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Sunday, March 31, 2019


Got up, made coffee and 2 little sandwiches. Took the boys out to play and had a water balloon fight. Changed them and brought out the little water tower so they can play. Now back in the house chilling. Going to shower when my wife is done showering.

Showered, took some pills for my Vertigo and we headed to have lunch at BJ's. After we went to target and came home. Took a quick nap and my sister came over and we had dinner. Now bathing the kids.

Watched The Walking Dead and put Gabriel to sleep, Javi came in the room to sleep as well as it took me a bit to get Gabriel to sleep. After I showered again and watched some Netflix before bed.

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Dumbo day

Got up,  are a nacatamale and had coffee. Got ready and went to pick up Alexia and my Mom. We headed out to the movies to watch Dumbo.

The movie was good, it did drag a bit. Javi got a bit restless towards the end. After we dropped off Alexia, then my mom. Drove back and got a sandwich at Darby Dan's. We came home, Gabriel napped and went over to visit Amilcar and Olga.

Got home, changed Gabriel and put him to bed. Showered and now chilling until going to bed. Overall a good day.

Friday, March 29, 2019

Training week day 5

Got up a bit late, went to get dressed and put clothes to dry. Made coffee and drove to work. The drive was good, but there was traffic so I had to get off an exit before and take the streets. Now parked and waiting to start walking to work. 2 more trainings today and we are done for the week.
First training went ok, the first part took hella long. I had to reign that in. It was one of the longer trainings we had. Did the recap and now eating lunch.

White rice, orange, apple and maybe a dessert for lunch. Going to chill until the last training. Got things ready and then last one went well for what it was. After did my report and headed out to my car. Drove home and we headed off to Serramonte.

Had dinner and walked around for a bit. Did some shopping at Target and came home. Showered and watched some of the Giants game, changed Gabriel and put him to sleep. Javi just went to bed.
Watched some tv, the Giants lost again. Now going to bed. Going to watch Dumbo tomorrow

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Training week day 4 (Opening Day 2019)

Got up, got dressed, made coffee and headed out to work. The drive was smooth. Now parked. Today is MLB 2019 Opening Day! Giants play the Padres later today. Going to rest now until I have to start walking to work. Today should be a good day, 2 trainings today.
First training was a bit strange, people asked really dumb questions but we got through it.

Had lunch. Started listening to the Giants game. Went to do the training and after heard the rest of the Giants game, they lost 2-0. After did my wrap up and headed to the car. Drove to get the kids, about to go home.

Got home, relaxed a bit. Had dinner, put Gabriel to sleep. Came out and we booked our family vacation to Cancun. We leave June 14th. Can't wait. Now watching tv and about to go to bed. One more day of training to go tomorrow

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Training week day 3

It's Wednesday, tired. Gabriel was being a butt last night. Need more sleep. Forum in the morning, training at 2. Have to check out some things for the next round of trainings. Here we go.
Attended the forum meeting, it was about an hour long. After I went to my desk.

Ran over to Walgreens to get some oj, chips and chocolate.  Had lunch and now in the pm training.  Seriously annoyed with these people. 
The training ended on a better note. After I went over to do my end of the day report and walked to the car. Drove home, took out the trash and went to Trader Joe's.

Got to my sister's house to get the boys. Got our tickets for Dumbo for Saturday. Came home, had dinner, bathed the boys and now they should be going to bed. About to watch some TV before bed.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Training week day 2

Got up, didn't feel I got good rest. When I got up, Gabriel was making a scandal. Changed his diaper and my wife gave him a bottle. I went to change, put clothes to dry and made my coffee and headed out to work. The drive was good, got good parking today. Still not feeling well. But we go on. 2 trainings today.
Oh boy, morning training went pretty good. Still not feeling it. I had to slow myself down a bit. I hate the fact that I had to get sick now. Having the nervousness of training and being sick are not ideal. But we move on and do it live.

