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Saturday, August 31, 2019

Disney day

Slept well, got up. About to get ready to go.
Left the hotel and got to the security check line, got in to California Adventure and we got on Soaring California, Toy Story Mania and the Cars ride. Right now getting out of Oga's Cantina and had a Jedi Mind Trick. It was ok. Next maybe Indiana Jones before going back to the hotel for a break.

Got on Indiana Jones, my sister took Gabriel to the Jungle Cruise and after we got some food to take back to the hotel. About to go swimming for a bit and come back to shower so we can go back to the park.
The boys ate we went swimming. My wife and sister stayed behind. We got back and I bathed both of them, got ready and we were off to Disbey California Adventure, they went to a show while I walked around with Gabriel since he fell asleep. We met up to take pictures with Spiderman and saw the Frozen show. We ate and went to Disneyland.

I took Javi to Splash Mountain and he did not like, but he tried it which I told him was important for him so he could try new things. We walked over to Tomorrow Land, got on the Buzz Lightyear ride,  got on Autotopia, it's a small world and the tea cups. After that we tapped out. Walked back to the hotel, got the kids ready for bed, I showered and now about to sleep.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Time to drive

Got up, got ready and took the boys the daycare and school. Went to get gas and back home to get the car ready for the trip.
We took Gabriel to the dentist and it went well. After we stopped by Costco for a quick pick up of lunch and went to pick up my sister and off we went.

We drove and drove and did I say we drove. There was traffic but we had a good trip.

We got to the hotel and went to Disneyland and visited Star Wars Galaxy Edge and had some food and walked around.  Now back at the hotel, showered and now it's bed time.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Last day this week

Missed my first alarm this morning, but was able tonget the second one. Got dressed and headed out there was sine traffic but I was able to get good parking. Today I should get my parking pass.
Morning went well, they dropped off the parking pass and I continued to work.

Went to Walgreens and had lunch, watched Aladdin and worked some more. After work I came home to get my wife we could go get the boys.
We went to my sister's and after to serramonte forna few things. Then went home.

Got home, helped Javi with homework. Cleaned up a bit, packed some items for the trip and put Gabriel to bed. Came out and finally watched the end of Rocketman.  Now watching some tv before bed.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Shadow day

Got up 10 minutes before the alarm.  Made Gabriel a bottle and started tonget ready. Tired, but it's my fault as I went to bed late. The drive to work was good, one of the last times I have to leave super early due to parking. Tomorrow I should get my permit to start parking on Monday.
Today I am going to try and shadow an EW to expedite the process to give feedback. We also have forum today. Going back to 1235 until further notice.
Got in, checked in and shadowed an ew doing an intake.
After I went to the forum meeting and finished my emails.

Watched a movie and had lunch. Went to observe another EW doing am intake and set up my notes. After I walked to the car and went home to get my wife before going to get the kids. Before we left I took out the trash, those stupid stray cats and raccoons tore up the bag again so I had to change the bag.

We got to my sister's house and got the kids. We went to have dinner and came home. Bathed Gabriel and helped Javi with his reading homework. Put Gabriel to bed while Javi showered and when he fell asleep I came out and took Javi to bed.  After I showered and now hanging out.
Watched some more of Rocketman and played Madden and now off to bed. One more day of work and then it's off to Disneyland

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Day 2

Woke up earlier than expected,  Gabriel was moving around, he was awake but he didn't make noise as he let us sleep. I got up and made him a bottle and he was happy. Changed his diaper and laid him back down and I went to get ready.
Got dressed,  put clothes to dry, no coffee at home today, meeting up with Amilcar at Peet's this morning. Today is day 2 of training, I hope it goes better, it can't get any worse right?
Well, someone decided to call out sick. I think it was planned because of the circumstances. She was supposed to present today and sent her half assed documents late last night. But it's all good, we showed up and did what we do.

Went out to lunch with Tim and Kathleen, treated Tim out to lunch for his birthday. We are at the food trucks. My food was not all that good. Anyway. We had a good time and after we went to finish the afternoon training, down another trainer ad Karla had to go. It went well and now we wait to continue tomorrow.
After the training I drove to the storage room and dropped off the table. Picked up some coffee for my wife at Starbucks and came home to fold laundry.

