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Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Emergency services

I couldn't sleep, I was in a lot of pain. I called Kaiser to see what they recommended and they said tylenol. After I took it, I was in more pain so we made a trip to the ER. Turns out that I have a kidney stone, for those keeping score at home, it's the elusive 7th infinity stone.  About to try and rest, still in pain.
Got up, felt better. Not a lot of pain.

Been resting all day, about to shower and take out the garbage and go get the boys.
Went to get the boys, had dinner with my family and headed home.

Got home. Gave the boys some food and let them play for a bit. Put Gabriel to sleep and soon after brushed Javi's teeth and he was off to bed. Watched some tv before going to sleep

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