Afternoon :
Had lunch. Chilled for a bit and got ready for then next training. It went well, my supervisor stopped by to check it out. After I updated some items, sent out a survey and headed to the car. Drove home and had dinner, watched some Smackdown Live.

Washed bottles, moved somethings around and tried putting Gabriel to sleep. It didn't work so my wife tried and I played Uno with Javi. After he went to bed I took a shower and now off to sleep. 5 more trainings to go.

Monday, March 25, 2019

Training week Day 1

Got up, got some good sleep. Got ready and headed to work. Parked in my 3rd area. The other 2 were taken. Today we start training and I am feeling sick. Hope they go well.
First training went as expected. It was a tiny bit rough but we got through it. Now doing the write up for it.

Had lunch and now getting ready for the second performance of the day. It went well, after I did the wrap up and sent it in. Drove to my sister's to get the kids, came home started laundry. Changed to go to take the boys to swim class. It was good, Javi did well. Gabriel cried at first but he finished strong. After we went to grab food and went home.

Had Hawaiian BBQ and my wife bathed the kids. I got Gabriel ready and washed dishes, showered and did more laundry. Right now watching RAW and in a bit going to bed. So tired.

Sunday, March 24, 2019


Got up around 10 or 11. Got dressed, loaded up the car with the donation items and headed out to donate them and get the boys.

Went to in and out burger, grabbed lunch for everyone and met my brother and sister at the park. We hung out for a while and then we came home.
After some time we went to Target to get a few things and came back home.

Dinner was made and we watched tv. I shaved and showered. Watched the Walking Dead and now going to bed.

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Cleaning day

Got up, made breakfast.  Made coffee. Finished watching Mary Poppins Returns. Started cleaning the bathroom and our room. It was hella dirty, found somethings we haven't seem in a minute. But that is why we clean. About half way gone with the cleaning part, still have to get to the closet.
After some heavy cleaning and getting Gabriel to finally take a nap, I went out to the living room.

Played Uno and Go Fish with Javi. My sister came by to get the boys. Now cleaning out the closet and putting clothes on bags for donation. Most of the loot crate shirts are gone, they were not really good with the designs, oh well. About to finally shower.
After we went to Serramonte and then headed out to dinner.

We drove to Kincaid's and had a very good meal. No dessert today, we were pretty full. Came back home and just chilled the rest of the night. Now going to bed.

Friday, March 22, 2019

Not a good start

My stomach was hurting a lot this morning.  After using the bathroom I got ready and went downstairs to put clothes to dry, made coffee and went to the car. When I turn the key to start the car the key broke in the ignition and I could not move the car.
I had to go in the house and get pliers and try to remove the broken key. It took some time, but I got it out. I got the spare key and drove to work. It was raining, but the drive was good. Found parking and switched out the remote from the main key to the spare. I have to find where I can get a copy of the key.
Not an ideal way to start the day, but we move forward. Today I finish up the power point, we print and practice.
The morning went well, had a discussion with my supervisor regarding the training. We went over the timing and decided to go with what we had. We started printing the materials and waited for further approval.

Walked over to 1440 and went to Costco with Amilcar to grab lunch. Had a cheese pizza and a churro. After went to practice the training. We got final approval and were able to print and copy the items.
We ran through it once and in went down to check an email and came home. Om the way home I put gas in and started to clean the living room.

We started watching Mary Poppins Returns,  we had dinner. I put Gabriel to sleep and showered. I put Javi to bed as well. We left about 40 minutes left to watch tomorrow. Now watching tv and about to go to bed.

Thursday, March 21, 2019


Missed both of my alarms. Woke up at 6:09. Shot out of bed, got dressed, made coffee and drove to work. Got parking in my usual spot. Walked over to work. It's cold out today, but not too bad. About to send in my check in email and edit the power point. Hopefully the other people who were supposed to send me things have sent them. I have a meeting at 11 and training practice at 2.
Met with the other 2913's and after met with my supervisor, we talked about the upcoming training.

