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Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Day 2

Woke up earlier than expected,  Gabriel was moving around, he was awake but he didn't make noise as he let us sleep. I got up and made him a bottle and he was happy. Changed his diaper and laid him back down and I went to get ready.
Got dressed,  put clothes to dry, no coffee at home today, meeting up with Amilcar at Peet's this morning. Today is day 2 of training, I hope it goes better, it can't get any worse right?
Well, someone decided to call out sick. I think it was planned because of the circumstances. She was supposed to present today and sent her half assed documents late last night. But it's all good, we showed up and did what we do.

Went out to lunch with Tim and Kathleen, treated Tim out to lunch for his birthday. We are at the food trucks. My food was not all that good. Anyway. We had a good time and after we went to finish the afternoon training, down another trainer ad Karla had to go. It went well and now we wait to continue tomorrow.
After the training I drove to the storage room and dropped off the table. Picked up some coffee for my wife at Starbucks and came home to fold laundry.

Finished folding clothes and packed up the kids for the trip. I also started packing my things. Went to get dinner and  now putting Gabriel to bed. He went to sleep and Javi went to bed soon after. We watched 30 minutes of Rocketman and my wife went to bed, I played Madden and finished Smackdown. Now bed time.

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