Finished folding clothes and packed up the kids for the trip. I also started packing my things. Went to get dinner and  now putting Gabriel to bed. He went to sleep and Javi went to bed soon after. We watched 30 minutes of Rocketman and my wife went to bed, I played Madden and finished Smackdown. Now bed time.

Monday, August 26, 2019

And it begins

Got up, made Gabriel a bottle,  got dressed,  made coffee and head out to work. Traffic was ok, had to get parking in my 3rd area. Now sitting here waiting for time to go in. Today we start our pilot end 2 end meeting. Hopefully it goes well.
Well, it didn't. They changed things again and it really felt like a let down. I did what I was able to do and that's all I can do.

Had lunch, chatted with Karla and went to the second part of training. It was still bad. Very frustrating, but we move on. I went home and picked up my wife and went to get the kids at serramonte. After we came home

We played with the kids and bathed the boys. Got them ready for bed. I ordered Javi's school pictures and had him read.
We watched the VMA's and after I will watch the rest of RAW. Did those things, finished watching the Dave Chappelle special and played a game of Madden. Going to bed now

Sunday, August 25, 2019


Got up, had coffee,  started to clean.  We were able to get clean under the couches. We watched Brightburn and started to get ready to go.

Afternoon: we went to have lunch at sizzler and the food was not good. We went to target to get some things and came home.
Gabriel fell asleep and in was watching some Netflix.  Javi was playing with the Angry Birds set I got him. Gabriel woke up and my wife brought him out and I calmed him down and he fell asleep on me for an hour or so.

Got the boys ready and tried to put Gabriel to bed. It didn't work, so my wife came in to try. I went out to shower and to do the Fantasy Football Draft for this year. I was picking 7th and I think I did ok. We'll see how the season plays out. Now bed time.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Service day

Got up, showered and took the Pathfinder to Nissan for service. I got dropped off a home and later picked up to get the truck. Everything was good except we needed new front brakes. My wife called a few people and they said they could hook us up with a good deal. There was an issue. The tires have a lock on them and we couldn't find the key.

I went back to Nissan to see if they had something to help out with. They said no. To either get a replacement key or have a mechanic break them off and put back the original ones. So when we took the car in we did that.
We left the truck and had lunch, went back to get it. Came home to rest for a bit. We then went out to the park for a little bit.

Bathed the boys,  went to get dinner and now putting Gabriel to sleep. My mother in law is leaving tonight to Nicaragua for a week, maybe two.
Gabriel went to sleep, I showered and helped Javi brush his teeth and tucked him in to bed. I caught a few episodes of 13 Reasons Why, which I must say season 3 is trying way too hard to be good, the story line transitions are strange and the acting has gotten progressively worse. Only a few more episodes to go. About to go to bed

Friday, August 23, 2019


Got up. Nade Gabriel a bottle and got ready. Went to Starbucks for a drink and pastry and drove to work. Traffic was smooth, now parked and waiting to go in.
Got in. Checked in. Submitted my time sheet. Attended the first meeting and ended it early, still nothing was updated.

Had lunch and watched some Netflix and went to the second meeting and we had to edit a lot of the scenarios for the mock interview portion of the training.
After I drove home, got the kids ready and off to serramonte for dinner and shopping around.

Got back home and chilled. Took a shower and  now trying to put Gabriel to bed. It took a while to get him down. Javi came in the room and both of them went to bed. I came out and now just hanging out and watching Netflix before bed.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

So close to not going

Woke up, my stomach was hurting. I was seconds away from calling out sick today, but due to the way this training set up is going, I felt I had to come in. It seems everytime that I miss a day during training prep, they make a mess of what it should be.
Anyway, got ready, made Gabriel a bottle, made my coffee and headed out to work. There was some traffic, but not a lot. I found good parking. Now waiting to go in.
Got in to work, checked in. Checked email and chatted a bit with some folks. We had our 2913 meeting and it was ok, a bit of a throw away meeting, I think they may be canceled going forward. Not everyone is on board for them.