Had lunch, walked over to 1440. We did our practice round and timed the training and submitted our suggestions. After work I headed home, we met my mom at Target yo get the kids. We shopped and came home.

Started laundry and put Gabriel to bed. Played Uno with Javi and brushed his teeth and took him to bed. Watched some tv, finished laundry and now going to bed. One more day this week, hopefully we are able to finish up all the materials and practice the training for Monday.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Holy traffic

Got up, got dressed,  drove to work. The traffic was really bad. Luckily I got parking in the spot that I normally park at. It's raining so I will have to walk in the rain.
Got up from a 10 minute nap and started the walk, it was raining,  but not too bad. Got here pretty quick. Going to send my check in email and start on my work.
I checked in with my supervisor and started working on the updates. Have to produce something quick, training is on Monday.

Afternoon :
Had lunch, headed over to 1440. I went over the GetCalFresh demo site and we talked about the updates and as a group we decided to write our supervisor a letter explaining our concerns about the material they want to add last minute. After work I went to get the kids at my sister's.

Ran out with Javi to get dinner while my wife stayed back and bathed Gabriel. When we got back we had dinner. I washed some dishes and  I am sitting on the bed waiting for Gabriel to sleep.
Well, Gabriel decided to finally do it and take that leap of faith out of the crib. He had been teasing and doing a stare down and he flew into the air, wishing he would soar... but he fell to the ground like a sack of potatoes.
Before I showered we played Uno and now watching tv before sleeping.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

No parking

Got up, got dressed,  made coffee and drove to work. There was no parking left in my usual places, so I had to go to my 3rd place and got one. Hopefully it will be fine here. Have to check in with my supervisor today about yesterday's events.
Got in to work, checked in and started my morning routine. Talked with my supervisor and got on a webinar.

After the webinar I had lunch
Waiting to see if I have to go to a meeting later today. Went over to 1440 for the pre forum meeting, which was pretty much BS. Now I have to add some things to the power point. After came home, hit up Popeye's and drove to Arnel's house.

Finally held Allix Rae, Brian, Aisha and Aria were there. Javi really was excited to meet her. Gabriel was a bit jealous when my wife held her. After we came home and I put Gabriel to bed and Javi shortly after. Now watching tv until bed time.

Monday, March 18, 2019

Another Monday

Got up, got dressed,  had breakfast, made coffee and drove to work. The drive was good, found parking quick. I think later today I may go send the money order for Javi's extended care program. I also have to edit some things for training. Hope today goes fast, later we are going to my sister's to celebrate Myrna's birthday.
Got in, checked in. My supervisor is out today. Have to go to a meeting later. Updated my power point and I was able to go to the post office to send out the money order for Javi's extended care.

Had lunch, hung out. Attended a meeting for end 2 end. Found out some good info on the get calfresh website that I have to share with my supervisor. After headed home. Got home, put clothes to wash and off to my sister's house.

Went to pick up the kids. My mom made some food and my sister made a cake for Myrna. After we came home, put Gabriel to sleep,  tried playing Uno with Javi. I think tomorrow it will go better, I don't recall the rules of this game. Now watching RAW and going to bed soon.

Sunday, March 17, 2019

St. Patrick's Day

Got up, my back was hurting since I had to contort myself at night due to Gabriel being right beside me. I made breakfast and coffee and hung out. My wife showered while I played outside with the kids.

Showered and took a nap with Gabriel. We went to have a late lunch/early dinner at Chili's. Came back home and chilled for a bit.

Watched the Walking Dead and now trying to put Gabriel to bed. It took close to 2 hours. After I showered and we watched an episode of Arrested Development and now hanging out until bed time.

Myrna's party

Late post
Got up, made breakfast and got ready to get Javi a hair cut. Went to the park after and played for some time.

