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Friday, March 15, 2019

Friday vibes

Got up, got dressed,  put clothes to dry and made coffee and headed out to work. Traffic was smooth, got parking and now I wait to walk to work. I have to meet 8 OJT EWs to guide them to 1440 for a training.
I walked to my desk, checked in and met with the EW's. Walked with the over to 1440namd sat in on training. It was good, I have some ideas for when we present it.

Stayed at 1440. Went to grab some cheese pizza with Amilcar. Did some research on a topic for training and talked with some folks there. Came home after, washed bottles and sanitized them. When that was done we went to Costco.

Got hime, put away what we bought. Folded and started watching Aquaman. Had some wine and shrimp. Put Gabriel to sleep, now about to shower and sleep myself.

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