Javi went to get the car washed and came home.

(Afternoon: Water, ZOA, white rice, chicken, tortilla, cheese)


Got home and tried to troubleshoot the camera. Did not work, so I have to wait for a new one and install it when it arrived. Cleaned up a bit, had dinner, showered and watched TV before going to bed. My back is a bit stiff and I hope that it loosens up.

(Nighttime: water, pot stickers, chicken, lemonade, ice cream, kit kat)

Monday, February 21, 2022

Presidents day

I slept on the couch because my wife would not stop snoring. Javi woke me up because the internet was down. I fixed that I fell back to sleep. Had some coffee, took a shower and got ready to go to Target for some grocery shopping.  Did that and came back home. The boys had lunch and I hung out until my wife and Javi went to their play date.
(Morning: water, coffee, pound cake)

Before they left I went outside to play with Gabriel to distract him so they could go. My sister asked if she could pick him up to go to Rock n jump. I said yes, my brother called me about the Disney on Ice tickets so we got them for Saturday. Came inside and cleaned up the kitchen counter and stove. Now waiting for them to come over.
When they got here, my Mom stayed. My wife and Javi came home, I had him get ready for practice. We went and it was a good practice,  Javi did ok, there was some moments when he wasn't trying. But that is what practice is for. After I went to try and get the car washed, but the brushes were down.
(Afternoon: cookies, water)

Got home and we went to get Cheesesteaks. Had dinner and now I am going to change. Going to see how much I can rest up, Round 3, Week 1, Day 1 starts tomorrow. Watched wrasslin' and now off to bed.
(Nighttime: beer, water, Cheesesteak)

Museum day

Woke up and showered. Made breakfast and got ready we went to church. It was a good service today and we came home. Now waiting to drive to San Jose for a museum trip.
(Morning: water, coffee, eggs and bacon sandwich)

Drove down to San Jose. Picked up some tea for the drive. Got to the museum and met my Family there. We played for a good 2 and a half hours before we went to go have a late lunch. We shared a 5 lb burritozilla and after drove home.
(Afternoon: Thai Iced Tea, water burrito)

Watched some of the NBA all star game, changed Gabriel and I went to change as well. Had a few beers and watched the Walking Dead. Played Madden and now off to bed. 
(Nighttime: beer, water, chicharron,  carnitas, tortilla)

Saturday, February 19, 2022

Busy day

Woke up and went to shower. Had some coffee and started watching the Elimination Chamber event. A little later we are going to a church service for my wife's uncle who passed away. The boys are still with my Mom and sister.  We drove to Vallejo and attended the service for her uncle and drove back to grab lunch 
(Morning: water, coffee, fig newton)

We ate at Mel's Diner and took the car to get washed before coming home to rest up real quick before driving to go get the boys. We went down and picked them up, we got the report of how they behaved and we came home.
(Afternoon: chocolate shake, water, burger, fries)

Got home and chilled a bit, cleaned out the fridge and washed the dishes. Started watching Ghostbusters : Afterlife and put the boys to bed. Finished watching some shows and now relaxing before bed.
(Nighttime: beer, water, brownie, rosquilla)

Extra long weekend

Woke up, got dressed. No work for me today, but I got Javi ready for school. Gabriel had the day off. I took him over and passed by McDonald's to get breakfast and came home. Ate and took a nap. When I woke up, I built the new fire pit and put it outside. Cleaned up and moved the grass all around the house. After I took a shower and got the boys bag ready for a sleepover ar my sister's. 
(Morning: water, coffee, McDonald's breakfast)

Picked up sushi for my wife and came home so she can eat. We picked up Javi at school and drove down to my sister's. We were going to go eat at sizzles later.
(Afternoon: water, zoa)

Had dinner with my family and we took my mom and sister back home. My wife and I drove home and relaxed for the night. Did laundry and watched TV. Now going to bed.
(Nighttime: water, burger, wings, salad bar, Jack and Coke. Brownie)

Last day of work for me this week


Woke up and got dressed. Set up lunch for the boys, got them breakfast and got them ready. We took them over to school and came back home. I made coffee and logged in to training. We answered some questions from the group and I said my goodbyes to this group as we start a new group next week. Getting ready to go get Gabriel.