Had lunch and went shopping for fruit. Came back home and rested before heading out the Chuck E Cheese for Myrna's birthday. We had fun and headed out after to Serramonte.

Came back home. Put Gabriel to sleep and watched tv for the rest of the night.

Friday, March 15, 2019

Friday vibes

Got up, got dressed,  put clothes to dry and made coffee and headed out to work. Traffic was smooth, got parking and now I wait to walk to work. I have to meet 8 OJT EWs to guide them to 1440 for a training.
I walked to my desk, checked in and met with the EW's. Walked with the over to 1440namd sat in on training. It was good, I have some ideas for when we present it.

Stayed at 1440. Went to grab some cheese pizza with Amilcar. Did some research on a topic for training and talked with some folks there. Came home after, washed bottles and sanitized them. When that was done we went to Costco.

Got hime, put away what we bought. Folded and started watching Aquaman. Had some wine and shrimp. Put Gabriel to sleep, now about to shower and sleep myself.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Pie day... the streak continues

Got up, still so tired and sleepy. It's cold, so cold. Got up and got ready to go to work. The drive was good, quick. Found parking quick as well. Waiting for time to go to my work station.
Walked to work, it was cold. Checked in and started on some work. Updated a few things and chilled.

Went to grab some coffee and came back for our unit meeting. We went over the materials and made some edits. I need to update one more thing before Wednesday. After the meeting I started walking to my car to come home. Put gas in the car and got home, talked with my mom a bit and now relaxing.

Had dinner. My wife bathed the boys. I put Gabriel to bed and showerd. Javi went to bed after. I finished laundry, we watched some tv and now relaxing before bed. One more day if work this week.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Hump day

Got up, when I was leaving the room Gabriel got up and I went to get him a bottle. I went to get dressed and got ready for work. The drive was good, slight traffic,  had to get out an exit earlier. Found parking, the last spot where I usually park. It's really cold out there today.
Today we have the forum, I have to present 3 items and later going to try and make a training video.
I went to the forum and had to step out early. They were going to deliver my new chair. They came late.

I went to eat lunch and listened to a podcast, when I got back to my desk I made the 3 videos, had coffee with Amilcar and talked with my supervisor. After work I walked to the car, drove home, took out the trash and went to target before picking up the kids.

We had dinner at Sizzlers with my sister, niece,  Vanessa and Dominic. After we came home, put Gabriel to bed and took a shower. Javi went to bed before I got out. Now hanging out until I go to bed.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Another day

Oh lord I am so tired. I had a bad night. My stomach was acting up. Had to use the bathroom multiple times. Gabriel did ok when he went back to sleep. I got up, got ready, put clothes to dry, made my coffee and headed out to work. Got the last parking spot in the area I go to.  Now waiting to start walking.
Got in, checked in. Flaked to my supervisor and reviewed materials.

Ordered a sandwich and picked it up. About to have lunch and go back down to work on some items before going to the pre-forum meeting. Did what I needed to do and headed home.

Made dinner, had dinner, folded clothes and played with the kids. Bathed both boys, put Gabriel to bed and Javi after. Now hanging out watching tv. Will probably watch Smackdown Live before bed.

Monday, March 11, 2019

Monday... the streak begins

Got up, missed the alarm. But still had time.  Went to go get ready and to get my things for work. Made coffee and headed out. Missed out on the parking that I normally get, but my back up spot was available. Now waiting for time to start walking to work.
Got to work, checked in, checked email, talked to my supervisor and reviewed some work.

Had lunch, reviewing some materials and waiting to go home. Got a new keyboard,  it's ergonomic. My chair needs to be replaced ASAP as possible. I sent out an email request and they should be sending me a new one soon. After I got out I went to pick up Javi's shirt at Kohl's and came home to start washing. When my wife got home we went to visit Priscilla, Arnel and Allix Rae. She is so cute. She has a bit of jaundice so we couldn't hold her dur to her being in treatment.
Arnel asked me if I would be one her Godfathers and I accepted. That was a really cool thing.

