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Wednesday, August 14, 2019

1st day of 1st grade

Got up, getting ready. It's Javi's first day of 1st grade! We got ready and headed out. Dropped Gabriel off at daycare and went to drop Javi off. He was so excited. After I tkkk the car over to him. I got there and he took the car in, and he let me borrow his car to get home for a bit. I went with my mother in law to order Gabriel's cake and to pick him up at daycare.

After my mom picked him up, I went to get my car. Drove back home to wait for Javi to get out of school. We went to pick him up. I dropped of my wife at home and went to my sister's to hang out for a bit.
At 5 we came back and picked up my wife and went to Tanforan for the junior giants pizza and bounce house party.

Nighttime :
Got home, Javi showered and my wife put both kids to bed. I showered and filled out Javi's school paperwork. About to play a game of madden and go to bed. Training again tomorrow.

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