Went to Costco, grabbed a lunch and was able to get 2 shirts for training days. Went back in and chilled until our 2 PM meeting.  Cleared some things up with our supervisor and continued to get irritated with the interrupting trainer. Anyway, we settled on a few things and tomorrow we meet again.
After I went to my car, drove to serramonte to get the boys. It's Javi's back to school night.

Went to Javi's school, met his teacher in this setting. She seems nice. She seemed nervous talking to us. I hope Javi has a good year with her. I don't agree with some of the methods they are using at the school for the kids, but we have to give it a chance.
Got home, started laundry l, had dinner. Read to the boys and put Gabriel to sleep. Javi went to sleep soon after. I showered and watched tv and played Madden before bed.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Training make up

Got up, super tired. Real close to calling out today, but we have training so I have to be here. Got ready and headed to work. Traffic was smooth, got the last spot where I normally park. Now waiting to go in.
Decided to start at 1440 and went to forum. We were blindsided a bit with some information regarding training.

Walked over to Bed Bath and Beyond to make a key, stopped by Trader Joe's to get rice for the kids and lunch for myself. We did the training and it went well. After I came home to pick up my wife to go run errands and get the kids.

Went to Target and got the kids. Came home and hung out for a bit before putting Gabriel to bed. After that I brushed Javi's teeth and washed dishes and set up for tomorrow. A little bit of tv before bed. Not sure if I am going in to work tomorrow. My back is a bit stiff, might want to rest up before the training schedule begins

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Another day

Got up, made Gabriel a bottle and started getting ready. I put a load of clothes to dry, made my coffee and headed out. Debating if I should go get the money order for Javi's after school program or wait until tomorrow. Chill day today, tomorrow is forum and make up training.
Got some things done today, went to get the money order and sent it out.

Had lunch and now about to go over to 1440 to hang out until we have our meeting.  May stop by the store, who knows. So I took off to the other building, stopped by the store for a monster and a chocolate for later. Got to 1440 and talked with Kathleen and Tim and soon after I had to head upstairs for the meeting.
Done with the meeting, headed home. Relaxed and had dinner. Played with the kids and set up a bath for Gabriel.

Gave him a bath, had Javi change. Put Gabriel to sleep and Javi joined soon after. I showered and made some payments and now watching some tv before bed. Might play Madden.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Happy Birthday Gabriel!!!

Gabriel woke up around 5 and I changed his diaper, gave him a kiss and wished him a happy Birthday. I went back to sleep for a  bit before getting up to get ready to go to work. The drive was not good, there was an accident and there was traffic. Luckily I was able to get a good parking spot. Lots of things to do today for the training next week. Going to nap before I start walking to work.
Got to work and checked in and checked emails. Reviewing items and helping people.

Had lunch and walked over to 1440. Waiting on our supervisor to show up. After here I go pick up my mom and go home. Taking Gabriel to the rat casino.
Got off early and went to get my mom, got home and put clothes to wash. Got the kids ready and off to Chuck E. Cheese. Gabriel fell asleep in the car.
We started playing games and had a good time, Gabriel woke up and played as well. After we came home.

Got in, my wife bathed Gabriel and I helped Javi shower. After they both went to bed. I showered. Finished washing clothes and watched RAW. About to go to sleep.

Sunday, August 18, 2019


Got up, got read and went to go drop off the tables and chairs.

After that I went to pick up some food we ordered from my Aunt. After some rest we went out to Walmart.

Got home and hung out. About to shower and put Gabriel to bed. It took a bit but he fell asleep and when I got out I washed a bottle and Javi went to bed. We watched some tv and right now just finished playing another game of Madden and now off to bed.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Party time!!!!!!

Gotnl up, started cleaning up and getting things ready. We left to go get the cake and came back. Javi stayed behind and we took Gabriel to Serramonte for a bit to get a spiderman shirt and some ice.

We got back home and hung out until people started coming over. The party was a success and everyone had lots of fun.
Gabriel was so happy. It was good seeing everyone who came over and it was good catching up with people.

After the party we cleaned up and now I am about to shower. After the shower I cleaned Javi's face and brushed his teeth. I brushed Gabriel's teeth and put him to bed. Watching some tv before bed.