We left the hospital and went to meet my sister at Costco. She had the boys and we got them and a few items and came home. Put Gabriel to sleep and Javi followed after. Now watching RAW and finishing up waking clothes before going to bed.

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Fast lane

Got up, went to the living room with the kids and when my wife woke up she made them pancakes. Now hanging out and waiting to see what we do.

Got ready, headed out to get gas and go to the park. Had lunch at Black Bear Diner and will not be going back, it wasn't good, service was slow, food underwhelming. Went to Target and came home.

Bathed both boys while watching Fast Lane. After watched the Walking Dead and put the boys to bed. About to shower and go to sleep. Work tomorrow.

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Captain Marvel

Got up. Slept with Javi in my mother in law's room, my wife and Gabriel were in our room. When we got up we cleaned a bit and got ready. I went to pick up my mom.

My wife and I went to watch Captain Marvel.  It was ok, felt a little let down. After we hit up Target and in and out burger. Dropped my mom off and now chilling at home.

The kids remained sick. Gabriel fell asleep on top of me and went to bed. Javi is still feeling sick so we had to skip the party at Amilcar's house. Just been relaxing and just got great news, Arnel and Priscilla welcomed Allix Rae Yup Laxa into the world. Such a lovely day

Friday, March 8, 2019

Another day at home

Javi is sick now. Stayed home with both boys. Doing laundry, watching Netflix, cleaning and hanging out with them both. See what happens later.

My wife came home,  I showered and took off to Safeway to send some money to My Dad. Came back had lunch and chilled with Gabriel. Javi is still feeling sick.
We went out to serramonte to get Myrna her birthday gift. Forgot to get Olga her gift card. Will get it tomorrow.

Got home, washed the last of the clothes and watched some tv. Gabriel threw up and we cleaned him up. Now just hanging put. Tomorrow we watch Captain Marvel.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Back at work

Got up. Another bad night with Gabriel. He has issues with sleep. I think it goes beyond him being sick. Anyway, got up, got dressed,  washed and sanitized bottles, made coffee and headed out. Thinking of starting my day at 1440 since we have a meeting later. We'll see.
Javi stayed home sick. I got to work, checked in and started working. Before lunch I went to Costco.

Had lunch, played some candy crush and chilled until the meeting at 2. We talked about our progress with our parts and set up the meeting for next week. On my way home, getting Javi some food.
Looks like Javi is doing pretty bad. He said he was dizzy. He ended up throwing up.

Bathed the boys and got the dressed
Went to have sushi with my wife and now we are home. Putting Gabriel to sleep and going to shower after. My wife is taking her mom to the airport.
Javi doesn't look too well, waiting to see how he does tonight, may or may not stay home tomorrow

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Hump day home day

Woke up around 4 or so, took Gabriel to the living room and we fell asleep on the couch. I called out from work to stay with him. Hopefully today he gets better. It's been a tough few days for him.
He did alright today. Got him to eat and nap. Now waiting to go to Javi's school.

Went to the parent/teacher conference and it went as expected. We have to help Javi slow down with his work. Now about yo go pick him up.
Went to pick up Javi and hung out for a bit. When we were ready we came back home.

Bathed Gabriel while my wife made dinner.  I showered and played with the kids.  Tried putting Gabriel to sleep but it didn't work.  Javi went to bed and I have Gabriel here with me trying to get him to stay asleep.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Another day

Again Gabriel threw up, this time around 3 am. Had to change the sheets again. But he went to sleep after. A lot of phlegm being spit up, so that is good I guess. Went back to bed, woke up, got dressed. Put clothes to wash and some to dry and headed out. It's raining today.  The drive was ok, just wet. Now waiting to go in to work.
Got in, checked in and walked over to the forum. They had a special one today with the introduction of end 2 end. I spoke up during the meeting to remind them to buy in, the only way to get everyone on board is to buy in and sell it.
After we walked back in the rain.