(Morning: Water, Coffee)


Picked up Gabriel and came home. Had some bean soup and cleaned up the garage a bit. Still a lot more to go. Checked back in to work for a meeting and now just waiting for a break to go get Javi. Picked him up and returned home to take out some more boxes and recycling. I had Javi call my Mom as she is having cold laser surgery today. I will call her later to check up on her.  Turns out she didn't get the cold laser today, it will be done in about 6 weeks. After work we went out to Walmart. 

(Afternoon: Bean Soup, white rice, ZOA, water)


We picked up a new fire pit and a few other things. Came back home and made some chicken wings and had some cerevezas. 

(Nighttime: beer, wings, brownie)

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

So tired

Woke up and got dressed. Started warming up and packing up lunch for the boys. A little frustrated this morning as we cleaned yesterday but the other people that live here just left a mess and things all over the place. There was no counter space and I dropped some cereal on the floor. About to take these kids to school. Picked up some Starbucks on the way home and logged in to training. Today is a task day. Just answering questions today and helping people with their MC carrying tasks. Soon going to get ready to get Gabriel.
(Morning: water, Caramel Macchiato)

Hit up Target for snacks for the boys. No launchable there today. Picked up Gabriel and we are about to have some left over Chinese food. Had some food and now checking back in to work. On my next break I go get Javi. Returned home and checked back in to work. Finished up and got Gabriel ready for practice. He is doing good so far. Looks like he will be an A's player this year. I just ordered his gear
(Afternoon: Sprite, water, Chinese food)

After practice we came home real quick to drop off the baseball equipment and took off to Costco to get gas and some lunchables for Gabriel. Picked up a pizza as well. Now we are home, I am about to shower and see where the night takes me. Watched a movie on Netflix and now watching TV before bed.
(Nighttime: pizza, beer, water, pocky)

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Last week of training


Woke up and got ready for work. Made lunch for the boys and served them breakfast. Had them get ready and it was off for the drop off. It was pretty quick today. After we came home and I made coffee and started the morning training. Today was a heavy topic and the group vented out quite a bit. After the training was done we had a quick meeting and I went to clean up the living room and dinning room. After we were done we were just waiting for time to go get Gabriel.

(Morning: Pico, water, coffee)


Picked Gabriel up and drove home. We had lunch and now I am reviewing some items for work while monitoring the chat in the PM training. On my next break we go get Javi. Picked him up and came home. Finished up work, had the boys do some hitting in the backyard and rested up.

(Afternoon: Torta de carne, white rice, tortilla, cheese, coke, water, ZOA)


Had dinner, played Smash Bros and helped Javi shower. Going to shower soon. After I took a shower we were watching TV and sent the boys to bed. Finished watching Ali Wong on Netflix and soon going to bed.

(Nighttime: Chinese food, coke, water)

Monday, February 14, 2022

Valentine's Day

Woke up and got dressed. Scheduled day off for me. Got the boys breakfast and got them ready to go to school. Dropped them off and came back home and slept. Woke up and we went to drop something off at the UPS store and got some items for the boys for Valentine's day. Then off to get Gabriel. 
(Morning: water)

Went to take cash out at the bank, got Gabriel and we came back home. Rested some more and waited for time to go get Javi. Picked him up and returned home and waited for time to go to practice. The practice was good, Javi did well. Now we are home.
(Afternoon: wingstop, coke, water, coffee, pico)

We ordered Chili's for dinner. Went to pick it up and they took a long time and forgot some of our order. We finally got everything and came home to have dinner. After I took out the trash and now I am going to shower. Going to bed now. Back to work tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: margaritas,  water, burger. Loaded mashed potatoes, Cesar salad)

Not so super Sunday

Woke up and went to shower. Had some coffee and had Javu shower. My wife bathed Gabriel and we went to church. The service was good and we came home to rest before driving over to my sister's to watch the game.
(Morning: water, coffee)

