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Monday, February 25, 2019

Registration day and then some

Woke up a bit earlier than normal. Gabriel had a better night than anticipated. We think he may have swallowed something again, we hope that is not the case. I got dressed and went to register the boys for swim class. The class we wanted for Javi was full right away, I got him in the 2nd class at the same time. Gabriel was another story, the system kept saying he was ineligible, however he was. I had to create a quick dummy account and it recognized him. So they are both in. After I drove to work, traffic was smooth and now parked. Have to make some copies for tomorrow's appointment and fill out and print the applications.
Got in to work, made the copies, printed the applications and put those away. Had a nice chat with Sandra and now digging into work.

Ate my lunch and watched a show on Netflix called Safe. I was told to go over and attend a meeting for the end 2 end process. I walked over to 1440 and did some research and attended the meeting.
It would be best of these folks in the meeting started seeing themselves as 1 team instead of 2 buildings.
After I came home to get my wife and Gabriel to go pick up Javi.
We got to my sister's and hung out a bit and came home. Had dinner and tried to put Gabriel to sleep.

He threw up, so he is still not feeling well. After both boys went to bed. I stayed up to watch RAW and another episode of Safe. About to go to bed.

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