Had lunch, watched Netflix and napped a bit. Now running out the clock. Updated my power point and now just waiting. Got home and chilled. Got into a slight argument with the wife about an issue that we both agreed on. We talked it out and moved on. Gabriel is still sick and slept on me for close to 2 hours.

Put him to bed, showered, washed dishes and he woke up. We gave him meds and he threw up. I made a quick Target run to get lactose milk and tylenol for him. Hopefully he rests tonight.

Monday, March 4, 2019


Morning :
Gabriel again had a bad night. He threw up around 5 am. My wife cleaned him up, I changed the sheets. After I tried to rest a bit more, bit I couldn't. I got up, got dressed,  washed the dishes and bottles. Made my coffee and headed out. Last night they said it wasn't going to rain, but it was raining. Now parked and waiting to start walking to work.
It was raining a bit when I was walking in, I updated the power point and checked out a website I needed to see for another project. I talked to my supervisor and waited for lunch.

Had my sandwich and water. Watched some Netflix and waited for time to go home. Got to my sister's house to get Javi. Gabriel stayed home all day since he was sick. Another issue going on with my nephew that seems really serious this time. Don't have all the details yet. After went home and chilled.

Played with the kids a bit, went to grab dinner and came back home to eat. Changed Gabriel, Javi changed himself and now about to see if little man goes to bed and take a shower.
He fell asleep and I stared to wash and sanitize bottles. He woke up, I washed Javi's teeth, my wife put Gabriel back to bed, after my shower I took Javi to bed and now watching some tv and going to bed soon.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

And it just continues....

Finally was able to get in to bed at 4 am. Gabriel had taken up most of the bed and my wife took my spot. So I waited until he got up for a bottle to get in. He did not go to sleep quickly, but when he did we all woke up around 9. He has tummy issues again. He pooped through the diaper and on the bed. Got on his clothes and my clothes. My wife bathed him and now we will be showering.
We ordered in from Red Robin and now are waiting.

We got our food. Had lunch and finished Spider man into the spider-verse and went to Target and Khol's. We came home after since Gabriel had a little accident.

My wife bathed both boys and we gave them dinner. I ate sardines and rice, along with some Flor de caña and coke. Waiting for Gabriel to go to bed so I can go watch the Walking Dead.
He did not sleep right away. I took a shower and he went to bed with Javi and my wife. After my shower we finished watching the Walking Dead and now just chilling  before bed.

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Weekend baby

Got up, hanging out. Gabriel wants to be a mama's boy right now, Javi is in playroom singing songs from Beauty and the Beast. Warming up my Nacatamale to have breakfast. Had breakfast and coffee and hung out a bit. We got ready to head out to drop the boys off at my sister's.

Dropped them off, hung out for a bit. Took off to the movies. Today we saw Fighting with my Family. I enjoyed it, ofcourse there were things that were not accurate, but they had a story to tell and I think it was fun. After we went to get the boys and hung out some more before coming home.

Gabriel threw up 3 times. Javi is having stomach issues. We let them chill until late and now I am going to shower to get this day off of me. We watched a bit of Spiderman before my wife went to bed with the kids. Staying up a bit and then going to bed.

Friday, March 1, 2019

Finally Friday

Got up, got dressed and headed out for work. The drive was good, found parking, took a nap before heading in to work. Met Amilcar and went to Peet's for some coffee and now back at work. Waiting for the day to pass.
Went to an early lunch with Amilcar tonthe Market. After we walked over to Costco and to 1440. I waited for my afternoon meeting.

Met with my team,  it went as expected. We made a deadline for ourselves to have items ready by Thursday so we can be prepared for our next trainings. After that I came home and chilled for a bit.

Had dinner, put Gabriel to sleep and now about to shower. Javi went to bed after, we have take him to the dollar tree to get some items to build a trap for a leprechaun for school. I watched some tv and now going to bed.