Drove down to Daly City and went to the Dollar Tree, got a few items and got to my sister's. I started cutting onions and cilantro. Started cooking the meat and chicken for the tacos. Had lunch and started watching the game.
(Afternoon: tacos, wings, fries, coke, water, donut)

Drove home before the game was done. The outcome didn't really matter to me. Got here and finished folding clothes and took another shower to get the meat smell off of me. Now watching TV before bed.
(Nighttime: water, peanut butter cups)

Saturday, February 12, 2022

Dentist visit

Woke up and took a shower. Made pancakes for the boys and had coffee. When everyone was ready we started the drive over to Daly City for appointment. The appointment went well, my teeth are great. After I walked over to Gellerrt Park to meet my wife and kids. After we we t to Serramonte. 
(Morning: coffee)

Walked around a bit and we got the boys lunch. My wife and I shared a Philly cheesesteak. Got some things at Target and drove to my sister's. When we got there we chilled for a bit and went to the movies to watch Jackass Forever.  Now we are back here waiting for time to go to Benihana. 
(Afternoon: water, Thai Iced tea, Philly cheesesteak, fries, macaroni salad, popcorn, coke)

Left my sister's and drove to Milbrae to go have our early Valentines day dinner. Had a very good meal and drove home after. Just got in and going to start laundry. Finished up laundry and watched some episodes of the twilight zone. Now off to bed.
(Nighttime: beer, water, benihanna trio)

Friday, February 11, 2022

It's Friday!


Woke up and got ready for work. I got lunch ready for the boys and woke them up to have breakfast. After I told them to get ready for school and we went to drop them off. Came back home and made some coffee and soon after logged in to work and started the training. It went ok today, there was really no new material, it was a work on task day. After the training was over we got ready to go get Gabriel.

(Morning: Pastry, coffee, water)


We went over to Teaspoon to get some drinks, picked up Gabriel and picked up lunch as well. Came back home to eat and chill for a bit before I go in to the PM training. Hopefully the time goes by fast here in the afternoon: the PM training went well, answered some questions and talked to a few people I haven't had a chance to talk with in a while. After I met my wife and the boys at the park. I got there and met Javi's friend and his mom. We played some football and ran around.

(Afternoon: Water, Iced Thai Tea, pupusas)


After the park I got us slurpees and came home. We relaxed and had dinner. I changed and we watched Cold Case Files. Just finished playing Madden and now off to bed. Dentist appointment tomorrow. 

(Nighttime: wings, beer, water, chocolate, slurpee)

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Another off day

Woke up and decided to take another day off. Got the boys ready for school and took them over for the drop off. We dropped Javi off and he forgot his backpack so Gabriel and I went back to drop it off. Took Gabriel to school and passed by getting breakfast for my wife and now I am home resting.
(Morning: water, coffee, breakfast bagel)

Picked up Gabriel and went to Cardenas. We got some items and came home. I rested up a bit and we went to get Javi. When we got home I put out the hammock and the canopy. Made some lunch and now we are waiting to go to Target.
(Afternoon: Chicken sandwich, cheese sticks, zoa, water)

Got back home and put things away. Washed dishes and had dinner. Finished watching the Tinder Swindler and took a shower. Watching another show before bed.
(Nighttime: ceviche, condensed milk with ice, beer, water)

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Out sick

Woke up and I wasn't feeling well. Decided to take the day off. These vertigo symptoms are not fun. I got dressed and got the boys ready for school. Took them and came back home to rest.
(Morning: Caramel Macchiato, McDonald's breakfast, water)

Work up from a nap and we went to get Gabriel. Came back home to rest up and now we are on our way to get Javi as he gets out early. We picked him up and I dropped them of at home and I went to Costco. Got gas and a few things and came home. Got here and cleaned the garage a bit, tossed out some garbage and organized some things. Still not 100% but we move on.
(Afternoon: water, mocha freeze)

