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Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Shadow day

Got up 10 minutes before the alarm.  Made Gabriel a bottle and started tonget ready. Tired, but it's my fault as I went to bed late. The drive to work was good, one of the last times I have to leave super early due to parking. Tomorrow I should get my permit to start parking on Monday.
Today I am going to try and shadow an EW to expedite the process to give feedback. We also have forum today. Going back to 1235 until further notice.
Got in, checked in and shadowed an ew doing an intake.
After I went to the forum meeting and finished my emails.

Watched a movie and had lunch. Went to observe another EW doing am intake and set up my notes. After I walked to the car and went home to get my wife before going to get the kids. Before we left I took out the trash, those stupid stray cats and raccoons tore up the bag again so I had to change the bag.

We got to my sister's house and got the kids. We went to have dinner and came home. Bathed Gabriel and helped Javi with his reading homework. Put Gabriel to bed while Javi showered and when he fell asleep I came out and took Javi to bed.  After I showered and now hanging out.
Watched some more of Rocketman and played Madden and now off to bed. One more day of work and then it's off to Disneyland

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