Friday, August 16, 2019


Got up, got ready, put clothes to dry and headed out. Found parking in my 2nd spot, tired. Going to nap, start at 1440 today.
Started work, took me 30 minutes to get the computer up and going. We went to meet and we settled on a training schedule. Now we just have to meet with our supervisor on Monday and complete some things.

Had a quick chat with Trina and Maria. Went to Costco and got lunch. After hung out and chatted with Rudy for a bit. Now back at my desk waiting for time to go to the storage room and get the table then go home. Later tonight we are picking up the chairs from Danny.

Tried putting Gabriel to sleep before we went to get the chairs and table. We left and got them and came back. Started the balloons and I showered after and played Madden. About to go to sleep

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Back at it

Got up, made Gabriel a bottle. Got ready and headed out. The drive was ok, missed out on my usual parking so I am at my 3rd location waiting to walk to work. Today we do the presentation/training for the supervisors at 1235.
The meeting went well, all the supervisors seemed to be on board. We'll wait and see.

Went to my desk, had lunch and been playing candy crush and watching the WWE Network. About to get ready for the next one. Debating if I go out to get some coffee.
Didn't get coffee, stayed in and did the next presentation and left. Went to go get Gabriel and to the dollar tree. Got dinner and went home.
Brian, Aisha, Samina and Aria came over to drop off Gabriel's birthday gift. They hung out and we caught up and then my wife and Javi came home.

When they left we filled the pinata with candies and then we got they boys ready for bed. I showered and after went in to make sure the boys slept. After I watched tv for a bit and played Madden.  About to go to bed

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

1st day of 1st grade

Got up, getting ready. It's Javi's first day of 1st grade! We got ready and headed out. Dropped Gabriel off at daycare and went to drop Javi off. He was so excited. After I tkkk the car over to him. I got there and he took the car in, and he let me borrow his car to get home for a bit. I went with my mother in law to order Gabriel's cake and to pick him up at daycare.

After my mom picked him up, I went to get my car. Drove back home to wait for Javi to get out of school. We went to pick him up. I dropped of my wife at home and went to my sister's to hang out for a bit.
At 5 we came back and picked up my wife and went to Tanforan for the junior giants pizza and bounce house party.

Nighttime :
Got home, Javi showered and my wife put both kids to bed. I showered and filled out Javi's school paperwork. About to play a game of madden and go to bed. Training again tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Training day

Got up, got ready. Put clothes to dry, made coffee and headed out to work. The drive was smooth and I got an good parking spot.  Now waiting for time to go in to work. Training supervisors today at 1440 all day. Should be fun.
Got in and checked in, we did the first training and it was good. After I went to sit at the cubicle.

Had lunch and waited for the next training. It went the same as the first one and we were done for the day. After I went home and got my wife and kids to get some last minute things at Target. We had Round Table Pizza for dinner and came home.

Kids bathed, I showered and we watched some tv before bed. Going to sleep now.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Last prep

Got up, set the alarm earlier than usual. I was able tonl register both boys back in to swim classes for Mondays starting next month. I added money to Javi's lunch account. Got ready, drove to work and now parked. Today we finalize the training for the supervisors and tomorrow it's go time.
Got to 1440 and checked in, so it looks like only me and Leah will be in this prep meeting. Karla is deciding not to attend at all, monika has the day off and Humberto is not here I guess.
This is really frustrating because they all complain about wanting to have a good training and wanting to be the best at what we do, but there is no commitment. Last week I barely slept and still came in to work on Monday to get things done. The only reason I missed last Wednesday was because I went to the emergency room and I still came back to get this settled.
It's not going to change with them. F*#k it. It is what it is.

Well, still only me and Leah. Working on these things since all the documents are wrong. We'll get it done. Our supervisor finally showed up and we were able to finish editing the documents and we are ready for tomorrow. After work I went to my sister's house and hung out for a bit and took off to get Gabriel's pinata and headed home.

Washed some clothes, had Baho and watched some RAW. Put Gabriel to bed and shaved. Javi went to sleep while I showered and when I was done finished up some things and now watching tv before bed. Training day tomorrow.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Summer Slam

Morning :
Got up, made eggs and we went to Costco to get the car battery and a few other things for the party. We came back home and I changed the battery and it was a good experience.