We played outside and I mowed the grass in the back yard. Came in and watched Clue with Javi. Washed dishes and had dinner. Helped Javi shower, my wife bathed Gabriel. I showered and we watched the finale of the book of Bobba Fett. Now we are watching the Tinder Swindler.
(Nighttime: cheviche, chips, hot dog, beer, water)

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Another day of training

Woke up and got dressed. Got the boys breakfast and set up lunch for them. Got them ready and took them to school. The drop off was good and quick. Came home to make coffee and start training. The training today was good. Just a few people that were complaining again,  but that is out of our hands. After trajnjnf I put some clothes to wash and threw out some old clothes from the boys. Waiting for time to get Gabriel. 
(Morning: coffee, water)

Went to get Gabriel and got the car washed. Came home and had lunch. Checked back in to work and now just waiting to take a break to pick up Javi. Picked him up and came home to finish work. After we went to practice. 
(Afternoon: water, chicken sandwich, zoa, pork rinds)

After practice we came home. Had dinner and I showered. Washed the dishes and now I am relaxing. Watched some of the Olympics and now going to bed.
(Nighttime: angel hair shrimp Alfredo pasta, beer, Water)

Monday, February 7, 2022

Week 2 Day 1

Woke up and went to get ready. Got the items ready for the boys for lunch. My wife took them to school and she drove to work. I stayed at home had some coffee and started training. It went ok today, people are just natural complainers. Anyway, after training I got ready to go get Gabriel.
(Morning: coffee, water)

Drove over to get Gabriel and passed by Panda Express to grab lunch. My wife was next door getting a poke bowl. He went home with her. I met them here and had lunch. Now working and waiting for my break to get Javi. Picked him up and came home ro finish out work. Got ready for practice. 
(Afternoon: Panda Express, sprite, water)

Practice was good, it was short due to sunset. After we picked up my wife and Gabriel and went to Target. After we came home, I tossed out the trash and had dinner. Helped Javi shower while my wife bathed Gabriel. I showered after and now Watching TV.
(Nighttime: Chilli dogs, lemonade, water, pork rinds)

Sunday, February 6, 2022


Woke up and went to take a shower. Got ready and told the boys to get ready as we were going to church. We attended the services and came home to get my wife so we could go pick up a gift card and buy those Angels hats.
(Morning: coffee, water)

Reluctantly bought the fitted Angles hats for me and Javi. Picked up the gift card grabbed lunch and came home to eat before headed to Vince's 1st birthday party. The drive was quick, the party was fun and after we came home.
(Afternoon: torta de carnitas, hamburger, chips, beer, water, sprite)

When we got home I put clothes to wash. Had the boys clean up before feeding them. Showered and opened a bottle of wine. Watched some TV and now waiting for the clothes to be ready. Finished up folding laundry and now off to bed. Practice starts tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: wine, water, chips, chocolate)

Saturday, February 5, 2022

Party Time!

Woke up and went out to get some donuts for breakfast. Came home and had breakfast, cleaned up a bit and now about to finish watching Smackdown and play Madden. After we cleaned up and I went to bath Gabriel,  had Javi shower and I showered as well. We waited for my effects to get home from her eye doctor appointment. 
(Morning: coffee, water, donut)

Had lunch before we took off to go the birthday party and we drove to Castro Valley. Javi and Gabriel bowled. Javi more than Gabriel. Now we are waiting for time to take off. After the bowling I dropped off my wife and kids at home. I went over to Walmart and got a few things. Took the car to get washed and vacuumed. Finally returned home to rest up before dinner.
(Afternoon: water, beer, zoa, arroz a la valenciana)

Amilcar and Olga got here and we went to Famous Dave's for dinner. For dessert we went to Clancey's to get the boys ice cream. Returned home and hung out and talked for some time. They started to head out and we are about to go to bed.
(Nighttime: beer, water, root beer, bbq)

Friday vibes

Woke up and  got ready for work. Got the boys lunch ready and got them ready to go. Drove them over to school and dropped them off. Came back home to make coffee and log in to work. The training went ok, it was wat we expected. The training region cases did not work, but we move on. Now waiting to go get the boys. Javi has a minimum day today. 
(Morning: water, coffee)

