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Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Your mission if you choose to accept it...

Got up, it is very cold. Got dressed,  put clothes to dry, made coffee and headed out in the cold to drive to work. The drive was good, no traffic. Found good parking. So, apparently there was an app on my phone that was constantly running and used to close to 5 GB, leaving us with around .65 GB left until Saturday. So I cannot use my phone outside of any place that doesn't have wi-fi. Oh well. Today we have 3 trainings. 1 in the AM and 2 in the PM. I hope they all go well.
Got to my desk and everything was good. Checked in and started getting ready for training. The first one went well, it was fun, we finished a bit early. I had to talk to my supervisor about an issue that I needed to get off my chest.

Ate my sandwich and had 2 pieces of chocolate. Reviewed the items for tomorrow that we will present at forum. The 1:30 training was good, it went at a good pace. Now waiting for the 3 PM one to start. After going home to finish folding clothes and getting some rest.
Got home, played with the kids and ordered some dinner. Now waiting.

Had dinner, bathed both boys. They played a bit and put Gabriel to bed. Javi shortly after. I showered and watched some tv until going to bed.

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