Had lunch, about to step out. We went to Target and to see a few houses and came home to start watching the Summer Slam kick off show. My sister picked up my wife and they went to order the food for Saturday and I stayed with the boys.
They came over for a bit and the boys played with my brother in law while wearing their Spiderman costumes.

Had dinner and showered. Finished watching Summer Slam on my tablet because the tv app was acting up. Put Gabriel to bed and started to get the loot bags ready. Right now watching tv before bed time.

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Service day

Got up, showered and took the camry in for service. They were crazy as hell with the prices so I opted to again have the minimal services and my nephew will do the other parts at a better price. After got taken home and got everyone in the car and ready to go to get the boys haircuts.

Gabriel is almost done with his haircut so we can leave. We went to have sushi and came home. Took a nap and waited for the car to be ready. After I came back and we went to party city, Gabriel fell asleep in the car so we stayed in the car. After we came home and my wife went out with her mom and I am here with the boys watching 49ers preseason and NXT Takeover.

Bathed Gabriel and let both the boys play for a bit. It was time for Gabriel to go to bed and it took him a bit. My wife and mother in law came back and I let Javi out the room for a bit. After Gabriel went to sleep I came out to wash dishes and have a cerveza. Soon will go to bed

Friday, August 9, 2019


Got up a few times to use the bathroom. When the alarm went off Gabriel tapped me on the shoulder. I told him to go back to bed I went to get ready for work. I put clothes to dry and headed out. The drive was good and now I am at my parking place. Waiting to go in to work.
Met Amilcar at peet's and grabbed coffee. Met with my group in the morning and there was some tension in the meeting due to miscommunication, after I went to the cubicle and waited for lunch.

Had lunch with Amilcar and Humberto at the food trucks. After I had a talk with Karla about what happened earlier and it calmed down. We were able to get some things done and now over the weekend we will review them.
After work walked to the car and it didn't start. It took a while for the car to respond. It started and I got home, when I got home we got ready to go to serramonte.
We met my mom, sister and niece there for a bit and did some shopping.

We drove to Javi's school to see what classroom he was assigned to and went home. When we got home we played a bit, I showered early and put Gabriel to bed. After that Javi was next.
Been watching The Boys one Amazon Prime and about to go yo bed

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Back to work

Got up, I feel ok. Drank water with lemon juice in it. Got dressed,  made coffee and headed out to work. Traffic was good, found parking. Today i start at 1440 and later meeting with managment to discuss training.
We met and laid out 3 plans for training. We are meeting with managment at 2:30.

Going to take my pill and walk to Walgreens and go to my desk. Well, I guess the meeting was at 1440 so I had to head back there. The meeting was good, productive and we got a lot of things settled. Tomorrow we finish up. After I went to get the boys, hung out for a bit and went home.

Made dinner and hung out. Fell asleep on the couch for a bit. My wife bathed the boys and I put Gabriel to sleep. I showered and after brushed Javi's teeth, finished washing clothes and wrapped up tv time and now off to bed.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Emergency services

I couldn't sleep, I was in a lot of pain. I called Kaiser to see what they recommended and they said tylenol. After I took it, I was in more pain so we made a trip to the ER. Turns out that I have a kidney stone, for those keeping score at home, it's the elusive 7th infinity stone.  About to try and rest, still in pain.
Got up, felt better. Not a lot of pain.

Been resting all day, about to shower and take out the garbage and go get the boys.
Went to get the boys, had dinner with my family and headed home.

Got home. Gave the boys some food and let them play for a bit. Put Gabriel to sleep and soon after brushed Javi's teeth and he was off to bed. Watched some tv before going to sleep

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Dragging it out

Oh lord, I am so tired. I should have stayed home. I got ready and drove to work. I have some things to get done here at work. I think I may start at 1440. Not sure yet.
Decided to walk to my desk and good thing I did. We had a demonstration to attend at 9:30. We had a meeting after.

Went to 1440 and had lunch with Amilcar and Judith. Very frustrated and irritated with a person in my group, she needs to calm the f down. So pissed man, anyway. We had out meeting with a manager and proposed a training outline and she is going to let us know what management thinks.
After the meeting I walked to the car and now I am at home. Going to leave soon to visit Arnel, Priscilla and Allix.
Got home and got the boys and went to visit the Laxa/Yup family. Had a good time. Allix is so big. I gave her the sweater and after we came back home.