I folded some clothes before we left to go get the boys. Javi was up first and after we got Gabriel. We came home, I made some nuggets for Gabriel and my wife went out with Javi to get him a burger he was crying about. I am waiting for lunch. Logged back in to work and reviewed some items for next week. I am not feeling well. I need to rest up. 
(Afternoon: Arroz a la Valenciana, water, coke, sweet bread, chicken nuggets, cheese sticks)

After work we got ready and went over to Porky's pizza to meet Javi's team. He will be on the Angels. I was asked to be on the coaching staff so I will be assisting as much as I can this season. After we got some ice cream and came home. Showered and we are now watching the Winter Olympics opening ceremony. Going to bed now.
(Nighttime: water, strawberry milkshake)

Friday, February 4, 2022

A treat for the morning


Woke up and went to get ready. Got the snacks ready for the boys and got them ready to go. I took them solo today for the drop off and it was quick. I had time to pass by getting some breakfast at McDonald's for us. Came in to make coffee and start the training, Today is practice day for the group. This will tell us who was really paying attention, Finished up training and we wrapped it up. Cleaned outside for a bit and we headed out to Target.

(Morning: Coffee, water, Sausage biscuit, Sausage McMuffin, Hash Brown)


Got some Starbucks and picked up Gabriel. We are home now, checked in to work and I am reviewing some items for tomorrow. On a quick break we went out to get Javi and now we are home again. About to go into another meeting. Finished work and raked some leaves in the backyard. The boys wanted to play in the leaves pile like they see on TV so I let them for a big before we tossed them out.

(Afternoon: Iced Caramel Frappuccino, water)


We went to Target to get a gift and came home. Had dinner and showered. Finished up a show and now I am going to bed. Not feeling well.

(Nighttime: tortilla and cheese, baked beans, beer, water)

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Middle of the week

Woke up a bit refreshed today.  I went over to get dressed. Set up lunch for the boys. Woke them up for breakfast and had them get ready for school. The drop off was quick again and we came home. I made coffee and checked into work. Set up everything for the morning training and we started. It was good today, ended a bit earlier than what we wanted but it was good. After I set up the excel sheets for the activities tomorrow. 
(Morning: water, coffee, muffin)

Went to wash the camry and picked up Gabriel. Came home to have a quick bite to eat. Checked into work and on my next break I go get Javi. Picked him up and came home. Logged back in to work and almost done setting up for tomorrow. My back is hurting something awful right now. Cleaned up a bit of the leaves in the back yard with Javi and now going to play some catch with him when I get off of work, see if that loosens up my back.
(Afternoon: zoa, water, pot stickers. chocolate)

After work we went to Costco and got gas and some items. Came home and put things away and showered. Had Javi shower and bathed Gabriel. We cleaned up a bit and soon are going to watch the latest episode of the book of Boba Fett. Caught a few episodes of a show on Netflix and now going to bed.
(Nighttime: pizza, hot dog, water)

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Day 2


Woke up and got ready for work. Got items ready for the boys for lunch and got them ready for school. We took them over to school and came home. I made coffee and logged in to work. Started training and it went well. We finished about 15 minutes before the scheduled time. After the training I answered some questions and now I getting ready for tomorrow. 

(Morning: Water, coffee)


We went over to get some drinks at Teaspoon and to get Gabriel. We came home and had lunch and I checked back in to work. Waiting for time to go get Javi. We picked him up and he showed us the books he got at the book fair at school and now we are at home. Working again. Took a quick break to play catch and set Javi up with his hitting tee so he could practice. After work I watched the Janet Jackson documentary and chilled.

(Afternoon: Carne molida, white rice, Thai Iced tea, water, ZOA)


Had dinner and folded some clothes. Found some shirts I was looking for to wear. Finished up the Janet Jackson documentary and I went to shower. Changed the boys and put them to bed. Watched TV and a show on Netflix. After I talked with Arnel and played Madden. Now off to bed.

(Nighttime: left over burrito, mango juice, water)