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Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Back to work

Got up, put a pillow on the side of Gabriel before going to get ready for work. Made my coffee and headed out. It was raining at certain points, but nothing too drastic. Got to my parking area and now waiting to get in to work. Hopefully today goes quick. I have to type up my notes from Monday and go to the forum.
The forum went well, checked in with my supervisor regarding the meeting in went to and the topics that we were to go over. Humberto did the presentation since I did not come in yesterday. Soon I will have lunch and chill until coming back in to work.

Had lunch and went over to Peet's for an iced coffee. Came back to work and looked for ways to keep busy. Did some research and helped a few people out and headed to get the kids at my sister's. Picked up the kids and gave my mom the money for the nacatamales that I ordered. About to head home.

Got home, ordered some Round Table Pizza. We had dinner, I put Gabriel to sleep,  showered and put Javi to sleep. I asked my sister if she could watch the kids on Saturday so we can go to the movies. She said yes. After I hung out, watched tv and now going to bed

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