Got home, rested a bit. Bathed the boys and got them ready for bed. Gabriel was first to go down, after Javi finished watching Angry birds he went to bed. I played a game of Madden 20 while watching Avengers End Game and about to go to bed.

Monday, August 5, 2019

Back to work

Got up, super tired,  but hey got to make it to work. Got ready, made Gabriel a bottle and got my things and went to work. The drive was smooth and now parked. Nap time! Fell asleep for a bit then headed out to work. Got there. Checked my emails and got updates on things. Had lunch and watched the Whitney Cummings special on Netflix which was eh.

Headed over to 1440 and talked to Amilcar and Randy for a bit. Everyone was out so it was just me and Humberto in the meeting and I was trying to figure out the mess they made while I was gone. I think I may have a bit of understanding of what they want to do. I guess tomorrow we will finalize it.
After I headed to put gas in the car and headed home. Right now I am with Javi outside waiting for his coach to bring his Junior Giants trophy.

My wife wanted to go to target and do some shopping. Got back home, made dinner, washed dishes and clothes. Put Gabriel to bed, showered and watched some TV before bed

Sunday, August 4, 2019

Drive Back (street boys) Home

Got up and got everything ready to take down to the car. I loaded the truck and got everyone in and we started the drive. Gabriel wasn't feeling well and threw up in the car. We made a quick stop and cleaned him up. We went to have breakfast and get coffee before continuing the drive.

We continued the drive and made it home before 3. I put almost everything away and also started washing the carseat that Gabriel threw up on. Showered and now resting. Backstreet Boys concert later tonight.

Got ready to go, we drove to the concert and paid $35 for parking. My wife had to check in her purse due to some crazy money making scheme by SAP center and we went in. We really enjoy the concert. After we came home and now it's bed time.

Saturday, August 3, 2019

Disney day 2

Woke up around 5:48 am. I had an alarm for 6 am. I laid back down and missed it. Up at 6:38 am and started to get ready. We were heading downstairs by 7:10. I switched the car seat and booster to our truck and off we went to Disneyland.
We got on a few rides, ate breakfast, met Mickey, Minnie and Donald. After we were off to California Adventure park.

We got on Cars again. Luigi's ride, went to 2 shows and now we are waiting for our reservation for Goofy's kitchen.
We had a fun meal and went into Disneyland after.

Got on one last ride and went back to the hotel. Got things ready since we are leaving early. Showers for all and now bed time.

Friday, August 2, 2019


Up early. Got the kids ready and now waiting to go to Disneyland! Got to the park and got the tickets for everyone else. We went straight to the Star War land and got on the Smugglers run, after we went to eat breakfast and hit up some fantasy land rides. After we headed to California Adventure. Got on Soaring California and the Grizzly Peak ride.

Got on more rides, my wife and the boys went back to the hotel and instated to get on rides with my nieces and nephews.  Now waiting for them to get back. Going to grab a snack soon.
They came back and we were able to get on the Cars ride, went over to eat at Pizza Planet and waited for the re-debut of the Main Street Electrical Parade.

The parade was awesome, nice throwback to a simpler time. After we decided to call it a night. Back at the hotel, showers for everyone and bedtime soon.

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Universal Studios

Been since 1:15 am and started to drive around 1:30ish. Right now it's 6:09 am and my wife is driving. We are about an hour and 45 minutes from Universal Studios.
We first stopped off for pastries at Portos and finally made it to Universal Studios.
The Harry Potter themed land and rides we awesome. They did a great job with it. After we hit up the studio tour and the transformers ride before checking out the Walking Dead walk through and headed home.

We left Universal Studios and drove to the hotel in Anaheim across the street from Disneyland. We unpacked the car and now are resting as later we are going to go in to Disneyland for a bit after getting our annual passes.
We took a nap and went to downtown Disney before going into Disneyland.

We got in and got corn dogs. Got on a few rides and now we are heading back to the hotel to get some rest for tomorrow.